예제 #1
파일: singletest.py 프로젝트: dreschpe/mbed
    def handle(self, test_spec, target_name, toolchain_name):
        Function determines MUT's mbed disk/port and copies binary to
        target. Test is being invoked afterwards.
        data = json.loads(test_spec)
        # Get test information, image and test timeout
        test_id = data['test_id']
        test = TEST_MAP[test_id]
        test_description = TEST_MAP[test_id].get_description()
        image = data["image"]
        duration = data.get("duration", 10)

        # Find a suitable MUT:
        mut = None
        for id, m in MUTs.iteritems():
            if m['mcu'] == data['mcu']:
                mut = m

        if mut is None:
            print "Error: No mbed available: mut[%s]" % data['mcu']

        disk = mut['disk']
        port = mut['port']
        target_by_mcu = TARGET_MAP[mut['mcu']]

        # Program
        # When the build and test system were separate, this was relative to a
        # base network folder base path: join(NETWORK_BASE_PATH, )
        image_path = image
        if not exists(image_path):
            print "Error: Image file does not exist: %s" % image_path
            elapsed_time = 0
            test_result = "{error}"
            return (test_result, target_name, toolchain_name,
                    test_id, test_description, round(elapsed_time, 2), duration)

        if not target_by_mcu.is_disk_virtual:

        # Program MUT with proper image file
        copy(image_path, disk)

        # Copy Extra Files
        if not target_by_mcu.is_disk_virtual and test.extra_files:
            for f in test.extra_files:
                copy(f, disk)


        # Host test execution
        start_host_exec_time = time()
        test_result = self.run_host_test(target_name, port, duration)
        elapsed_time = time() - start_host_exec_time
        print print_test_result(test_result, target_name, toolchain_name,
                                test_id, test_description, elapsed_time, duration)
        return (test_result, target_name, toolchain_name,
                test_id, test_description, round(elapsed_time, 2), duration)
예제 #2
def is_peripherals_available(target_mcu_name, peripherals=None):
    """ Checks if specified target should run specific peripheral test case."""
    if peripherals is not None:
        peripherals = set(peripherals)
    for id, mut in MUTs.iteritems():
        # Target MCU name check
        if mut["mcu"] != target_mcu_name:
        # Peripherals check
        if peripherals is not None:
            if 'peripherals' not in mut:
            if not peripherals.issubset(set(mut['peripherals'])):
        return True
    return False
예제 #3
    def is_peripherals_available(self, target, peripherals=None):
        if peripherals is not None:
            peripherals = set(peripherals)

        for id, mut in MUTs.iteritems():
            # Target check
            if mut["mcu"] != target:
            # Peripherals check
            if peripherals is not None:
                if 'peripherals' not in mut:
                if not peripherals.issubset(set(mut['peripherals'])):
            return True
        return False
예제 #4
def is_peripherals_available(target_mcu_name, peripherals=None):
    """ Checks if specified target should run specific peripheral test case."""
    if peripherals is not None:
        peripherals = set(peripherals)
    for id, mut in MUTs.iteritems():
        # Target MCU name check
        if mut["mcu"] != target_mcu_name:
        # Peripherals check
        if peripherals is not None:
            if 'peripherals' not in mut:
            if not peripherals.issubset(set(mut['peripherals'])):
        return True
    return False
예제 #5
    def handle(self, test_spec, target_name, toolchain_name, test_loops=1):
        """ Function determines MUT's mbed disk/port and copies binary to
            target. Test is being invoked afterwards. """
        data = json.loads(test_spec)
        # Get test information, image and test timeout
        test_id = data['test_id']
        test = TEST_MAP[test_id]
        test_description = TEST_MAP[test_id].get_description()
        image = data["image"]
        duration = data.get("duration", 10)

        # Find a suitable MUT:
        mut = None
        for id, m in MUTs.iteritems():
            if m['mcu'] == data['mcu']:
                mut = m

        if mut is None:
            print "Error: No mbed available: mut[%s]" % data['mcu']

        disk = mut['disk']
        port = mut['port']
        target_by_mcu = TARGET_MAP[mut['mcu']]

        # Program
        # When the build and test system were separate, this was relative to a
        # base network folder base path: join(NETWORK_BASE_PATH, )
        image_path = image
        if not exists(image_path):
            print "Error: Image file does not exist: %s" % image_path
            elapsed_time = 0
            test_result = "{error}"
            return (test_result, target_name, toolchain_name,
                    test_id, test_description, round(elapsed_time, 2), duration)

        # Program MUT with proper image file
        if not disk.endswith('/') and not disk.endswith('\\'):
            disk += '/'

        # Tests can be looped so test results must be stored for the same test
        test_all_result = []
        for test_index in range(test_loops):
            # Choose one method of copy files to mbed virtual drive
            _copy_res, _err_msg, _copy_method = self.file_copy_method_selector(image_path, disk, opts.copy_method)

            # Host test execution
            start_host_exec_time = time()

            if not _copy_res:   # Serial port copy error
                test_result = "IOERR_COPY"
                print "Error: Copy method '%s'. %s"% (_copy_method, _err_msg)
                # Copy Extra Files
                if not target_by_mcu.is_disk_virtual and test.extra_files:
                    for f in test.extra_files:
                        copy(f, disk)

                # Host test execution
                start_host_exec_time = time()
                test_result = self.run_host_test(test.host_test, disk, port, duration, opts.verbose)

            elapsed_time = time() - start_host_exec_time
            print print_test_result(test_result, target_name, toolchain_name,
                                    test_id, test_description, elapsed_time, duration)
        return (self.shape_global_test_loop_result(test_all_result), target_name, toolchain_name,
                test_id, test_description, round(elapsed_time, 2),
                duration, self.shape_test_loop_ok_result_count(test_all_result))
예제 #6
    def handle(self, test_spec, target_name, toolchain_name, test_loops=1):
        """ Function determines MUT's mbed disk/port and copies binary to
            target. Test is being invoked afterwards. """
        data = json.loads(test_spec)
        # Get test information, image and test timeout
        test_id = data['test_id']
        test = TEST_MAP[test_id]
        test_description = TEST_MAP[test_id].get_description()
        image = data["image"]
        duration = data.get("duration", 10)

        # Find a suitable MUT:
        mut = None
        for id, m in MUTs.iteritems():
            if m['mcu'] == data['mcu']:
                mut = m

        if mut is None:
            print "Error: No mbed available: mut[%s]" % data['mcu']

        disk = mut['disk']
        port = mut['port']
        target_by_mcu = TARGET_MAP[mut['mcu']]

        # Program
        # When the build and test system were separate, this was relative to a
        # base network folder base path: join(NETWORK_BASE_PATH, )
        image_path = image
        if not exists(image_path):
            print "Error: Image file does not exist: %s" % image_path
            elapsed_time = 0
            test_result = "{error}"
            return (test_result, target_name, toolchain_name, test_id,
                    test_description, round(elapsed_time, 2), duration)

        # Program MUT with proper image file
        if not disk.endswith('/') and not disk.endswith('\\'):
            disk += '/'

        # Tests can be looped so test results must be stored for the same test
        test_all_result = []
        for test_index in range(test_loops):
            # Choose one method of copy files to mbed virtual drive
            _copy_res, _err_msg, _copy_method = self.file_copy_method_selector(
                image_path, disk, opts.copy_method)

            # Host test execution
            start_host_exec_time = time()

            if not _copy_res:  # Serial port copy error
                test_result = "IOERR_COPY"
                print "Error: Copy method '%s'. %s" % (_copy_method, _err_msg)
                # Copy Extra Files
                if not target_by_mcu.is_disk_virtual and test.extra_files:
                    for f in test.extra_files:
                        copy(f, disk)

                # Host test execution
                start_host_exec_time = time()
                test_result = self.run_host_test(test.host_test, disk, port,
                                                 duration, opts.verbose)

            elapsed_time = time() - start_host_exec_time
            print print_test_result(test_result, target_name, toolchain_name,
                                    test_id, test_description, elapsed_time,
        return (self.shape_global_test_loop_result(test_all_result),
                target_name, toolchain_name, test_id, test_description,
                round(elapsed_time, 2), duration,
예제 #7
    def handle(self, test_spec, target_name, toolchain_name):
        Function determines MUT's mbed disk/port and copies binary to
        target. Test is being invoked afterwards.
        data = json.loads(test_spec)
        # Get test information, image and test timeout
        test_id = data['test_id']
        test = TEST_MAP[test_id]
        test_description = TEST_MAP[test_id].get_description()
        image = data["image"]
        duration = data.get("duration", 10)

        # Find a suitable MUT:
        mut = None
        for id, m in MUTs.iteritems():
            if m['mcu'] == data['mcu']:
                mut = m

        if mut is None:
            print "Error: No mbed available: mut[%s]" % data['mcu']

        disk = mut['disk']
        port = mut['port']
        target_by_mcu = TARGET_MAP[mut['mcu']]

        # Program
        # When the build and test system were separate, this was relative to a
        # base network folder base path: join(NETWORK_BASE_PATH, )
        image_path = image
        if not exists(image_path):
            print "Error: Image file does not exist: %s" % image_path
            elapsed_time = 0
            test_result = "{error}"
            return (test_result, target_name, toolchain_name, test_id,
                    test_description, round(elapsed_time, 2), duration)

        if not target_by_mcu.is_disk_virtual:

        # Program MUT with proper image file
        copy(image_path, disk)

        # Copy Extra Files
        if not target_by_mcu.is_disk_virtual and test.extra_files:
            for f in test.extra_files:
                copy(f, disk)


        # Host test execution
        start_host_exec_time = time()
        #test_result = self.run_simple_test(target_name, port, duration, verbose=opts.verbose)
        test_result = self.run_host_test(test.host_test, disk, port, duration,
        elapsed_time = time() - start_host_exec_time
        print print_test_result(test_result, target_name, toolchain_name,
                                test_id, test_description, elapsed_time,
        return (test_result, target_name, toolchain_name, test_id,
                test_description, round(elapsed_time, 2), duration)