예제 #1
    def __try_regex(self, lines, license_template):
        """Try finding license with regex of license template.

        Keyword arguments:
        lines -- lines of file
        license_template -- license_template string

        Tuple of whether license was found, year, and file contents after license.
        linesep = Task.get_linesep(lines)

        # Convert the license template to a regex
        license_rgxstr = "^" + linesep.join(license_template)
        license_rgxstr = license_rgxstr.replace("*", "\*").replace(
            ".", "\.").replace("(", "\(").replace(")", "\)").replace(
                "{year}", "(?P<year>[0-9]+)(-[0-9]+)?").replace(
                    "{padding}", "[ ]*")
        license_rgx = regex.compile(license_rgxstr, regex.M)

        # Compare license
        year = self.__current_year
        match = license_rgx.search(lines)
        if match:
                year = match.group("year")
            except IndexError:

            # If comment at beginning of file is non-empty license, update it
            return (True, year, linesep + lines[match.end():].lstrip())
            return (False, year, lines)
예제 #2
    def run_pipeline(self, config_file, name, lines):
        linesep = Task.get_linesep(lines)
        format_succeeded = True

        # Tokenize file as brace opens, brace closes, and "using" declarations.
        # "using" declarations are scoped, so content inside any bracket pair is
        # considered outside the global namespace.
        token_regex = re.compile("\{|\}|using .*;")

        brace_count = 0
        for match in token_regex.finditer(lines):
            token = match.group()

            if token == "{":
                brace_count += 1
            elif token == "}":
                brace_count -= 1
            elif token.startswith("using"):
                if brace_count == 0:
                    linenum = lines.count(linesep, 0, match.start()) + 1
                    if "NOLINT" not in lines.splitlines()[linenum - 1]:
                        format_succeeded = False
                        print(name + ": " + str(linenum) + ": '" + token + \
                              "' in global namespace")

        return (lines, False, format_succeeded)
예제 #3
    def run_pipeline(self, config_file, name, lines):
        output = lines.rstrip() + Task.get_linesep(lines)

        if output != lines:
            return (output, True, True)
            return (lines, False, True)
예제 #4
    def run_pipeline(self, config_file, name, lines):
        linesep = Task.get_linesep(lines)

        license_template = Config.read_file(
            os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(name)), ".styleguide-license")

        # Get year when file was most recently modified in Git history
        # Committer date is used instead of author date (the one shown by "git
        # log" because the year the file was last modified in the history should
        # be used. Author dates can be older than this or even out of order in
        # the log.
        cmd = ["git", "log", "-n", "1", "--format=%ci", "--", name]
        last_year = subprocess.run(cmd,

        # If file hasn't been committed yet, use current calendar year as end of
        # copyright year range
        if last_year == "":
            last_year = str(date.today().year)

        success, first_year, appendix = self.__try_regex(
            lines, last_year, license_template)
        if not success:
            success, first_year, appendix = self.__try_string_search(
                lines, last_year, license_template)

        output = ""

        # Determine copyright range and trailing padding
        if first_year != last_year:
            year_range = first_year + "-" + last_year
            year_range = first_year

        for line in license_template:
            # Insert copyright year range
            line = line.replace("{year}", year_range)

            # Insert padding which expands to the 80th column. If there is more
            # than one padding token, the line may contain fewer than 80
            # characters due to rounding during the padding width calculation.
            PADDING_TOKEN = "{padding}"
            padding_count = line.count(PADDING_TOKEN)
            if padding_count:
                padding = 80 - len(line) + len(PADDING_TOKEN) * padding_count
                padding_width = int(padding / padding_count)
                line = line.replace(PADDING_TOKEN, " " * padding_width)

            output += line + linesep

        # Copy rest of original file into new one
        output += appendix

        return (output, lines != output, True)
예제 #5
    def run_pipeline(self, config_file, name, lines):
        self.override_regexes = []

        # Compile include sorting override regexes
        for group in [
                "includeRelated", "includeCSys", "includeCppSys",
                "includeOtherLibs", "includeProject"
            regex_str = config_file.regex(group)

        self.linesep = Task.get_linesep(lines)

        file_name = os.path.basename(name)

        lines_list = lines.splitlines()

        # Write lines from beginning of file to headers
        i = 0
        while i < len(lines_list) and ("#ifdef" not in lines_list[i] and
                                       "#include" not in lines_list[i]):
            i += 1
        output_list = lines_list[0:i]

        suboutput, inc_present, idx, valid_headers = self.header_sort(
            config_file, lines_list, file_name, i, len(lines_list), 0)
        i = idx

        # If header failed to classify, return failure
        if not valid_headers:
            return (lines, False, False)

        if suboutput:

        # Remove extra empty lines from end of includes
        while len(output_list) > 0 and output_list[-1].rstrip() == "":
            del output_list[-1]  # Remove last newline

        # Remove possible extra newline from #endif
        if len(output_list) > 0:
            output_list[-1] = output_list[-1].rstrip()

        # Write rest of file

        output = self.linesep.join(output_list).rstrip() + self.linesep
        if output != lines:
            return (output, True, True)
            return (lines, False, True)
예제 #6
    def run_pipeline(self, config_file, name, lines):
        linesep = Task.get_linesep(lines)

        file_changed = False
        output = ""

        for line in lines.splitlines():
            processed_line = line[0:len(line)].rstrip()
            if not file_changed and len(line) != len(processed_line):
                file_changed = True
            output += processed_line + linesep

        return (output, file_changed, True)
예제 #7
    def run_pipeline(self, config_file, name, lines):
        linesep = Task.get_linesep(lines)
        lines_list = lines.split(linesep)
        output_list = lines_list

        state = State.FINDING_IFNDEF
        ifndef_regex = re.compile("#ifndef \w+", re.ASCII)
        define_regex = re.compile("#define \w+", re.ASCII)

        if_preproc_count = 0
        for i in range(len(lines_list)):
            if state == State.FINDING_IFNDEF:
                if lines_list[i].lstrip().startswith("#ifndef ") and \
                    lines_list[i + 1].lstrip().startswith("#define "):
                    state = State.FINDING_ENDIF

                    guard = self.make_include_guard(config_file, name)
                    output_list[i] = ifndef_regex.sub("#ifndef " + guard,
                    output_list[i + 1] = define_regex.sub(
                        "#define " + guard, lines_list[i + 1])
                    if_preproc_count += 1
                elif lines_list[i].lstrip().startswith("#pragma once"):
                    state = State.DONE
            elif state == State.FINDING_ENDIF:
                if "#if" in lines_list[i]:
                    if_preproc_count += 1
                elif "#endif" in lines_list[i]:
                    if_preproc_count -= 1

                if if_preproc_count == 0:
                    state = State.DONE
                    output_list[i] = "#endif  // " + guard
                    output_list[i] = lines_list[i]
                output_list[i] = lines_list[i]

        # if include guard not found
        if state == State.FINDING_IFNDEF:
            print("Error: " + name +
                  ": doesn't contain include guard or '#pragma once'")
            return (lines, False, False)

        output = linesep.join(output_list).rstrip() + linesep

        if output != lines:
            return (output, True, True)
            return (lines, False, True)
예제 #8
    def run_pipeline(self, config_file, name, lines):
        linesep = Task.get_linesep(lines)

        # Find instances of "using namespace std;" or subnamespaces of "std",
        # but not std::literals or std::chrono_literals.
        regex = re.compile(

        for match in regex.finditer(lines):
            linenum = lines.count(linesep, 0, match.start()) + 1
                "Warning: " + name + ": " + str(linenum) +
                ": avoid \"using namespace std;\" in production software. While it is used in introductory C++, it pollutes the global namespace with standard library symbols."

        return (lines, False, True)
예제 #9
    def run_pipeline(self, config_file, name, lines):
        linesep = Task.get_linesep(lines)
        file_changed = False

        output = ""
        pos = 0

        # Match two or more line separators
        token_str = r"/\*|\*/|//|" + linesep + r"|class\s[\w\d\s]*{" + \
            linesep + r"(?P<extra>(" + linesep + r")+)"
        token_regex = regex.compile(token_str)

        in_multicomment = False
        in_comment = False

        for match in token_regex.finditer(lines):
            token = match.group()

            if token == "/*":
                in_multicomment = True
            elif token == "*/":
                in_multicomment = False
                in_comment = False
            elif token == "//":
                in_comment = True
            elif token == linesep:
                in_comment = False
            elif not in_multicomment and not in_comment:
                # Otherwise, the token is a class

                # Removes extra line separators
                output += lines[pos:match.span("extra")[0]]
                pos = match.span()[1]

                file_changed = True

        # Write rest of file if it wasn't all processed
        if pos < len(lines):
            output += lines[pos:]

        if file_changed:
            return (output, file_changed, True)
            return (lines, file_changed, True)
예제 #10
    def run_pipeline(self, config_file, name, lines):
        linesep = Task.get_linesep(lines)
        output = ""

        brace_prefix = "(?P<prefix>(extern|namespace)\s+[\w\"]*)"
        brace_postfix = "\s*/(/|\*)[^\r\n]*"

        brace_regex = re.compile(
            "(" + brace_prefix + "\s*)?{|"  # "{" with optional prefix
            "\}(" + brace_postfix + ")?")  # "}" with optional comment postfix

        name_stack = []
        brace_count = 0
        extract_location = 0
        for match in brace_regex.finditer(lines):
            token = match.group()

            if match.group("prefix"):
                brace_count += 1
                    (brace_count, match.group("prefix").rstrip()))
            elif "{" in token:
                brace_count += 1
            elif token.startswith("}"):
                output += lines[extract_location:match.start()]
                if len(name_stack) > 0 and name_stack[len(name_stack) -
                                                      1][0] == brace_count:
                    output += "}  // " + name_stack.pop()[1]
                    output += lines[match.start():match.end()]
                extract_location = match.end()
                brace_count -= 1

        # If input has unprocessed lines, write them to output
        if extract_location < len(lines):
            output += lines[extract_location:]

        if output != lines:
            return (output, True, True)
            return (lines, False, True)
예제 #11
    def run_pipeline(self, config_file, name, lines):
        linesep = Task.get_linesep(lines)

        license_template = Config.read_file(
            os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(name)), ".styleguide-license")

        success, year, appendix = self.__try_regex(lines, license_template)
        if not success:
            success, year, appendix = self.__try_string_search(
                lines, license_template)

        output = ""

        # Determine copyright range and trailing padding
        if year != self.__current_year:
            year = year + "-" + self.__current_year

        for line in license_template:
            # Insert copyright year range
            line = line.replace("{year}", year)

            # Insert padding which expands to the 80th column. If there is more
            # than one padding token, the line may contain fewer than 80
            # characters due to rounding during the padding width calculation.
            PADDING_TOKEN = "{padding}"
            padding_count = line.count(PADDING_TOKEN)
            if padding_count:
                padding = 80 - len(line) + len(PADDING_TOKEN) * padding_count
                padding_width = int(padding / padding_count)
                line = line.replace(PADDING_TOKEN, " " * padding_width)

            output += line + linesep

        # Copy rest of original file into new one
        output += appendix

        return (output, lines != output, True)
예제 #12
    def run_pipeline(self, config_file, name, lines):
        linesep = Task.get_linesep(lines)
        output = ""

        brace_prefix = "(?P<prefix>(extern|namespace)\s+[\w\"]*)"
        brace_postfix = "[ \t]*/(/|\*)[^\r\n]*"

        brace_regex = regex.compile(
            r"/\*|\*/|//|\\\\|\\\"|\"|\\'|'|" + linesep + "|" + \
            "(" + brace_prefix + "\s*)?{|"  # "{" with optional prefix
            "}(" + brace_postfix + ")?")  # "}" with optional comment postfix

        name_stack = []
        brace_count = 0
        extract_location = 0
        in_multicomment = False
        in_singlecomment = False
        in_string = False
        in_char = False
        for match in brace_regex.finditer(lines):
            token = match.group()

            if token == "/*":
                if not in_singlecomment and not in_string and not in_char:
                    in_multicomment = True
            elif token == "*/":
                if not in_singlecomment and not in_string and not in_char:
                    in_multicomment = False
            elif token == "//":
                if not in_multicomment and not in_string and not in_char:
                    in_singlecomment = True
            elif in_singlecomment and linesep in token:
                # Ignore token if it's in a singleline comment. Only check it
                # for newlines to end the comment.
                in_singlecomment = False
            elif in_multicomment or in_singlecomment:
                # Tokens processed after this branch are ignored if they are in
                # comments
            elif token == "\\\"":
            elif token == "\"":
                if not in_char:
                    in_string = not in_string
            elif token == "\\'":
            elif token == "'":
                if not in_string:
                    in_char = not in_char
            elif in_string or in_char:
                # Tokens processed after this branch are ignored if they are in
                # double or single quotes
            elif match.group("prefix"):
                brace_count += 1
                    (brace_count, match.group("prefix").rstrip()))
            elif "{" in token:
                brace_count += 1
            elif token.startswith("}"):
                output += lines[extract_location:match.start()]
                if len(name_stack) > 0 and name_stack[len(name_stack) -
                                                      1][0] == brace_count:
                    output += "}  // " + name_stack.pop()[1]
                    output += lines[match.start():match.end()]
                extract_location = match.end()
                brace_count -= 1

        # If input has unprocessed lines, write them to output
        if extract_location < len(lines):
            output += lines[extract_location:]

        if output != lines:
            return (output, True, True)
            return (lines, False, True)
예제 #13
    def run_pipeline(self, config_file, name, lines):
        linesep = Task.get_linesep(lines)
        file_changed = False

        output = ""
        pos = 0

        # C files use C linkage by default
        is_c = config_file.is_c_file(name)

        # Tokenize as extern "C" or extern "C++" with optional {, open brace,
        # close brace, or () folllowed by { to disambiguate function calls.
        # extern is first to try matching a brace to it before classifying the
        # brace as generic.
        # Valid function prototypes and definitions have return type, spaces,
        # function name, optional spaces, then braces. They are followed by ; or
        # {.
        # "def\\s+\w+" matches preprocessor directives "#ifdef" and "#ifndef" so
        # their contents aren't used as a return type.
        preproc_str = "#else|#endif|"
        comment_str = "/\*|\*/|//|" + linesep + "|"
        string_str = r"\\\\|\\\"|\"|"
        char_str = r"\\'|'|"
        extern_str = "(?P<ext_decl>extern \"C(\+\+)?\")\s+(?P<ext_brace>\{)?|"
        braces_str = "\{|\}|;|def\s+\w+|\w+\s+\w+\s*(?P<paren>\(\))"
        postfix_str = "(?=\s*(;|\{))"
        token_regex = regex.compile(preproc_str + comment_str + string_str +
                                    char_str + extern_str + braces_str +

        EXTRA_POP_OFFSET = 2

        # If value is greater than pop offset, the value needs to be restored in
        # addition to an extra stack pop being performed. The pop offset is
        # removed before assigning to is_c.
        # is_c + pop offset == 2: C lang restore that needs extra brace pop
        # is_c + pop offset == 3: C++ lang restore that needs extra brace pop
        extern_brace_indices = [is_c]

        in_preproc_else = False
        in_multicomment = False
        in_singlecomment = False
        in_string = False
        in_char = False
        for match in token_regex.finditer(lines):
            token = match.group()

            # Skip #else to #endif in case they have braces in them. This
            # assumes preprocessor directives are only used for conditional
            # compilation for different platforms and have the same amount of
            # braces in both branches. Nested preprocessor directives are also
            # not handled.
            if token == "#else":
                in_preproc_else = True
            elif token == "#endif":
                in_preproc_else = False
            if in_preproc_else:

            if token == "/*":
                if not in_singlecomment and not in_string and not in_char:
                    in_multicomment = True
            elif token == "*/":
                if not in_singlecomment and not in_string and not in_char:
                    in_multicomment = False
            elif token == "//":
                if not in_multicomment and not in_string and not in_char:
                    in_singlecomment = True
            elif in_singlecomment and linesep in token:
                # Ignore token if it's in a singleline comment. Only check it
                # for newlines to end the comment.
                in_singlecomment = False
            elif in_multicomment or in_singlecomment:
                # Tokens processed after this branch are ignored if they are in
                # comments
            elif token == "\\\"":
            elif token == "\"":
                if not in_char:
                    in_string = not in_string
            elif token == "\\'":
            elif token == "'":
                if not in_string:
                    in_char = not in_char
            elif in_string or in_char:
                # Tokens processed after this branch are ignored if they are in
                # double or single quotes
            elif token == "{":
            elif token == "}":
                is_c = extern_brace_indices.pop()

                if len(extern_brace_indices) == 0:
                    return (lines, False, False)

                # If the next stack frame is from an extern without braces, pop
                # it.
                if extern_brace_indices[-1] >= EXTRA_POP_OFFSET:
                    is_c = extern_brace_indices[-1] - EXTRA_POP_OFFSET
            elif token == ";":
                if len(extern_brace_indices) == 0:
                    return (lines, False, False)

                # If the next stack frame is from an extern without braces, pop
                # it.
                if extern_brace_indices[-1] >= EXTRA_POP_OFFSET:
                    is_c = extern_brace_indices[-1] - EXTRA_POP_OFFSET
            elif token.startswith("extern"):
                # Back up language setting first
                if match.group("ext_brace"):
                    # Handling an extern without braces changing the language
                    # type is done by treating it as a pseudo-brace that gets
                    # popped as well when the next "}" or ";" is encountered.
                    # The "extra pop" offset is used as a flag on the top stack
                    # value that is checked whenever a pop is performed.
                    extern_brace_indices.append(is_c + EXTRA_POP_OFFSET)

                # Change language based on extern declaration
                if match.group("ext_decl") == "extern \"C\"":
                    is_c = True
                    is_c = False
            elif match.group(
                    "paren") and "return " not in match.group() and is_c:
                # Replaces () with (void)
                output += lines[pos:match.span("paren")[0]] + "(void)"
                pos = match.span("paren")[0] + len("()")

                file_changed = True

        # Write rest of file if it wasn't all processed
        if pos < len(lines):
            output += lines[pos:]

        # Invariant: extern_brace_indices has one entry
        success = len(extern_brace_indices) == 1
        if not success:

        if file_changed:
            return (output, file_changed, success)
            return (lines, file_changed, success)
예제 #14
    def run_pipeline(self, config_file, name, lines):
        linesep = Task.get_linesep(lines)

        license_template = Config.read_file(
            os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(name)), ".styleguide-license")

        # Strip newlines at top of file
        stripped_lines = lines.lstrip().split(linesep)

        # If a comment at the beginning of the file is considered a license, it
        # is replaced with an updated license. Otherwise, a license header is
        # inserted before it.
        first_comment_is_license = False
        license_end = 0

        # Regex for tokenizing on comment boundaries
        token_regex = re.compile("^/\*|\*/|^//")

        in_multiline_comment = False
        for line in stripped_lines:
            # If part of comment contains "Copyright (c)", comment is license.
            if "Copyright (c)" in line:
                first_comment_is_license = True

            line_has_comment = False
            for match in token_regex.finditer(line):
                # If any comment token was matched, the line has a comment
                line_has_comment = True

                token = match.group()

                if token == "/*":
                    in_multiline_comment = True
                elif token == "*/":
                    in_multiline_comment = False
            if not in_multiline_comment and not line_has_comment:
                license_end += 1

        # If comment at beginning of file is non-empty license, update it
        if first_comment_is_license and license_end > 0:
            file_parts = \
                 linesep + linesep.join(stripped_lines[license_end:]).lstrip()]
            file_parts = ["", linesep + lines.lstrip()]

        # Default year when none is found is current one
        year = self.__current_year

        year_regex = re.compile("Copyright \(c\).*\s(20..)")
        modify_copyright = False
        for line in file_parts[0].split(linesep):
            match = year_regex.search(line)
            # If license contains copyright pattern, extract the first year
            if match:
                year = match.group(1)
                modify_copyright = True

        output = ""

        # Determine copyright range and trailing padding
        if modify_copyright and year != self.__current_year:
            year = year + "-" + self.__current_year

        for line in license_template:
            # Insert copyright year range
            line = line.replace("{year}", year)

            # Insert padding which expands to the 80th column. If there is more
            # than one padding token, the line may contain fewer than 80
            # characters due to rounding during the padding width calculation.
            PADDING_TOKEN = "{padding}"
            padding_count = line.count(PADDING_TOKEN)
            if padding_count:
                padding = 80 - len(line) + len(PADDING_TOKEN) * padding_count
                padding_width = int(padding / padding_count)
                line = line.replace(PADDING_TOKEN, " " * padding_width)

            output += line + linesep

        # Copy rest of original file into new one
        if len(file_parts) > 1:
            output += file_parts[1]

        return (output, lines != output, True)
예제 #15
    def __try_string_search(self, lines, license_template):
        """Try finding license with string search.

        Keyword arguments:
        lines -- lines of file
        license_template -- license_template string

        Tuple of whether license was found, year, and file contents after license.
        linesep = Task.get_linesep(lines)

        # Strip newlines at top of file
        stripped_lines = lines.lstrip().split(linesep)

        # If a comment at the beginning of the file is considered a license, it
        # is replaced with an updated license. Otherwise, a license header is
        # inserted before it.
        first_comment_is_license = False
        license_end = 0

        # Regex for tokenizing on comment boundaries
        token_regex = regex.compile("/\*|\*/|^//")

        in_multiline_comment = False
        for line in stripped_lines:
            # If part of comment contains "Copyright (c)", comment is
            # license.
            if "Copyright (c)" in line:
                first_comment_is_license = True

            line_has_comment = False
            for match in token_regex.finditer(line):
                # If any comment token was matched, the line has a comment
                line_has_comment = True

                token = match.group()

                if token == "/*":
                    in_multiline_comment = True
                elif token == "*/":
                    in_multiline_comment = False
            if not in_multiline_comment and not line_has_comment:
                license_end += 1

        # If comment at beginning of file is non-empty license, update it
        year = self.__current_year
        if first_comment_is_license and license_end > 0:
            license_part = linesep.join(stripped_lines[0:license_end])
            appendix_part = \
                linesep + linesep.join(stripped_lines[license_end:]).lstrip()

            year_regex = regex.compile("Copyright \(c\)(?>.*?\s(20..))")
            for line in license_part.split(linesep):
                match = year_regex.search(line)
                # If license contains copyright pattern, extract the first year
                if match:
                    year = match.group(1)

            return (True, year, appendix_part)
            return (False, year, linesep + lines.lstrip())
예제 #16
    def run_pipeline(self, config_file, name, lines):
        linesep = Task.get_linesep(lines)
        format_succeeded = True

        # Tokenize file as brace opens, brace closes, and "using" declarations.
        # "using" declarations are scoped, so content inside any bracket pair is
        # considered outside the global namespace.
        token_regex = regex.compile(r"/\*|\*/|//|\\\\|\\\"|\"|\\'|'|" +
                                    linesep + r"|\{|\}|using\s[^;]*;")

        brace_count = 0
        in_multicomment = False
        in_singlecomment = False
        in_string = False
        in_char = False
        for match in token_regex.finditer(lines):
            token = match.group()

            if token == "/*":
                if not in_singlecomment and not in_string and not in_char:
                    in_multicomment = True
            elif token == "*/":
                if not in_singlecomment and not in_string and not in_char:
                    in_multicomment = False
            elif token == "//":
                if not in_multicomment and not in_string and not in_char:
                    in_singlecomment = True
            elif in_singlecomment and linesep in token:
                # Ignore token if it's in a singleline comment. Only check it
                # for newlines to end the comment.
                in_singlecomment = False
            elif in_multicomment or in_singlecomment:
                # Tokens processed after this branch are ignored if they are in
                # comments
            elif token == "\\\"":
            elif token == "\"":
                if not in_char:
                    in_string = not in_string
            elif token == "\\'":
            elif token == "'":
                if not in_string:
                    in_char = not in_char
            elif in_string or in_char:
                # Tokens processed after this branch are ignored if they are in
                # double or single quotes
            elif token == "{":
                brace_count += 1
            elif token == "}":
                brace_count -= 1
            elif token.startswith("using"):
                if brace_count == 0:
                    linenum = lines.count(linesep, 0, match.start()) + 1
                    if "NOLINT" not in lines.splitlines()[linenum - 1]:
                        format_succeeded = False
                        print(name + ": " + str(linenum) + ": '" + token + \
                              "' in global namespace")

        return (lines, False, format_succeeded)
예제 #17
파일: jni.py 프로젝트: Daltz333/styleguide
    def run_pipeline(self, config_file, name, lines):
        linesep = Task.get_linesep(lines)

        regex_str_sig = r"(/\*(?>(.|\n)*?\*/)\s+)?" + \
            r"JNIEXPORT\s+(?P<ret>\w+)\s+JNICALL\s+" + \
            r"(?P<func>Java_\w+)\s*\(\s*" + \
            r"(?P<env_type>JNIEnv\s*\*\s*)" + \
        regex_sig = regex.compile(regex_str_sig)

        regex_str_func = r"Java_(?P<class>\w+)_(?P<method>[^_]+)$"
        regex_func = regex.compile(regex_str_func)

        # Matches a comma followed by the type, an optional variable name, and
        # an optional closing parenthesis
        regex_str_arg = (r", \s* (?P<arg>(?P<arg_type>[\w\*]+)(\s+ \w+)?)|\)\s*"
        regex_arg = regex.compile(regex_str_arg, regex.VERBOSE)

        output = ""
        pos = 0
        for match_sig in regex_sig.finditer(lines):
            comment = ""
            signature = ""

            if match_sig.start() > 0:
                output += lines[pos:match_sig.start()]

            # Add JNI-specific args
            jni_args = "  ("
            if match_sig.group("env_type"):
                jni_args += match_sig.group("env_type")
            if match_sig.group("env_name"):
                jni_args += match_sig.group("env_name")
            jni_args += ", jclass"
            if match_sig.group("jclass_name"):
                jni_args += " " + match_sig.group("jclass_name")

            # Write JNI function comment. Splitting at "__" removes overload
            # annotation from method comment
            match = regex_func.search(match_sig.group("func").split("__")[0])
            comment += "/*" + linesep + \
                " * Class:     " + match.group("class") + linesep + \
                " * Method:    " + match.group("method") + linesep + \
                " * Signature: ("

            signature += "JNIEXPORT " + match_sig.group("ret") + " JNICALL" + \
                linesep + match_sig.group("func") + linesep + jni_args

            # Add other args
            line_length = len(jni_args)
            for match_arg in regex_arg.finditer(lines[match_sig.end():]):
                if ")" in match_arg.group():
                # If args going past 80 characters
                elif line_length + len(", ") + len(
                        match_arg.group("arg")) + len(")") > 80:
                    # Put current arg on next line and set line_length to
                    # reflect that
                    signature += "," + linesep + "   " + match_arg.group("arg")
                    line_length = len("   " + match_arg.group("arg"))
                    signature += ", " + match_arg.group("arg")
                    line_length += len(", ") + len(match_arg.group("arg"))
                comment += self.map_jni_type(match_arg.group("arg_type"))
            comment += ")" + self.map_jni_type(match_sig.group("ret")) + linesep + \
                " */" + linesep

            # Output correct trailing character for declaration vs definition
            if match_arg.group("trailing") == "{":
                signature += ")" + linesep + "{"
                signature += ");"

            output += comment + signature

            pos = match_sig.end() + match_arg.end()

        # Write rest of file
        if pos < len(lines):
            output += lines[pos:]

        if output == "" or output == lines:
            return (lines, False, True)
            return (output, True, True)