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Asset Control Tower

This project is my attempt at creating a viable solution for the CarNext case.

What does it do?

It is a data pipeline that downloads files from a pre-specified location and unzips these files. The unzipped files are stored on disk. The second step is to load in these csv files, perform preprocessing to fit the data into the database. After the data is stored, a series of data manipulation queries sanitize the cars' build year and perform feature normalization on the amount damage column. The normalized damage is stored in a separate column.

All data manipulation queries are implemented in sqlalchemy to make the python code as database agnostic as possible.

The database is a MySQL database running in a Docker container. The python script can be run both locally and in its own Docker.

Tech used

  • Make
  • Docker
  • Python3.8

How to use

How to start

After you cloned the repo, you can just call

make first_run

This will (in order)

  • pull the latest MySQL docker from dockerhub
  • create a custom Docker network
  • launch a MySQL container attached to the custom network
  • build a Python3.8 image with all python files, requirements file and Makefile
  • run a Python3.8 container that runs


The test are supposed to throw 1 error so there is nothing to worry about when you see this:

FAILED - AssertionError: assert 35 == 36


When the tests have run as expected, perform the command

make python_run_script

This will start the python script that will get all the data, load it into the database and run the transformations. It will take a while though...

The next step is to get the result from the database.

make enter_database

This will start a separate mysql instance with the command line interface. Then run the query:

select * from ACT.pistoncup order by country, rnk ASC;

The results will display "nicely" formatted on the command line.

Of course it is possible to set up a connection to a GUI like DBeaver to localhost:3306.

Removing the mysql container to start fresh


make remove_container_db

This will stop and remove the database container. To start a fresh one simply run:

make create_database

Next steps

This project can obviously use more work to make it better. Here is just some stuff from the top of my head:

  • More streamlined data flow: The implemented data flow just loads everything at once. Handling one file at a time would be nice, then more files might be added, or even one entry at a time to prepare for streaming.
  • Deduplication in the database itself: This is now performed in-memory using pandas. It works. The reason for this approach was the really slow performance of session.merge() where the deduplication is handled by the database on insert.
  • More checks on the downloaded files to make sure they are compatible both for file type and content.
  • A data dictionary to sanitize both the make and model fields. These can contain the same data; just have the model; or have the model including subtypes like engine and wheel size. Between countries there are also a lot of differences for the same type (i.e. Series 3 / 3 series / 320i).
  • A nice, general way to fix data where the csv reader decided to split it up into more fields than the standard 36.
  • For production purposes the username and password need to stored and accessed securely.
  • More subtlety in checking if the database is initialized.
  • Add a different database docker as back-end to test if the data wrangling is actually database agnostic.
  • Use mock to mock a table class in the tests to make the tests easier...


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