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PyKafka is a cluster-aware Kafka protocol client for python. It includes python implementations of Kafka producers and consumers.

PyKafka's primary goal is to provide a similar level of abstraction to the JVM Kafka client using idioms familiar to python programmers and exposing the most pythonic API possible.

What happened to Samsa?

This project used to be called samsa. It has been renamed PyKafka and has been fully overhauled to support Kafka 0.8.2. We chose to target 0.8.2 because it's currently the latest stable version, and the Offset Commit/Fetch API is stabilized.

The Samsa PyPI package will stay up for the foreseeable future and tags for previous versions will always be available in this repo.


Documentation for PyKafka can be found on readthedocs.


Apache Kafka is a distributed log-based messaging system. It provides an abstraction that allows producers to send messages to a cluster and for consumers to fetch messages from that cluster. The consumer group mechanism allows the semantics to resemble either publish-subscribe or message queueing. Kafka uses Apache ZooKeeper to facilitate information sharing between its servers.


Messages are units of data to be communicated between clients. Messages don't have any inherent structure -- as far as Kafka is concerned, the message is just an array of bytes and the application can serialize or deserialize the payload in a way that makes sense to its own environment.


Brokers are servers that store and serve messages.


The topic is Kafka's concept of a single abstracted log. Messages are published to topics. Every topic is available on all servers.


Topics are divided into partitions, which are distributed across brokers. Each partition is owned by a single broker.

The clients of a Kafka cluster are generally split into two different categories, although these roles are not mutually exclusive:


Producers publish messages to topics.


Consumers consume messages from topics.

For more information about Kafka itself, visit the Kafka documentation.

Usage and API Overview

Assuming you have a Kafka instance running on localhost, you can use PyKafka to connect to it.

>>> from pykafka import KafkaClient
>>> client = KafkaClient(hosts="")

If the cluster you've connected to has any topics defined on it, you can list them with:

>>> client.topics
{'my.test': <pykafka.topic.Topic at 0x19bc8c0 (name=my.test)>}
>>> topic = client.topics['my.test']

Once you've got a Topic, you can create a Producer for it and start producing messages.

>>> producer = topic.get_producer()
>>> producer.produce(['test message ' + i ** 2 for i in range(4)])

You can also consume messages from this topic using a Consumer instance.

>>> consumer = topic.get_simple_consumer()
>>> for message in consumer:
    if message is not None:
        print message.offset, message.value
0 test message 0
1 test message 1
2 test message 4
3 test message 9

This SimpleConsumer doesn't scale - if you have two SimpleConsumers consuming the same topic, they will receive duplicate messages. To get around this, you can use the BalancedConsumer.

>>> balanced_consumer = topic.get_balanced_consumer(
        consumer_group='testgroup', auto_commit_enable=True)

You can have as many BalancedConsumer instances consuming a topic as that topic has partitions. If they are all connected to the same zookeeper instance, they will communicate with it to automatically balance the partitions between themselves.


If you need help using PyKafka or have found a bug, please open a github issue.


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