예제 #1
def test_particle_overrefine():
    data = {}
    bbox = []
    for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
        DW = DRE[i] - DLE[i]
        LE = DLE[i]
        data["particle_position_%s" % ax] = \
            np.random.normal(0.5, scale=0.05, size=(NPART)) * DW + LE
        bbox.append( [DLE[i], DRE[i]] )
    bbox = np.array(bbox)
    _attrs = ('icoords', 'fcoords', 'fwidth', 'ires')
    for n_ref in [16, 32, 64, 512, 1024]:
        ds1 = load_particles(data, 1.0, bbox = bbox, n_ref = n_ref)
        dd1 = ds1.all_data()
        v1 = dict((a, getattr(dd1, a)) for a in _attrs)
        cv1 = dd1["cell_volume"].sum(dtype="float64")
        for over_refine in [1, 2, 3]:
            f = 1 << (3*(over_refine-1))
            ds2 = load_particles(data, 1.0, bbox = bbox, n_ref = n_ref,
                                over_refine_factor = over_refine)
            dd2 = ds2.all_data()
            v2 = dict((a, getattr(dd2, a)) for a in _attrs)
            for a in sorted(v1):
                assert_equal(v1[a].size * f, v2[a].size)
            cv2 = dd2["cell_volume"].sum(dtype="float64")
            assert_equal(cv1, cv2)
예제 #2
 def load_particle_fields_mismatch():
     x = np.random.uniform(size=100)
     y = np.random.uniform(size=100)
     z = np.random.uniform(size=200)
     data = {"particle_position_x": x,
             "particle_position_y": y,
             "particle_position_z": z}
예제 #3
def do_particles():
    f = h5py.File("../s11Qzm1h2_a1.0000.art.h5")
    #f = h5py.File("../agora.nb_a1.0018.art.h5")
    data = dict((k, f[k][:].astype("float64")) for k in f)
    bbox = np.array([[0.0, 128.0], [0.0, 128.0], [0.0, 128.0]])
        "particle_mass"] *= 2.2023338912587828e+43  # Convert to grams, only needed for s11Qzm1h2_a1.0000.art.h5
    ds_particles = load_particles(data,
    center = 128 * np.array([0.492470, 0.533444, 0.476942])
    #center = np.array([63.05873108, 68.22652435, 61.08340073])
                              ["particle_position_%s" % ax for ax in 'xyz'],
                              ["particle_velocity_%s" % ax
                               for ax in 'xyz'], StreamFieldInfo)
                              ["particle_position_%s" % ax for ax in 'xyz'],
                              ["particle_velocity_%s" % ax
                               for ax in 'xyz'], StreamFieldInfo)
    particle_deposition_functions("all", "Coordinates", "particle_mass",
    particle_deposition_functions("finest", "Coordinates", "particle_mass",
    process_dataset(ds_particles, center)
def _parse_old_halo_list(data_ds, halo_list):
    Convert the halo list into a loaded dataset.

    num_halos = len(halo_list)

    if num_halos == 0: return None

    # Set up fields that we want to pull from identified halos and their units
    new_fields = ['particle_identifier', 'particle_mass', 'particle_position_x', 
    new_units = [ '', 'g', 'cm', 'cm','cm','cm']

    # Set up a dictionary based on those fields 
    # with empty arrays where we will fill in their values
    halo_properties = { f : (np.zeros(num_halos),unit) \
        for f, unit in zip(new_fields,new_units)}

    # Iterate through the halos pulling out their positions and virial quantities
    # and filling in the properties dictionary
    for i,halo in enumerate(halo_list):
        halo_properties['particle_identifier'][0][i] = i
        halo_properties['particle_mass'][0][i] = halo.virial_mass().in_cgs()
        halo_properties['virial_radius'][0][i] = halo.virial_radius().in_cgs()

        com = halo.center_of_mass().in_cgs()
        halo_properties['particle_position_x'][0][i] = com[0]
        halo_properties['particle_position_y'][0][i] = com[1]
        halo_properties['particle_position_z'][0][i] = com[2]

    # Define a bounding box based on original data ds
    bbox = np.array([data_ds.domain_left_edge.in_cgs(),

    # Create a ds with the halos as particles
    particle_ds = load_particles(halo_properties, 
            bbox=bbox, length_unit = 1, mass_unit=1)

    # Create the field info dictionary so we can reference those fields

    for attr in ["current_redshift", "current_time",
                 "cosmological_simulation", "omega_lambda",
                 "omega_matter", "hubble_constant"]:
        attr_val = getattr(data_ds, attr)
        setattr(particle_ds, attr, attr_val)
    particle_ds.current_time = particle_ds.current_time.in_cgs()

    particle_ds.unit_registry.modify("h", particle_ds.hubble_constant)
    # Comoving lengths
    for my_unit in ["m", "pc", "AU", "au"]:
        new_unit = "%scm" % my_unit
        particle_ds.unit_registry.add(new_unit, particle_ds.unit_registry.lut[my_unit][0] /
                                      (1 + particle_ds.current_redshift),
                                      length, "\\rm{%s}/(1+z)" % my_unit)
    return particle_ds
예제 #5
def test_arbitrary_grid():
    for ncells in [64, 128, 256]:
        for px in [0.125, 0.25, 0.55519]:

            particle_data = {
                'particle_position_x': np.array([px]),
                'particle_position_y': np.array([0.5]),
                'particle_position_z': np.array([0.5]),
                'particle_mass': np.array([1.0])

            ds = load_particles(particle_data)

            LE = np.array([0.05, 0.05, 0.05])
            RE = np.array([0.95, 0.95, 0.95])
            dims = np.array([ncells, ncells, ncells])

            dds = (RE - LE) / dims
            volume = ds.quan(np.product(dds), 'cm**3')

            obj = ds.arbitrary_grid(LE, RE, dims)
            deposited_mass = obj["deposit", "all_density"].sum() * volume

            yield assert_equal, deposited_mass, ds.quan(1.0, 'g')

    # Test that we get identical results to the covering grid for unigrid data.
    # Testing AMR data is much harder.
    for nprocs in [1, 2, 4, 8]:
        ds = fake_random_ds(32, nprocs=nprocs)
        for ref_level in [0, 1, 2]:
            cg = ds.covering_grid(ref_level, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
                                  2**ref_level * ds.domain_dimensions)
            ag = ds.arbitrary_grid([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
                                   2**ref_level * ds.domain_dimensions)
            yield assert_almost_equal, cg["density"], ag["density"]
예제 #6
def test_arbitrary_grid():
    for ncells in [32, 64]:
        for px in [0.125, 0.25, 0.55519]:

            particle_data = {
                "particle_position_x": np.array([px]),
                "particle_position_y": np.array([0.5]),
                "particle_position_z": np.array([0.5]),
                "particle_mass": np.array([1.0]),

            ds = load_particles(particle_data)

            for dims in ([ncells] * 3, [ncells, ncells / 2, ncells / 4]):
                LE = np.array([0.05, 0.05, 0.05])
                RE = np.array([0.95, 0.95, 0.95])
                dims = np.array(dims)

                dds = (RE - LE) / dims
                volume = ds.quan(np.product(dds), "cm**3")

                obj = ds.arbitrary_grid(LE, RE, dims)
                deposited_mass = obj["deposit", "all_density"].sum() * volume

                assert_equal(deposited_mass, ds.quan(1.0, "g"))

                LE = np.array([0.00, 0.00, 0.00])
                RE = np.array([0.05, 0.05, 0.05])

                obj = ds.arbitrary_grid(LE, RE, dims)

                deposited_mass = obj["deposit", "all_density"].sum()

                assert_equal(deposited_mass, 0)

    # Test that we get identical results to the covering grid for unigrid data.
    # Testing AMR data is much harder.
    for nprocs in [1, 2, 4, 8]:
        ds = fake_random_ds(32, nprocs=nprocs)
        for ref_level in [0, 1, 2]:
            cg = ds.covering_grid(
                ref_level, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 2 ** ref_level * ds.domain_dimensions
            ag = ds.arbitrary_grid(
                [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], 2 ** ref_level * ds.domain_dimensions
            assert_almost_equal(cg["density"], ag["density"])
예제 #7
def test_position_location():
    pos = np.random.normal(0.5, scale=0.05, size=(NPART,3)) * (DRE-DLE) + DLE
    # Now convert to integers
    data = {}
    bbox = []
    for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
        np.clip(pos[:,i], DLE[i], DRE[i], pos[:,i])
        bbox.append([DLE[i], DRE[i]])
        data["particle_position_%s" % ax] = pos[:,i]
    bbox = np.array(bbox)
    ds = load_particles(data, 1.0, bbox = bbox, over_refine_factor = 2)
    oct_id, all_octs = ds.index.oct_handler.locate_positions(pos)
    for oi in sorted(all_octs):
        this_oct = pos[oct_id == oi]
        assert(np.all(this_oct >= all_octs[oi]["left_edge"]))
        assert(np.all(this_oct <= all_octs[oi]["right_edge"]))
예제 #8
def test_particle_octree_counts():
    # Eight times as many!
    data = {}
    bbox = []
    for i, ax in enumerate('xyz'):
        DW = DRE[i] - DLE[i]
        LE = DLE[i]
        data["particle_position_%s" % ax] = \
            np.random.normal(0.5, scale=0.05, size=(NPART*8)) * DW + LE
        bbox.append( [DLE[i], DRE[i]] )
    bbox = np.array(bbox)
    for n_ref in [16, 32, 64, 512, 1024]:
        ds = load_particles(data, 1.0, bbox = bbox, n_ref = n_ref)
        dd = ds.all_data()
        bi = dd["io","mesh_id"]
        v = np.bincount(bi.astype("intp"))
        assert_equal(v.max() <= n_ref, True)
        bi2 = dd["all","mesh_id"]
        assert_equal(bi, bi2)
예제 #9
def do_particles():
    f = h5py.File("../s11Qzm1h2_a1.0000.art.h5")
    #f = h5py.File("../agora.nb_a1.0018.art.h5")
    data = dict((k, f[k][:].astype("float64")) for k in f)
    bbox = np.array([[0.0, 128.0], [0.0, 128.0], [0.0, 128.0]])
    data["particle_mass"] *= 2.2023338912587828e+43 # Convert to grams, only needed for s11Qzm1h2_a1.0000.art.h5
    ds_particles = load_particles(data, 2.0604661199638546e+24, bbox=bbox,
                                  n_ref = NREF)
    center = 128 * np.array([0.492470,  0.533444,  0.476942]) 
    #center = np.array([63.05873108, 68.22652435, 61.08340073])
                              ["particle_position_%s" % ax for ax in 'xyz'],
                              ["particle_velocity_%s" % ax for ax in 'xyz'],
                              ["particle_position_%s" % ax for ax in 'xyz'],
                              ["particle_velocity_%s" % ax for ax in 'xyz'],
    particle_deposition_functions("all", "Coordinates", "particle_mass", StreamFieldInfo)
    particle_deposition_functions("finest", "Coordinates", "particle_mass", StreamFieldInfo)
    process_dataset(ds_particles, center)
예제 #10
def _parse_old_halo_list(data_ds, halo_list):
    Convert the halo list into a loaded dataset.

    num_halos = len(halo_list)

    if num_halos == 0: return None

    # Set up fields that we want to pull from identified halos and their units
    new_fields = [
        'particle_identifier', 'particle_mass', 'particle_position_x',
        'particle_position_y', 'particle_position_z', 'virial_radius'
    new_units = ['', 'g', 'cm', 'cm', 'cm', 'cm']

    # Set up a dictionary based on those fields
    # with empty arrays where we will fill in their values
    halo_properties = { f : (np.zeros(num_halos),unit) \
        for f, unit in zip(new_fields,new_units)}

    # Iterate through the halos pulling out their positions and virial quantities
    # and filling in the properties dictionary
    for i, halo in enumerate(halo_list):
        halo_properties['particle_identifier'][0][i] = i
        halo_properties['particle_mass'][0][i] = halo.virial_mass().in_cgs()
        halo_properties['virial_radius'][0][i] = halo.virial_radius().in_cgs()

        com = halo.center_of_mass().in_cgs()
        halo_properties['particle_position_x'][0][i] = com[0]
        halo_properties['particle_position_y'][0][i] = com[1]
        halo_properties['particle_position_z'][0][i] = com[2]

    # Define a bounding box based on original data ds
    bbox = np.array([

    # Create a ds with the halos as particles
    particle_ds = load_particles(halo_properties,

    # Create the field info dictionary so we can reference those fields

    for attr in [
            "current_redshift", "current_time", "domain_dimensions",
            "cosmological_simulation", "omega_lambda", "omega_matter",
        attr_val = getattr(data_ds, attr)
        setattr(particle_ds, attr, attr_val)
    particle_ds.current_time = particle_ds.current_time.in_cgs()

    particle_ds.unit_registry.modify("h", particle_ds.hubble_constant)
    # Comoving lengths
    for my_unit in ["m", "pc", "AU", "au"]:
        new_unit = "%scm" % my_unit
            new_unit, particle_ds.unit_registry.lut[my_unit][0] /
            (1 + particle_ds.current_redshift), length,
            "\\rm{%s}/(1+z)" % my_unit)

    return particle_ds