예제 #1
    def query(self, xri, service_types):
        """Resolve some services for an XRI.

        Note: I don't implement any service endpoint selection beyond what
        the resolver I'm querying does, so the Services I return may well
        include Services that were not of the types you asked for.

        May raise fetchers.HTTPFetchingError or L{etxrd.XRDError} if
        the fetching or parsing don't go so well.

        @param xri: An XRI to resolve.
        @type xri: unicode

        @param service_types: A list of services types to query for.  Service
            types are URIs.
        @type service_types: list of str

        @returns: tuple of (CanonicalID, Service elements)
        @returntype: (unicode, list of C{ElementTree.Element}s)
        # FIXME: No test coverage!
        services = []
        # Make a seperate request to the proxy resolver for each service
        # type, as, if it is following Refs, it could return a different
        # XRDS for each.
        for service_type in service_types:
            url = self.queryURL(xri, service_type)
            response = fetchers.fetch(url)
            if response.status != 200:
                # XXX: sucks to fail silently.
                # print "response not OK:", response
            et = etxrd.parseXRDS(response.body)
            canonicalID = etxrd.getCanonicalID(xri, et)
            some_services = list(iterServices(et))
        # TODO:
        #  * If we do get hits for multiple service_types, we're almost
        #    certainly going to have duplicated service entries and
        #    broken priority ordering.
        return canonicalID, services
예제 #2
    def query(self, xri, service_types):
        """Resolve some services for an XRI.

        Note: I don't implement any service endpoint selection beyond what
        the resolver I'm querying does, so the Services I return may well
        include Services that were not of the types you asked for.

        May raise fetchers.HTTPFetchingError or L{etxrd.XRDError} if
        the fetching or parsing don't go so well.

        @param xri: An XRI to resolve.
        @type xri: unicode

        @param service_types: A list of services types to query for.  Service
            types are URIs.
        @type service_types: list of str

        @returns: tuple of (CanonicalID, Service elements)
        @returntype: (unicode, list of C{ElementTree.Element}s)
        # FIXME: No test coverage!
        services = []
        # Make a seperate request to the proxy resolver for each service
        # type, as, if it is following Refs, it could return a different
        # XRDS for each.
        for service_type in service_types:
            url = self.queryURL(xri, service_type)
            response = fetchers.fetch(url)
            if response.status != 200:
                # XXX: sucks to fail silently.
                # print "response not OK:", response
            et = etxrd.parseXRDS(response.body)
            canonicalID = etxrd.getCanonicalID(xri, et)
            some_services = list(iterServices(et))
        # TODO:
        #  * If we do get hits for multiple service_types, we're almost
        #    certainly going to have duplicated service entries and
        #    broken priority ordering.
        return canonicalID, services
예제 #3
def applyFilter(normalized_uri, xrd_data, flt=None):
    """Generate an iterable of endpoint objects given this input data,
    presumably from the result of performing the Yadis protocol.

    @param normalized_uri: The input URL, after following redirects,
        as in the Yadis protocol.

    @param xrd_data: The XML text the XRDS file fetched from the
        normalized URI.
    @type xrd_data: str

    flt = mkFilter(flt)
    et = parseXRDS(xrd_data)

    endpoints = []
    for service_element in iterServices(et):
            flt.getServiceEndpoints(normalized_uri, service_element))

    return endpoints
예제 #4
def applyFilter(normalized_uri, xrd_data, flt=None):
    """Generate an iterable of endpoint objects given this input data,
    presumably from the result of performing the Yadis protocol.

    @param normalized_uri: The input URL, after following redirects,
        as in the Yadis protocol.

    @param xrd_data: The XML text the XRDS file fetched from the
        normalized URI.
    @type xrd_data: str

    flt = mkFilter(flt)
    et = parseXRDS(xrd_data)

    endpoints = []
    for service_element in iterServices(et):
            flt.getServiceEndpoints(normalized_uri, service_element))

    return endpoints
예제 #5
 def test_getCanonicalID(self):
     for iname, filename, expectedID in self.canonicalIDtests:
         filename = sibpath(__file__, os.path.join("data", filename))
         xrds = etxrd.parseXRDS(file(filename).read())
         self._getCanonicalID(iname, xrds, expectedID)