예제 #1
def update_namelist_wps(template, target, max_dom, init_time, fcst_hours, bdy_interval, geo_em_dir, met_em_dir, geogrid_tbl, metgrid_tbl, prefix, constants_name=None):
    """ Updates the namelist.wps to reflect updated settings in config
        expand -- function for exanding any strings
        template -- base namelist_wps file to alter 
        target  -- name of modified file to write to
    # consider refactoring this method, perhaps relacing it with a more general namelist updating function,
    # and pushing some of the logic into the configuration file?
    logger     = shared.get_logger()
    logger.debug('*** UPDATING namelist.wps ***')

    # function to expand any date/time placeholders
    expand = lambda s : substitute.sub_date(s, init_time=init_time)
    #wps_run_dir= expand(target)
    bdy_times  = shared.get_bdy_times(init_time, fcst_hours, bdy_interval)

    met_em_dir = expand(met_em_dir)
    geo_em_dir = expand(geo_em_dir)

    interval_seconds = bdy_interval * 60 * 60

    logger.debug('reading namelist.wps <--------- %s' % template)
    namelist = shared.read_namelist(template)

    # Update some options based on the forecast config file
    namelist.update('max_dom', max_dom)
    namelist.update('opt_output_from_geogrid_path', geo_em_dir, section='share')
    namelist.update('opt_output_from_metgrid_path', met_em_dir, section='metgrid')
    namelist.update('opt_geogrid_tbl_path', expand(geogrid_tbl), section='geogrid')
    namelist.update('opt_metgrid_tbl_path', expand(metgrid_tbl), section='metgrid')
    namelist.update('interval_seconds', [interval_seconds])
    # Generate formatted strings for inclusion in the namelist.wps file
    start_str  = bdy_times[0].strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S")
    end_str    = bdy_times[-1].strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S")
    logger.debug("Updating namelist.wps start and end")

    namelist.update('start_date', [start_str]*max_dom)
    namelist.update('end_date',   [end_str]*max_dom)

    if constants_name:
        namelist.update('constants_name', constants_name, section='metgrid')
    logger.debug('*** FINISHED UPDATING namelist.wps ***')
예제 #2
def update_namelist_input(template, target, max_dom, init_time, fcst_hours, history_interval, interval_seconds, metadata=None):    
    """ Updates the namelist.input file to reflect updated settings in config.
    Adds a non-standard &metadata section to give a name to the model run
    config -- dictionary containing various configuration options
    logger =shared.get_logger()        
    logger.debug('*** UPDATING namelist.input ***')
    namelist        = shared.read_namelist(template)   

    if metadata:
        for key,value in metadata.items():
            namelist.update(key, value, section='metadata')

    fcst_times = shared.get_interval_times(start=init_time, count=fcst_hours+1, freq=rrule.HOURLY)
    start   = fcst_times[0]
    end     = fcst_times[-1]
    # I'm still not sure how the WRF namelist works between 
    # the start and end settings and the run_XX settings.
    # I think we can just keep days as zero, and work entirely
    # in hours
    namelist.update('start_year', [start.year] * max_dom)
    namelist.update('start_month',[start.month]* max_dom)
    namelist.update('start_day',  [start.day]  * max_dom)
    namelist.update('start_hour', [start.hour] * max_dom)
    namelist.update('end_year',   [end.year]   * max_dom)
    namelist.update('end_month',  [end.month]  * max_dom)
    namelist.update('end_day',    [end.day]    * max_dom)
    namelist.update('end_hour',   [end.hour]   * max_dom)
    namelist.update('run_days',   [0])   
    namelist.update('run_hours',  [fcst_hours] )   
    namelist.update('history_interval', [history_interval] * max_dom)
    namelist.update('interval_seconds', [interval_seconds])

    # If DFI is being used, update DFI settings
    # From user guide:
    # "For time specification, it typically needs to integrate 
    # backward for 0.5 to 1 hour, and integrate forward for half of the time."
    # should we just write this everytime into the file and rely of dfi_opt 
    # as the on/off switch?
    hour         = datetime.timedelta(0, 60*60)
    minute       = datetime.timedelta(0, 60)
    #dfi_bck      = config['dfi_bck'] * minute
    #dfi_fwd      = config['dfi_fwd'] * minute
    #dfi_bckstop  = start - dfi_bck
    #dfi_fwdstop  = start + dfi_fwd

    #namelist.update('dfi_bckstop_year',   dfi_bckstop.year,   'dfi_control')
    #namelist.update('dfi_bckstop_month',  dfi_bckstop.month,  'dfi_control')
    #namelist.update('dfi_bckstop_day',    dfi_bckstop.day,    'dfi_control')
    #namelist.update('dfi_bckstop_hour',   dfi_bckstop.hour,   'dfi_control')
    #namelist.update('dfi_bckstop_minute', dfi_bckstop.minute, 'dfi_control')
    #namelist.update('dfi_bckstop_second', dfi_bckstop.second, 'dfi_control')
    #namelist.update('dfi_fwdstop_year',   dfi_fwdstop.year,   'dfi_control')
    #namelist.update('dfi_fwdstop_month',  dfi_fwdstop.month,  'dfi_control')
    #namelist.update('dfi_fwdstop_day',    dfi_fwdstop.day,    'dfi_control')
    #namelist.update('dfi_fwdstop_hour',   dfi_fwdstop.hour,   'dfi_control')
    #namelist.update('dfi_fwdstop_minute', dfi_fwdstop.minute, 'dfi_control')
    #namelist.update('dfi_fwdstop_second', dfi_fwdstop.second, 'dfi_control')

    logger.debug('*** FINISHED UPDATING namelist.input ***')