예제 #1
파일: Set.py 프로젝트: Irmitya/zpy
    def update_constraint_matrix(mats):
        from zpy import utils

        # Set the matrix
        for con in constraints:
            if hasattr(con, 'use_offset') and con.use_offset:
        # utils.update(context)
        for src in srcs:
            new_mat = Get.matrix_constraints(context, src, mats[src],
            mats[src] = new_mat
예제 #2
    def update_pose(self, context):
        # for region in context.area.regions:
        # if region.type == 'WINDOW':
        # break
        # else:
        # return self.cancel(context)
        region = context.region
        rv3d = context.space_data.region_3d

        gp = context.annotation_data

        stroke = gp.layers.active.frames[0].strokes[0]

        for chain in Get.sorted_chains(context.selected_pose_bones):
            bone_chain = list()

            for bone in reversed(chain):
                bone_chain.insert(0, bone)
                if bone == chain[0]:
                    # Do location
                    # continue  # or break; should do the same

                    while bone.parent not in chain:
                        # Do unselected in betweens
                        bone = bone.parent
                        if not Is.visible(context, bone):
                            # Don't rotate hidden bones

                        bone_chain.insert(0, bone)

            bcount = len(bone_chain) - 1
            gcount = len(stroke.points) - 1

            # if bcount:
            # while gcount > bcount * 3:
            # # Split point count in half
            # index = 0
            # while index < len(stroke.points) - 1:
            #     stroke.points.pop(index=index + 1)
            #     index += 1
            # print(bcount, gcount, '\t', index, len(stroke.points))

            # gcount = len(stroke.points) - 1

            bone_mats = list()
            con_tmp = list()

            index = 0
            for bone in bone_chain:
                if index > bcount:
                    index = bcount

                point_index = utils.scale_range(index, 0, bcount, 0, gcount)
                point = stroke.points[int(point_index)]

                if index == 0:
                    if not (bone.parent):
                        bone = bone_chain[0]
                        point = stroke.points[0]

                        to_2d = location_3d_to_region_2d(
                            region, rv3d, point.co)  # get 2d space of stroke
                        if to_2d:
                            to_3d = region_2d_to_location_3d(
                                region, rv3d, to_2d,
                                bone.head)  # keep depth of bone

                            empty = New.object(context, bone.name)
                            empty.empty_display_size = 0.25
                            empty.location = to_3d

                            con = bone.constraints.new('COPY_LOCATION')
                            con.target = empty
                            con_tmp.append((bone, con, empty))

                    if bcount == 0:
                        point = stroke.points[-1]
                        # index += 1
                        point_index = utils.scale_range(
                            0.5, 0, bcount, 0, gcount)
                        point = stroke.points[int(point_index)]

                to_2d = location_3d_to_region_2d(
                    region, rv3d, point.co)  # get 2d space of stroke
                if to_2d:
                    to_3d = region_2d_to_location_3d(
                        region, rv3d, to_2d, bone.tail)  # keep depth of bone

                    empty = New.object(context, bone.name)
                    empty.empty_display_size = 0.1
                    empty.location = to_3d

                    con = bone.constraints.new('DAMPED_TRACK')
                    con.target = empty
                    con_tmp.append((bone, con, empty))

                index += 1

            for (bone, con, empty) in reversed(con_tmp):
                mat = Get.matrix_constraints(context, bone)
                # mat = Get.matrix(bone)
                bone_mats.append((bone, mat))

                Get.objects(context, link=True).unlink(empty)

            for (bone, mat) in bone_mats:
                Set.matrix(bone, mat)
                keyframe.keyingset(context, selected=[bone], skip_bones=True)


        return {'FINISHED'}