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Taxonomic Classification of NGS Reads using Language Models

This repository provides a script for the frame and taxnomic classification of NGS reads. It contains all resources needed to reproduce the results presentet in the work Taxonomic Classification of NGS Reads using Language Models.

Classification Results

With the script you can classify your NGS-reads into the taxonomic domains viruses, bacteria, and mammals. The classification is done by concatenating multiple data processing and sub-classification steps. At first, the frame of a read within its coding sequence must be recognized to translate the DNA sequence fragments into amino acid sequences correctly. This is done by a transformer neural network. Using this information, the read sequences can be translated into amino acid sequences. In a final step, the amino acid sequences are classified into taxonomic domains by another transformer.


Using Poetry

In order to run the scripts, you need to install the appropriate dependencies. We use poetry for denpedency management. We refer to peotry documentation for installtion instructions. Once poetry is installed you can install the dependecies with:

# Install dependencies
poetry install

Note, since the environment contains a PyTorch this setup is maybe not optimal for you. Since the standard pytorch package is not supporting GPUs, we strongly recommand replacing the PyTorch version with one that is suited for your enviroment and hardware configuration.

# You can replace the PyTorch version with one that suits your hardware configuration 
# by replacing the version in the poetry venv, e.g. GPU/CUDA11 support:
poetry shell
pip install torch==1.8.1+cu111 torchvision==0.9.1+cu111 torchaudio==0.8.1 -f

Install Pckages via Pip

If you do not get the poetry version running, install following dependencies manually in a python virtual enviroment.

pip install pandas seaborn scikit-learn, bio

# Install a suitable PyTorch version, e.g. with CUDA 10.2 support. Use to find your suited version.
pip install torch torchvision torchaudio

# And final install packeges relying on PyTorch
pip install pytorch-nlp, transformers

Using Docker

We provide a Docker container with a predefiened environment for the classification and reproduce_results script.

# rebuild the container using the docker file
docker build -f Dockerfile -t deepprojects/tcngs:1.0.2 .

# Start the container and run the `reproduce_results` script
docker run deepprojects/tcngs:latest

# Run the docker container and execute the `reproduce_results` script with user specified argements
docker run \
    --env "BATCH_SIZE=64" \
    --env "OUTPUT='/mnt'" \
    --volume /home/$(whoami)/workspace:/mnt/ \


To classify your NGS reads, you can use the script. The script will take a file in FASTA format as input and will output that file with an enriched header line (>) containing the results, i.e., source header line | STOP codon found? | frame classification | taxonomic classification. At the moment, the script expects the file to be clear of comments (;).

# Example of two lines from an input file
>gi|5524211|gb|AAD44166.1| cytochrome b [Elephas maximus maximus]

# Expected output after classification 
>gi|5524211|gb|AAD44166.1| cytochrome b [Elephas maximus maximus] | False | 2 | 0

Possible result values for the frame classification are 0-5 (0: on-frame, 1: offset by one base, 2: offset by two bases, 3: reverse-complementary, 4: reverse-complementary and offset by one base, 5: reverse complementary and offset by two bases). Possible classes for the taxonomic classification are 0: viral, 1: bacterial and 2: mammals.

The only argument required by the script is --input the path to the FASTA file you like to classify. All optional arguments can be viewed using the --help flag. The First execution of the script will download the pre-trained models used in the process automatically. A few example calls are

Note:If you using poetry put a poetry run infront of the python call or activate the poetry venv poetry shell

# Standard call
python -i /path/to/my/file.fasta

# In addtion to the FASTA file output create numpy files containing 
# the classification logits and a pandas dataframe
python -i /path/to/my/file.fasta -v

# Changing the the default output directory './results'
python -i /path/to/my/file.fasta -o /save/results/here

Pre-Trained Models and Dataset

Final datasets and models (PyTorch version) used for the published experiments are publicly available under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Executing the provided or script files will automatically download the necessary models/datasets.


PyTorch Models

Reproduce Paper Results

To reproduce the figures and accuracy values reported in the paper, you can execute the The script will download all necessary resources (final models and test datasets) and calculate the used metrics. By default, all results will be saved in a folder called paper-results. Due to the size of the test datasets, the calculation time is relatively high. We recommend the usage of a GPU if you want to reproduce the results. The script's execution time using an NVIDIA RTX 3090 with a batch size of 1024 is about 5 hours.

# Standard call; use --help flag to see all arguments using poetry.

# Without poetry


Distributed under the LGPL-2.1 License. See LICENSE for more information.


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