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How to install and run europolix

tested on lubuntu 13.10 with virtualenv on March 21, 2014

Create the directory of the project

Go to the directory of your choice in a terminal and type:

    mkdir europolix
    cd europolix

Install and set up git

Git is the versionning tool used for the project. The project is currently hosted on github.

    sudo apt-get install git

Initialize the git tracking system:

    git init
    git status
    git config --global "[github username]"
    git config --global "[email address]"

Indicate where to fetch the source code:

    git remote add origin

Get the source code

Fetch the source code from the github directory and copy it inside the root directory of the project

    git pull origin master

If you have right problems:

    sudo chown -R [username] ./

Install Mysql

MySQL is the database engine used for the project.

    sudo apt-get install mysql-server python-setuptools python-dev build-essential libmysqlclient-dev

Connect the database on your server

Copy the sql file of the original database on your local machine (using scp for example). Create a database called europolix from the mysql interpreter:

    mysql -u root -p
    CREATE SCHEMA `europolix` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci ;

Create the tables from the sql file.

    mysql -u root -p europolix < [/path/sql/file]

Update the settings file

Inside the europolix directory, update the file. At the beginning, modify WEB_ROOT to point to the address of your server. In the DATABASES section, update USER and PASSWORD to correspond to your mysql ids.

Install virtualenv

Virtualenv creates a virtual environment for the project. It allows you to run other projects using the same software but with a different version. For example this project requires python2.7, but you might need python3.0 for another project.

    pip install virtualenv

Create a virtual environment for europolix

    virtualenv europolix

Activate the environment

    source europolix/bin/activate

From now on, all the software will be installed under this virtual session, and available for this project only.

Install curl

This package let you download other packakes from the internet via a terminal.

    sudo apt-get install curl

Install python

Python 2.7 is the language used for this project.

    curl -O
    cd ~/Downloads
    tar zxf Python-2.7.6.tgz
    cd Python-2.7

If error Python.h not found:

    sudo apt-get install python-dev

Then finish the installation of python

    sudo make install

Install pip

PIP is a tool to install python software easily.

    curl -O
    tar xvfz pip-1.4.tar.gz
    cd pip-1.4
    sudo python install

Install the requirements

The file requirements.txt contains all the dependencies of the project (such as Django, Beautifulsoup). The following line is going to install them all.

    pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the server (development server)

    python runserver

Access the website from your web browser


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