예제 #1
    def StyleText(self, event):
        """Handle the EVT_STC_STYLENEEDED event"""

        stc = event.GetEventObject()
        # Last correctly styled character
        last_styled_pos = stc.GetEndStyled()
        # Get styling range for this call
        line = stc.LineFromPosition(last_styled_pos)
        start_pos = stc.PositionFromLine(line)
        end_pos = event.GetPosition()

        # Walk the line and find all the symbols to style
        # Note: little inefficient doing one char at a time
        #       but just to illustrate the process.
        while start_pos < end_pos:
            stc.StartStyling(start_pos, 0x1f)
            char = stc.GetCharAt(start_pos)
            if char in self.ortho_symbols:
                # Set Symbol Keyword style
                style = OrthoEventsLexer.STC_STYLE_ORTHO_KW
                # Set Default style
                style = OrthoEventsLexer.STC_STYLE_ORTHO_DEFAULT
            # Set the styling byte information for 1 char from
            # current styling position (start_pos) with the
            # given style.
            stc.SetStyling(1, style)
            start_pos += 1
예제 #2
def StyleText(stc, start, end):
    """Style the text
    @param stc: Styled text control instance
    @param start: Start position
    @param end: end position


    # First, figure out the line based on the position.
    line = stc.LineFromPosition(start)

    # Find the start of the line that's been styled before this one.
    while line > 0 and stc.GetLineState(line) == 0:
        line -= 1

    eline = stc.LineFromPosition(end)

    state = stc.GetLineState(line) - 1
    if state < 0:
        state = 0

    for ln in range(line, eline + 1):
        text = stc.GetLine(ln).encode('utf-8')
        len_text = len(text)
        text = text.strip()

        if len(text) == 0:
            state = 0
            if len(text) > 0:
                ch = text[0]
                ix = issl_table.find(ch)
                if ix >= 0:
                    state = ix + 1

        stc.StartStyling(stc.PositionFromLine(ln), 0xFF)
        stc.SetStyling(len_text, state)

        stc.SetLineState(ln, state + 1)
예제 #3
파일: diffedit.py 프로젝트: zendbit/peppy
 def action(self, index=-1, multiplier=1):
     stc = self.mode
     start = stc.GetCurrentPos()
     end = 0
     while True:
         pos = stc.FindText(start, end, "--- ", 0)
         if pos < 0:
             self.dprint("not found")
         if stc.GetColumn(pos) == 0 and pos != start:
             line = stc.LineFromPosition(pos)
         start = pos - 1
예제 #4
    def StyleText(self, evt):
        """Handle the EVT_STC_STYLENEEDED event."""
        stc = evt.GetEventObject()
        last_styled_pos = stc.GetEndStyled()
        line = stc.LineFromPosition(last_styled_pos)
        start_pos = stc.PositionFromLine(line)
        end_pos = evt.GetPosition()

        while start_pos < end_pos:
            stc.StartStyling(start_pos, 0x1f)
            curchar = chr(stc.GetCharAt(start_pos))
            if curchar in self.alpha:
                start = stc.WordStartPosition(start_pos, True)
                end = start + 1
                while chr(stc.GetCharAt(end)) != " " and end < stc.GetLength():
                    end += 1
                word = stc.GetTextRange(start, end)
                if word in self.keywords:
                    style = self.STC_EXPR_KEYWORD
                    stc.SetStyling(len(word), style)
                elif word in self.keywords2:
                    style = self.STC_EXPR_KEYWORD2
                    stc.SetStyling(len(word), style)
                    style = self.STC_EXPR_DEFAULT
                    stc.SetStyling(len(word), style)
                start_pos += len(word)
            elif curchar == ";":
                eol = stc.GetLineEndPosition(stc.LineFromPosition(start_pos))
                style = self.STC_EXPR_COMMENT
                stc.SetStyling(eol - start_pos, style)
                start_pos = eol
                style = self.STC_EXPR_DEFAULT
                stc.SetStyling(1, style)
                start_pos += 1
예제 #5
파일: autoindent.py 프로젝트: zendbit/peppy
    def isInsideStatement(self, stc, pos):
        """Find out if the position is inside a statement
        Being inside a statement means that the position is after an opening
        paren and the matching close paran either doesn't exist yet or is
        after the position.
        @return: True if pos is after an unbalanced amount of opening parens
        linenum = stc.LineFromPosition(pos)

        start = self.getFoldSectionStart(stc, linenum)
        self.dprint("fold start=%d, linenum=%d" % (start, linenum))
        text = self.getCodeChars(stc, start, pos)
        parens = self.getBraceMatch(text)
        self.dprint("text=%s, parens=%d" % (text, parens))
        return parens != 0
예제 #6
 def electricChar(self, stc, uchar):
     i = ord(uchar)
     if i >= ord('0') and i <= ord('9'):
         pos = stc.GetCurrentPos()
         s = stc.GetStyleAt(pos)
         col = stc.GetColumn(pos)
         if not stc.isStyleComment(s) and col < 5:
             ln = stc.LineFromPosition(pos)
             fc = stc.PositionFromLine(ln)
             lc = stc.GetLineEndPosition(ln)
             text = stc.GetTextRange(fc, lc)
             #dprint("pos=%d col=%d ln=%d fc=%d lc=%d len=%d" % (pos, col, ln, fc, lc, len(text)))
             if len(text) > 5:
                 numbers = text[0:5]
                 continuation = text[5]
                 remainder = text[6:]
                 numbers = text + " "*(5 - len(text))
                 continuation = " "
                 remainder = ""
             numbers = numbers[0:col] + uchar + numbers[col:]
             before = len(numbers)
             numbers = numbers.lstrip()
             if before > len(numbers):
                 col -= before - len(numbers)
             numbers = numbers.strip()
             #dprint("pos=%d col=%d ln=%d fc=%d lc=%d len=%d" % (pos, col, ln, fc, lc, len(text)))
             line = "%-5s%s%s" % (numbers, continuation, remainder)
             stc.GotoPos(fc + col + 1)
             return True
     return False
예제 #7
    def on_EVT_STC_STYLENEEDED(self, event):
        stc = event.GetEventObject()
        # Last correctly styled character
        last_styled_pos = stc.GetEndStyled()
        # Get styling range for this call
        lino = stc.LineFromPosition(last_styled_pos)
        start_pos = stc.PositionFromLine(lino)
        end_pos = event.GetPosition()

        text = self.GetTextRange(start_pos, end_pos)
        kw_positions = []
        #find any keywords to color them differently
        i = 0
        for kw in self.keywords:
                l = len(kw)
                while True:
                    j = text[i:].index(kw)
                    kw_positions.append((start_pos + i + j, l, kw))
                    i += j + l
                i = 0
        #find any comments in the pbs commands
        #we start looking for '#" at position 5 as text should begin with '#PBS ' anyway
        i = 5
        len_text = len(text)
        while i < len_text:
            if text[i] == '#' and not text[i - 1] == '\n':
                #found a '#' in the middle of a line (at position i), find the end of the line.
                j = i + text[i:].index('\n') + 1
                kw_positions.append((start_pos + i, j - i, text[i:j]))
                i = j
                i += 1

        kw_positions.sort(key=lambda tpl: tpl[0] + float(tpl[1]) * 0.01)
        #pprint.pprint( kw_positions )
        if not kw_positions:
            self.StartStyling(start_pos, 31)
            self.SetStyling(end_pos - start_pos, PbsLexer.STC_PBS_DEFAULT)
        i = kw_positions[0][0]
        if i != start_pos:
            self.StartStyling(start_pos, 31)
            self.SetStyling(kw_positions[0][0] - start_pos,
        last = len(kw_positions) - 1
        for t, tpl in enumerate(kw_positions):
            self.StartStyling(tpl[0], 31)
            if tpl[2].startswith('#'):
                style = PbsLexer.STC_PBS_COMMENT
                style = PbsLexer.STC_PBS_KEYWORD
            self.SetStyling(tpl[0], style)
            if t < last:
                i1 = tpl[0] + tpl[1]
                i0n = kw_positions[t + 1][0]
                i1 = tpl[0] + tpl[1]
                i0n = end_pos
            if i1 < i0n:
                self.StartStyling(i1, 31)
                self.SetStyling(i0n - i1, PbsLexer.STC_PBS_DEFAULT)
예제 #8
def AutoIndenter(stc, current_pos, indent_char):
    Determines the indentation rule.
    0) If the line is empty except for whitespace, indent to the current
    1) If all strings and parenthesis are closed, then indent based on how 
       this line has been styled.
    2) If we're in a string, indent to one more than the position at 
       which the string started. 
    3) If we've opened more parenthesis then we closed on the current
       line, indent by 1.
    4) If we've closed more parenthesis than we opened on the current
       line, dedent by 1.
    5) Otherwise, keep the current indentation.

    line = stc.LineFromPosition(current_pos)

    while line >= 0:
        line_state = stc.GetLineState(line)

        if line_state:

        line -= 1

    start = stc.PositionFromLine(line)
    text = stc.GetTextRangeUTF8(start, current_pos)

    pos = -1
    len_text = len(text)

    # States for the indenting state machine.
    ISTATE_INDENT = 0  # Line indentation.
    ISTATE_CODE = 1  # Normal code.
    ISTATE_COMMENT = 2  # Comment.
    ISTATE_COMMENT_LINE = 3  # Full-line comment.
    ISTATE_STRING = 4  # In a string.
    ISTATE_EOL = 5  # At the end of the line.

    state = ISTATE_EOL

    # The indentation of the last non-blank, non-comment line.
    prior_indent = 0

    # The number of parens that are open in the statement.
    open_parens = 0

    # The net change in parens on the current line.
    net_parens = 0

    # Where the current line started.
    line_start = 0

    # The quote characters used to close the current string.
    quote_chars = None

    # The indentation to use if we're in a quote.
    quote_indent = 0

    while pos + 1 < len_text:

        pos += 1
        c = text[pos]

        if state == ISTATE_EOL:
            line_start = pos
            net_parens = 0
            state = ISTATE_INDENT

        if state == ISTATE_INDENT:

            if c == " ":

            elif c == "\n":
                state = ISTATE_EOL

            elif c == "#":
                state = ISTATE_COMMENT_LINE

            state = ISTATE_CODE
            prior_indent = pos - line_start

            # Intentionally fall through.

        if state == ISTATE_COMMENT or state == ISTATE_COMMENT_LINE:

            if c == "\n":
                state = ISTATE_EOL


        elif state == ISTATE_CODE:

            if c == "\n":
                state = ISTATE_EOL

            if c in "\"'`":

                start = text[pos:pos + 3]

                if start == "'''" or start == '"""':
                    quote_chars = start
                    quote_indent = pos - line_start
                    pos += 2
                    state = ISTATE_STRING

                quote_chars = c
                quote_indent = 1 + pos - line_start
                state = ISTATE_STRING

            if c in "([{":
                net_parens += 1
                open_parens += 1

            if c in ")]}":
                net_parens -= 1
                open_parens -= 1

            if c == "#":
                state = ISTATE_COMMENT


        elif state == ISTATE_STRING:

            if c == "\n":
                line_start = pos + 1

            if c == "\\":
                pos += 1

            if c == quote_chars:
                state = ISTATE_CODE

            if text[pos:pos + 3] == quote_chars:
                pos += 2
                state = ISTATE_CODE


    # Compute the indent of the line itself.
    INDENTWIDTH = profiler.Profile_Get("INDENTWIDTH")
    line_indent = line_state & INDENT_MASK

    if state == ISTATE_STRING:
        indent = quote_indent

    elif state == ISTATE_COMMENT_LINE:
        l = stc.GetCurrentLine()
        indent = stc.GetLineIndentation(l)

    elif open_parens <= 0:
        if state == ISTATE_INDENT or state == ISTATE_EOL:
            l = stc.GetCurrentLine()

            if stc.GetLineIndentPosition(l) == stc.GetLineEndPosition(l):
                indent = stc.GetColumn(current_pos)
                indent = line_indent

        elif line_state & INDENTS:
            indent = line_indent + INDENTWIDTH
            indent = line_indent

    elif net_parens > 0:
        indent = prior_indent + INDENTWIDTH
    elif net_parens < 0:
        indent = max(line_indent + INDENTWIDTH, prior_indent - INDENTWIDTH)
        indent = prior_indent

    # Implement the indent.
    eolch = stc.GetEOLChar()

    l = stc.GetCurrentLine()
    stc.SetLineIndentation(l, indent)
예제 #9
def StyleText(stc, start, end):
    """Style the text
    @param stc: Styled text control instance
    @param start: Start position
    @param end: end position

    max_styled_line = max_line_cache.get(id(stc), 0)

    # Set up the bad indentation indicator style.
    if stc.IndicatorGetStyle(1) != wx.stc.STC_INDIC_SQUIGGLE:
        stc.IndicatorSetStyle(1, wx.stc.STC_INDIC_SQUIGGLE)
        stc.IndicatorSetForeground(1, "#FF0000")

    # A change to one line can change others below it. So we restyle all
    # visible text with any change. (We restyle a bit more so we don't get
    # caught in things like triple-quoted strings.)
        vis_end_line = stc.GetLastVisibleLine() + 20
        # Fails if we're in the preview.
        vis_end_line = stc.GetLineCount()

    vis_end_pos = stc.GetLineEndPosition(vis_end_line)
    end = max(end, vis_end_pos)

    # First, figure out the line based on the position.
    line = stc.LineFromPosition(start)

    # Jump back a bunch of lines, so that we always restyle the entire
    # screen.
    line = min(line - 60, max_styled_line)
    if line < 0:
        line = 0

    # Find the start of the line that's been styled before this one.
    while line and stc.GetLineState(line) == 0:
        line -= 1

    # The indentation starting the current block. (None to indicate
    # it hasn't been set yet.)
    block_indent = 0

    # The type of block we're dealing with.
    block_type = BLOCK_RPY

    # Is this block's indentation optional?
    block_maybe_indents = False

    # A stack of outer blocks, giving the indent and type of those
    # blocks.
    block_stack = []

    # Find the last line before line with a 0 indent. (Or the first
    # line if we don't have one line that.)
    base_line = line

    while base_line > 0:
        base_line -= 1

        state = stc.GetLineState(base_line)

        if not state:

        indent = state & INDENT_MASK
        if indent == 0:

    if base_line < 0:
        base_line = 0

    # Figure out what sort of block we're in, and build up the stack
    # of non-closed blocks.
    for i in range(base_line, line):
        state = stc.GetLineState(i)

        if not state:

        indent = state & INDENT_MASK

        if block_indent is None:
            block_indent = indent

        if state & INDENTS:
            block_stack.append((block_indent, block_type))
            block_indent = None
            block_type = state & BLOCK_MASK

        if state & MAYBE_INDENTS:
            block_maybe_indents = True
            block_maybe_indents = False

        while indent < block_indent:
            block_indent, block_type = block_stack.pop()

    # Clean out the old (no longer relevant) line states.
    for i in range(line, max_styled_line + 1):
        stc.SetLineState(i, 0)

    new_start = stc.PositionFromLine(line)
    text = stc.GetTextRangeUTF8(new_start, end)

    # End open strings.
    text += "\n\"\"\"'''"

    len_text = len(text)
    pos = 0

    # stc.StartStyling(new_start, 0xff & (~wx.stc.STC_INDIC2_MASK))
    sb = StyleBuffer(stc, new_start, 0xff & (~wx.stc.STC_INDIC2_MASK))

    while pos < len_text:

        # The line and pos this statement begins on.
        statement_line = line

        m = line_start_re.match(text, pos)
        pos = m.end()

        indent = len(m.group('indent'))
        comment = m.group('comment')
        eol = m.group('eol')

        if eol:
            sb.style(indent, STC_RENPY_DEFAULT)

        # Style a line-long comment.
        if comment:
            sb.style(len(comment), STC_RENPY_COMMENT)

        # If the line is empty, continue.
        if eol:
            sb.style(len(eol), STC_RENPY_DEFAULT)
            line += 1

        # Otherwise, we have a real line. Figure out the indentation of it.

        indent_indicator = 0

        # If we're indented from the previous line and starting a new block,
        # deal with that.
        if block_indent is None and indent > block_stack[-1][0]:
            block_indent = indent

        # Deal with empty blocks. Not an error, because of label.
        if block_indent is None:
            if INDENT_ERRORS and not block_maybe_indents:
                indent_indicator = wx.stc.STC_INDIC1_MASK
            block_indent, block_type = block_stack.pop()

        # We outdented, go out a block or more.
        while block_indent > indent:
            block_indent, block_type = block_stack.pop()

        # Now check that we match the current block.
        if INDENT_ERRORS and indent != block_indent:
            # Indentation error.
            indent_indicator = wx.stc.STC_INDIC1_MASK

        # Style the indentation.
        sb.style(indent, STC_RENPY_DEFAULT | indent_indicator)

        # Store the line type.
        line_type = block_type >> 4

        line_text = ""
        paren_depth = 0

        while True:
            m = regex.match(text, pos)
            if not m:

            pos = m.end()

            if pos > len_text:
                pos = len_text

            # Rules for applying styling.
            string = m.group("string")
            if string:

                line_text += string
                line += string.count("\n")

                i = 0
                while string[i] in 'ur':
                    i += 1

                sb.style(i + 1, STC_RENPY_DEFAULT)
                sb.style(len(string) - 2 - i, STC_RENPY_STRING)
                sb.style(1, STC_RENPY_DEFAULT)


            word = m.group("word")
            if word:
                line_text += word

                style = STC_RENPY_DEFAULT

                if line_type == LINE_RPY:
                    if word in RENPY_KEYWORDS:
                        style = STC_RENPY_KEYWORD
                    elif word in RENPY_PROPERTIES:
                        style = STC_RENPY_KEYWORD2

                elif line_type == LINE_PY:
                    if word in PYTHON_KEYWORDS:
                        style = STC_RENPY_KEYWORD

                sb.style(len(word), style)

            comment = m.group("comment")
            if comment:
                # Don't include comment text in line_text.
                sb.style(len(comment), STC_RENPY_COMMENT)

            # Style everything else.
            line_text += m.group(0)
            sb.style(len(m.group(0)), STC_RENPY_DEFAULT)

            # Rules for everything else.
            if m.group("open_paren"):
                paren_depth += 1
            elif m.group("close_paren"):
                paren_depth -= 1
            elif m.group("eol"):
                line += 1

                if not paren_depth:

                # End a runaway line, eventually.
                if len(line_text) > 8000:

        line_text = line_text.strip()

        block_maybe_indents = False

        if line_text and line_text[-1] == ':':
            block_stack.append((block_indent, block_type))
            block_indent = None

            indents = INDENTS

            if line_text.startswith("label"):
                indents |= MAYBE_INDENTS
                block_maybe_indents = True

            if line_type == LINE_RPY:
                block_type = BLOCK_RPY
                if renpy_python.match(line_text):
                    block_type = BLOCK_PY
                block_type = BLOCK_PY

            indents = 0

        new_state = indent | line_type | block_type | indents
        stc.SetLineState(statement_line, new_state)

    max_line_cache[id(stc)] = line
예제 #10
 def adjustStart(self, stc, start):
     col = stc.GetColumn(start)
     if col != 0:
         start = stc.PositionFromLine(stc.LineFromPosition(start))
     return start