예제 #1
def check_farm_action(student_module):
    """`farm_action` returns correct values for all test cases"""
    StandardChecks.n_params(student_module.farm_action, n_params=7)
    cases = [
            ("sunny", "day", True, "pasture", "spring", False, True),
            "take cows to cowshed\nmilk cows\ntake cows back to pasture",
        (("rainy", "night", False, "cowshed", "winter", False, True), "wait"),
            ("rainy", "night", False, "cowshed", "winter", True, True),
            "fertilize pasture",
        (("windy", "night", True, "cowshed", "winter", True, True),
         "milk cows"),
        (("bowling", "night", False, "cowshed", "winter", False, True),
        (("sunny", "night", True, "cowshed", "summer", False, True),
         "milk cows"),

    for args, return_val in cases:
        assert student_module.farm_action(*args) == return_val, (
            "Your implementation did not work when called with these parameters: "
            + "`" + str(args) + "`")
예제 #2
def check_random_koala_fact(student_module):
    StandardChecks.n_params(student_module.random_koala_fact, n_params=0)

    facts = __get_all_facts(student_module)
    for _ in range(10):
        assert (
            student_module.random_koala_fact() in facts
        ), "`random_koala_fact` returned something other than a koala fact"
def check_commentator_init(student_module):
    """The `Commentator.__init__` method has been implemented correctly"""
    StandardChecks.n_params(student_module.Commentator, n_params=1)

    commentator = student_module.Commentator("Super Double Plus Commentator")
    assert (
        commentator.name == "Super Double Plus Commentator"
    ), "`.name` should be set to the value of the `name` parameter passed to `__init__`"
def check_platform(student_module):
    StandardChecks.n_params(student_module.platform, n_params=0)

    expected_platform = sys.platform
    platform = student_module.platform()
    assert (
        student_module.platform() == sys.platform
    ), f"Expected platform to be {expected_platform}, but it was {platform}"
def check_won_golden_globe(student_module):
    StandardChecks.n_params(student_module.won_golden_globe, n_params=1)

    assert student_module.won_golden_globe("Jeff") is False
    assert student_module.won_golden_globe("jaws") is True
    assert student_module.won_golden_globe("JAWS") is True
    assert student_module.won_golden_globe("memoirs of a geisha") is True
    assert student_module.won_golden_globe("test") is False
def check_alphabetical_order(student_module):
    StandardChecks.n_params(student_module.alphabetical_order, n_params=1)

    assert student_module.alphabetical_order(["b", "a",
                                              "c"]) == ["a", "b", "c"]
    assert student_module.alphabetical_order(["b", "c",
                                              "d"]) == ["b", "c", "d"]
    assert student_module.alphabetical_order([5, 1, 5]) == [1, 5, 5]
def check_remove_toto_albums(student_module):
    StandardChecks.n_params(student_module.remove_toto_albums, n_params=1)

    assert student_module.remove_toto_albums(["Old Is New"]) == []
    assert student_module.remove_toto_albums([]) == []
    assert student_module.remove_toto_albums(["test",
                                              "Old Is New"]) == ["test"]
    assert student_module.remove_toto_albums(
        ["test", "Fahrenheit", "Old Is New"]) == ["test"]
def check_most_vowels(student_module):
    StandardChecks.n_params(student_module.most_vowels, n_params=1)

    countries = student_module.get_countries()
    assert set(student_module.most_vowels(countries)) == {
        "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands",
        "Micronesia, Federated States of",
        "United States Minor Outlying Islands",
    }, "Your top 3 is not correct."
def check_player_strength(student_module):
    """The `Player.strength` method is implemented correctly"""
    StandardChecks.n_params(student_module.Player, n_params=4)

    tip = "`.strength()` should return a tuple of the player's best attribute and its value"
    Player = student_module.Player
    assert Player("Super Bob", 0.3, 0.5, 0.5).strength() == ("endurance", 0.5), tip
    assert Player("_ _", 0.3, 0.5, 0.6).strength() == ("accuracy", 0.6), tip
    assert Player("_ _", 0.3, 0.5, 0.6).strength() == ("accuracy", 0.6), tip
    assert Player("_ _", 0.7, 0.5, 0.6).strength() == ("speed", 0.7), tip
def check_commentator_sum_player(student_module):
    """The `Commentator.sum_player` method has been implemented correctly"""
    StandardChecks.n_params(student_module.Commentator, n_params=1)
    StandardChecks.n_params(student_module.Commentator.sum_player, n_params=2)

    commentator = student_module.Commentator("Super Double Plus Commentator")
    player = student_module.Player("Super Bob", 0.3, 0.5, 0.5)
    assert (
        commentator.sum_player(player) == 1.3
    ), "`.sum_player()` should return the sum of the player's speed, endurance and accuracy"
def check_alphabet_set(student_module):
    StandardChecks.n_params(student_module.alphabet_set, n_params=1)

    countries = student_module.get_countries()
    alpha = {chr(i) for i in range(97, 123)}
    provided = set("".join(
        [x.lower() for x in student_module.alphabet_set(countries)]))
    assert provided.issuperset(
    ), f"Your set of countries does not provide these letters: {alpha - provided}"
예제 #12
def check_add_rating(student_module):
    """`add_rating_to_restaurant` is implemented correctly"""
    StandardChecks.n_params(student_module.add_rating_to_restaurant, n_params=0)

    current_rating_count = student_module.models.Rating.select().count()
    new_rating_count = student_module.models.Rating.select().count()
    assert (
        current_rating_count < new_rating_count
    ), f"Expected number of ratings to go from {current_rating_count} to {new_rating_count}"
def check_wait(student_module):
    StandardChecks.n_params(student_module.wait, n_params=1)

    wait_duration = random.random()
    start = time.time()
    actual_duration = time.time() - start
    assert round(actual_duration, 1) == round(
        wait_duration, 1
    ), f"Expected to wait for {wait_duration} but actually waited for {actual_duration}"
예제 #14
def check_greet(student_module):
    name = f"Bob #{RANDOM_STR}"
    assert (student_module.greet(name) == f"Hello, {name}!"
            ), "The greeting for the default case is not correct."

    template = f"Testing, <name>{RANDOM_STR}!"
    assert student_module.greet(name, template) == template.replace(
        "<name>", name), "The greeting with a template is not not correct."
예제 #15
def check_cheapest_dish(student_module):
    """`cheapest_dish` is implemented correctly"""
    StandardChecks.n_params(student_module.cheapest_dish, n_params=0)
    StandardChecks.n_params(student_module.models.Dish.select, n_params=1)

    dish = student_module.cheapest_dish()
    assert dish == (
    ), f"Expected the cheapest dish to be {dish}"
예제 #16
def check_get_item_from_list(student_module):
    StandardChecks.n_params(student_module.get_item_from_list, n_params=2)

    foo = list(range(10))
    assert student_module.get_item_from_list(foo, 9) == 9
    assert student_module.get_item_from_list(foo, -1) == 9
    assert student_module.get_item_from_list(foo, 10) is None

    src = strip_comments(inspect.getsource(student_module.get_item_from_list))
    assert (
        "try" in src and "if" not in src
    ), "`get_item_from_list` should make use of `try..except` and not `if`"
예제 #17
def check_add(student_module):
    StandardChecks.n_params(student_module.add, n_params=2)

    assert student_module.add(1, 1) == 2, "`1+1` should be 2"
    assert student_module.add(1.2, 3.8) == 5, "`1.2 + 3.8` should be 5"
    assert student_module.add("Hi", 2) == 0, "'Hi' + 2 should return `0`"
    assert student_module.add(3.2,
                              "Hello") == 0, "`3.2 + 'Hello' should return `0`"

    src = strip_comments(inspect.getsource(student_module.add))
    assert ("try" in src and "if"
            not in src), "`add` should make use of `try..except` and not `if`"
def check_cache_zip(student_module):
    StandardChecks.n_params(student_module.cache_zip, n_params=2)

    cache_path, zip_path = __get_paths(student_module)
    student_module.cache_zip(zip_path, cache_path)
    n_cached_files = len(os.listdir(cache_path))
    assert (
        n_cached_files == 1000
    ), f"Expected to find 1000 files in the cache folder after running `cache_zip` but found {n_cached_files}"

예제 #19
def check_vegetarian_dishes(student_module):
    """`vegetarian_dishes` is implemented correctly"""
    StandardChecks.n_params(student_module.vegetarian_dishes, n_params=0)
    StandardChecks.n_params(student_module.models.Dish.select, n_params=1)

    dishes = student_module.vegetarian_dishes()
    assert set(dishes) == set(
            for dish in student_module.models.Dish.select()
            if all([i.is_vegetarian for i in dish.ingredients])
    ), f"Expected the set of vegetarian dishes to be {set(dishes)}"
예제 #20
def check_add_dish_to_menu(student_module):
    """`add_dish_to_menu` is implemented correctly"""
    StandardChecks.n_params(student_module.add_dish_to_menu, n_params=0)

    new_dish = student_module.add_dish_to_menu()
    assert new_dish, "Expected the new dish to be returned"
    assert "cheese" in [
        x.name for x in new_dish.ingredients
    ], "Expected 'cheese' to be in the ingredients for the new dish"
    assert (
        .where(student_module.models.Ingredient.name == "cheese")
        == 1
    ), "The ingredient 'cheese' was created twice"
예제 #21
def check_best_restaurant(student_module):
    """`best_average_rating` is implemented correctly"""
    StandardChecks.n_params(student_module.best_average_rating, n_params=0)

    restaurant = student_module.best_average_rating()
    assert restaurant == (
    ), f"Expected the restaurant with the best average rating to be {restaurant}"
예제 #22
def check_read_file(student_module):
    StandardChecks.n_params(student_module.read_file, n_params=1)

    main_abspath = utils.get_main_abspath(student_module)
    with open(main_abspath, "r") as f:
        main_src = f.read()
    assert (student_module.read_file(main_abspath) == main_src
            ), "`read_file` doesn't read files correctly"

    assert (student_module.read_file("doesnotexist9912.xtx") == ""
            ), "`read_file` doesn't handle files that don't exist correctly"

    src = strip_comments(inspect.getsource(student_module.read_file))
    assert ("try" in src and "if" not in src
            ), "`read_file` should make use of `try..except` and not `if`"
예제 #23
def check_unique_koala_fact(student_module):
    StandardChecks.n_params(student_module.unique_koala_facts, n_params=1)

    facts = __get_all_facts(student_module)

    for n in range(15):
        assert (len(set(student_module.unique_koala_facts(n))) == n
                ), "`unique_koala_facts` returned duplicate koala facts"
        assert set(student_module.unique_koala_facts(n)).issubset(
            facts), "Some of your return values are not koala facts"

    n_unique_facts = 29
    assert (
        len(student_module.unique_koala_facts(50)) == n_unique_facts
    ), "`unique_koala_facts` returned more supposedly unique facts than possible"
def check_add_stamp(student_module):
    StandardChecks.n_params(student_module.create_passport, n_params=5)
    StandardChecks.n_params(student_module.add_stamp, n_params=2)

    passport = student_module.create_passport(**TEST_DATA)
    nationality = TEST_DATA["nationality"]
    assert nationality not in passport.get(
        "stamps", {}), f"Did not expect to find {nationality} in stamps"

    for country in ["Afghanistan", "Bulgaria"]:
        assert country not in passport.get(
            {}), f"Did not expect to find {country} in the passport yet"
        passport = student_module.add_stamp(passport, country)
        assert (country in passport["stamps"]
                ), f"Expected to find {country} in the passport"
def check_clean_cache(student_module):
    StandardChecks.n_params(student_module.clean_cache, n_params=0)

    cache_path, _ = __get_paths(student_module)
    assert os.path.isdir(cache_path), f"`cache_path` did not create {cache_path}"

    # Put some bogus file in it that should be gone after calling clean_cache()
    with open(os.path.join(cache_path, "throwaway"), "w") as fp:
        fp.write("You can remove this file.")
    assert not os.listdir(
    ), f"`clean_cache` does not ensure the cache is empty"

def check_shortest_names(student_module):
    StandardChecks.n_params(student_module.get_countries, n_params=0)

    countries = student_module.get_countries()
    assert student_module.shortest_names(countries) == [
def check_player_class_init(student_module):
    """The `Player.__init__` method is implemented correctly"""
    StandardChecks.n_params(student_module.Player, n_params=4)

    player = student_module.Player("Super Bob", 0.3, 0.5, 0.5)
    assert player.name == "Super Bob", "player.name is not initialized correctly"
    assert player.speed == 0.3
    assert player.endurance == 0.5
    assert player.accuracy == 0.5
        student_module.Player("Bob", -2, 5, 9)
        raise Exception(
            "The Player class init function doesn't handle erroneous values correctly."
    except ValueError:
        # Expected behavior
def check_find_password(student_module):
        raise AssertionError(
            "You need to implement `cached_files` before we can check `find_password`"

    StandardChecks.n_params(student_module.cache_zip, n_params=2)
    StandardChecks.n_params(student_module.cached_files, n_params=0)

    cache_path, zip_path = __get_paths(student_module)
    student_module.cache_zip(zip_path, cache_path)
    assert (
        == "correct_horse_battery_staple"
    ), "The returned password is not correct."
예제 #29
def check_force(student_module):

    assert student_module.force(
        10) == 98, "Did you use earth's gravity by default?"
    assert (round(student_module.force(50)) == 490
            ), "Did you use earth's gravity by default?"

    assert student_module.force(
        10, "sun") == 2740, "'sun' is not handled correctly"
    assert student_module.force(
        10, "pluto") == 6, "'pluto' is not handled correctly"
    assert (student_module.force(
        10, "saturn") == 104), "'saturn' is not handled correctly"
    assert student_module.force(
        10, "earth") == 98, "'earth' is not handled correctly"
예제 #30
def check_dinner_date_possible(student_module):
    """`dinner_date_possible` is implemented correctly"""
    StandardChecks.n_params(student_module.dinner_date_possible, n_params=0)

    date_restaurants = student_module.dinner_date_possible()
    assert set(date_restaurants) == set(
            for restaurant in student_module.models.Restaurant.select()
            .where(student_module.models.Restaurant.opening_time <= "19:00")
            .where(student_module.models.Restaurant.closing_time >= "19:00")
            if any(
                    all([i.is_vegan for i in dish.ingredients])
                    for dish in restaurant.dish_set.select()
    ), f"Expected dinner date restaurants to be {date_restaurants}"