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Django app which houses models and methods for retrieving and storing data structures from EVE Online.

Quick start

  1. Add "eveonline" to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this:
  1. Run python migrate to create models.

Retrieving Data


Data can be retrieved from the XML API or EVE Swagger Interface through a common provider interface. The core of this system is the provider object system, a series of classes which return data in an identical format no matter the source.

These objects also provide convenience properties to access related objects: for instance, the Character object can provide a Corporation object for that character's corporation by accessing the corporation property.

Objects are available for Character, Corporation, Alliance, Faction, and ItemType data types.


Providers are the API clients which provide data. Two providers are available, one for XML and one for ESI. The EveXmlProvider accepts an optional API key tuple of (api_id, verification_code). The EveSwaggerProvider accepts an optional token argument, being a esi.models.Token model from adarnauth-esi.

Objects can be retrieved by calling the provider's get_ methods and supplying the desired ID: for instance, to get a character, call provider.get_character(234899860). If the ID is invalid or does not match the object type, an ObjectNotFound error will be raised.

A provider factory is available for easy provider creation, eveonline.providers.eve_provider_factory. This returns the default provider as defined by settings.EVEONLINE_DEFAULT_PROVIDER. If unset, this defaults to the EveSwaggerProvider. Accepted values are xml and esi.

It is highly recommended to use the EveSwaggerProvider as default due to the depreciated status of the XML API. But the EveXmlProvider is available should ESI experience issues.


The provider factory returns a wrapper provider which automatically caches results. This will greatly speed up related calls. The default caching time can be altered by defining settings.EVEONLINE_OBJ_CACHE_DURATION, in seconds.

Objects are cached as per the django project configuration. Longer caching timers will reduce API calls to speed up the app, but will consume more memory and not be as up-to-date. Select a caching time accordingly.

Storing Data


Models for Character, Corporation, Alliance, Faction, and ItemType are available. These are best used when explicit foreign keys are needed, or filtering by fields other than ID is required.

Models can be created manually, or by providing an API object from a provider:

char = provider.get_character(234899860)
return Character.from_provider_obj(char)

This automatically populates a new Character model with data from the provider.

Models can also be updated from provider objects:

char = Character.objects.get(id=234899860)

This performs a similar function to from_provider_obj, mapping the provider object attributes to the model's fields. Passing commit=True saves the model.

Models are not guaranteed to be up-to-date. They are automatically updated every 8 hours by default; this can be altered through celerybeat schedule configuration. Only Character and Corporation models are updated as Alliance, Faction and ItemType will not change without CCP intervention.


Snapshots are useful when the current relationships of an EVE object are the focus of future queries. Snapshots embed the current relations into a given model and provide ways of retrieving historically accurate object relations.

Mixins are provided for models: AllianceSnapshotMixin, FactionSnapshotMixin, CorporationSnapshotMixin, and CharacterSnapshotMixin. Each of these stores the ID and name of the current object into the model. Objects can be retrieved by accessing the alliance, faction, corporation, or character properties of models with the mixin. These return a provider object with relations matching those when the snapshot was taken.

These mixins are inherited: the CharacterSnapshotMixin also embeds corporation, alliance and faction data. If desired, all these objects can be retrieved in the future for an accurate picture of historic relations.

To use a snapshot, inherit the mixin in your model. For instance, in a fleet participation link:

class PapLink(CharacterSnapshotMixin, models.Model):

Then during model creation, pass a Character provider object to the character property:

pap = PapLink(**data)
pap.character = provider.get_character(234899860)

Passing to a character property will also store that character's corporation in the corporation property, that corporation's alliance in the alliance property, and that corporation's faction in the faction property.

Each property can be accessed individually, or the relational links can also be followed. For instance, both of these will return the same object:


Note that not all fields on the returned object are guaranteed to be historically accurate, merely the relations. For instance, pap.alliance.member_corps will not be a historically accurate list of member corps, but rather the current list.

Alliance and faction mixins are also available in a nulled variant, allowing blank values (these are inherited by the CorporationSnapshotMixin), named NullAllianceSnapshotMixin and NullFactionSnapshotMixin. If no alliance or faction is saved, they return None.


Custom model fields are best used when queries about object attributed other than ID are not essential, or there's an emphasis on getting the most current information about an object. These store the ID and retrieve the rest of the object's attributes when accessed.

All fields inherit from django.db.models.BigIntegerField to ensure IDs greater than 2^31 will function should CCP begin using them. Fields validate data in two ways above the usual BigIntegerField validators:

  • Entered values must be greater than zero. CCP does not use negative IDs.
  • Entered values must be valid for the given object type. For instance, CharacterField checks the ID supplied to make sure it is actually a character. This is done by attempting to retrieve the object from the default provider.

Fields can be set by passing either a provider object or an ID integer.

Fields are inherently more susceptible to API outages - if the default provider is unable to connect to the API, values will not be able to be stored nor retrieved.

Additionally, if the default provider is xml, any AllianceField with a closed alliance ID will not be able to retrieve the alliance object due to limitations of the XML API. For this reason it is highly recommended to keep the default provider as esi.


EVE Online model management for Adarnauth







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