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Ansible-universe is an Ansible role build tool implementing the following features:

  • Role syntax check
  • Proper generation
  • Role linter implementing best practices
  • Packaging & publishing into private web (DAV) repositories
  • Proper tasks/main.yml generation, with platforms runtime check

The following build targets are supported:

  • init instantiate role template
  • show show role information
  • dist generate ansible distributable role files
  • clean delete all generated files
  • check include role in a dummy playbook and check syntax
  • package package role
  • publish publish role to a web repository

The following lifecycles are supported:

  • init
  • show
  • clean
  • publish < package < check < dist

Ansible-universe uses the ansible-galaxy build manifest (meta/main.yml) with extra attributes:

  • prefix, variable prefix, defaults to rolename
  • version, defaults to 0.0.1
  • variables, maps names to descriptions
  • include_when, maps tasks/ filenames to include conditions
  • usage_complement, optional, additional usage instructions
  • maintenance_complement, optional, additional maintenance instructions


For this tutorial, we're going to work on a simple use-case: a provisioner for a nginx service.

A role is a directory containing various assets, the first step is therefore to create that directory:

$ mkdir nginx

Let's initialize the role with Ansible-universe:

$ ansible-universe -C nginx init

The init target creates a dummy (ansible-galaxy) role manifest: meta/main.yml. This manifest is also the build manifest for Ansible-universe. This is actually the only required file for distributing a role. Take some time to edit this file:

  • set the author (you)
  • set a description
  • select supported platforms (Debian and Ubuntu in our case)
  • etc.

You are then free to fill-in the other directories depending on your role. Remember only 8 sub-directories are specified, for further details, please check the Directory Layout section of the best practices, in the appendix.

As for this tutorial, we only need the tasks/ sub-directory. This directory contains a single file for now, named nginx.yml:

$ cat > tasks/nginx.yml <<EOF
- apt:
    name: nginx
    state: present
- service:
    name: nginx
    state: started
    enabled: yes

Let's call Ansible-universe to generate and check everything:

$ ansible-universe -C nginx check
generating nginx/tasks/main.yml
generating nginx/

playbook: playbook.yml

ERROR: expecting dict; got: None, error in /tmp/nginx/tasks/nginx.yml
** WARNING: syntax error
   source: role 'nginx'
   flag: syntax
** WARNING: missing 'name' attribute, please describe the target state
   source: task 'nginx.yml[#2]'
   flag: task_has_name

As indicated in the lifecycle section, the check target implies dist, which is called first.

On dist, two files are generated:

  • tasks/main.yml, performing the platform check and including any other YAML file in tasks/. Conditions to inclusions can be specified via the include_when attribute of the manifest.
  •, gathering the role description, supported platforms and data on variables.

On check, all checks are run, and in the above example, 2 warnings were raised. The fact that ERROR is printed and then WARNING is a tad confusing. What's happening is that the ansible-playbook subprocess is terminating on an error and print it. This is caught by Ansible-universe as a more generic warning stating that the syntax is incorrect. A syntax error was detected, let's fix it by removing the last dash in tasks/nginx.yml. The other warning says that we didn't describe one of our tasks, add a name attribute to fix it. Re-run Ansible-universe, you should get the following layout with no warning:

$ tree nginx/
├── meta
│   └── main.yml
└── tasks
    ├── main.yml
    └── nginx.yml

Your role is now ready to be distributed. If you're using a VCS as repository, simply commit and push the files, but remember to exclude (e.g. in .gitignore) the build byproducts (*.hmap, .build.) If you're using a web repository, proceed as follow (set a working repository URL beforehand):

$ ansible-universe -C nginx publish -r http://somewhere
generating nginx/.build/nginx-0.0.1.tgz
publishing nginx/.build/nginx-0.0.1.tgz to http://somewhere


$ pip install --user ansible-universe

To uninstall:

$ pip uninstall ansible-universe

Development Guide

The built-in linter can easily be extended with your own checks:

  • in the universe directory, create a new module defining the MANIFEST global dict
  • in, register that new module by its name in the MANIFESTS dict

In your module, the MANIFEST dictionary shall contains the following attributes:

  • Required type: either role, variable, subdir or task. This specify the objects that will be passed to the predicate below.
  • Required predicate: a callback with two parameters (object, helpers) and returning a Boolean. helpers is a dictionary containing various functions and objects: role, marshall().
  • Required message: the message to display when the predicate is violated.
  • Optional flag: default to module name, symbol used with the -W command line option.

Ansible Best Practices


Playbook Interface

Always assume your playbook users are not developers. Design your playbooks to be configurable through groups and variables. Users will use those in the inventory and varfiles. The inventory and varfiles are expected to be created/edited, but making your user modify a playbook is a design mistake.

Directory Layout

5 sub-directories are specified for a playbook:

  • group_vars/
  • host_vars/
  • library/
  • filter_plugins/
  • roles/

If you need additional assets, such as files or templates, then define a role to manage them.


Roles specific to your playbook have to be shipped with it. 3rd-parties dependencies have to be registered into the requirements.{txt,yml} file and resolved by ansible-galaxy.


If you need a piece of provisioning more than once, re-design it as a role. Roles are to Ansible what packages are to your platform or programming language.


Role Interface

You can safely assume that role users are actually developers, as using them requires some more advanced Ansible skills. Design your roles to be configurable through variables.

Role Repository

Make your roles available either on a public VCS or on a public web repository. Prefer web repository to avoid access control issues. Indeed, contrary to other modern build stacks (e.g. Java, Python, Docker...), Ansible does not offer any kind of package repository; instead roles are simply “published” as code repositories (e.g. on github, etc.) This entails major issues:

  • Unexpected Access Restrictions Code repositories are designed to enforce fine grained access control from the ground up; this means you have to explicitly be given access to a repository to use it. Package repositories have the opposite behavior: once published, a package is accessible to anyone (e.g. apt-get install, pip install...) except if configured otherwise (opt-in.) The intent is clear: on publication, the package is made available to everyone. Therefore, using a code repository as a package repository violates the UX principle of least surprise.
  • No Version Ordering & Expressions A VCS uses an internal versioning system (e.g. a hash for git) which is not related to the “human readable” version strings (e.g. “v1.0.0”.) Version strings are generally tag names created manually by developers when necessary. As version strings are unusable by git and by extension, by ansible-galaxy, version expressions cannot be used when specifying a dependency. With other build tools, it is common for instance to request an compatible version of a dependency within a range and exclude a subset of releases known as broken, e.g. >=2.1, <4a0, !=2.4rc, != 2.5rc
  • Inefficient Binary Resources Storage A playbook may contain binary resources (e.g. images or pre-compiled bytecode.) Storing those resources into a code repository is a bad practice (REF?.)

3rd-parties dependencies have to be registered into the dependencies attribute of the role manifest.


Keep roles self-contained. Having shared variables between two roles is a design mistake. Instead make your roles configurable via variables and handle integration issues in the corresponding play.

Formal Requirements

The following requirements are all validated by default via the check target:

$ cd myrole
$ ansible-universe check

You can switch on only the ones you're interested in with the -W<flag>,… option.

Manifest, -Wmanifest

Make sure your role manifest contains the required information for publication:

  • Version (extended attribute),
  • Authors
  • License
  • Description
  • Supported platforms
Documentation, -Wreadme

Given a playbook or a role, if groups or variables are not documented, they are non-existent as, unfortunately, Ansible (as of version 1.9.2) has no native mechanism to probe them. The documentation (generally the file) is therefore the only learning medium for the end-users. Make sure your documentation it is up-to-date.

Naming, -Wnaming

Prefix (bis, rebis) all your playbook groups, playbook variables and role variables by a short and unique ID. Ideally the playbook name if it fits. Ansible only has a global namespace and having two identical variables will lead one to be overwritten by the other. This is also true for handler names.

Directory Layout, -Wlayout

Do not add any custom sub-directory to a role or playbook, this would lead to undefined behavior: at any point in a future version, other sub-directories might be needed by Ansible and if they are already used by your role for anything else, this will break.

As of Ansible version 1.9.2, 8 sub-directories are specified for a role:

  • defaults/
  • files/
  • handlers/
  • meta/
  • tasks/
  • templates/
  • vars/
  • library/
Name task, -Wtask_has_name

Make the intent of each task explicit by setting its name attribute.

Do not set a Remote User, -Wtask_has_no_remote_user

It's tempting to always assume your playbooks/roles are run as root and to enforce it by setting remote_user. This is a bad idea as your users might want to use another user that has equivalent privileges (e.g. via sudo.) The root account is often disabled on modern systems for security reasons. If you need an explicit user for a given task, use sudo_user: <name> and sudo: yes.

On copy/template, Set a owner, -Wowner

If no owner is specified on a copy or a template task, the current user UID will be used. But that user can change and so will the file owner depending on who is running the playbook. This violates the idempotence rule.


Ansible role build tool






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