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This project is using old versions of node and express. It won't work if you try to run it: the version of express I have linked is using the submodule Class.js which does not exist anymore ( I did not have time to fix it.

TODO: * fix the Class.js issue * reimplement keepalive requests to remove ghosts * fix the TCP port issue when adress is not the IP


A simple chat application using a database built on node.js, Express and MongoDB. This project has the objective of testing the scalability of the architecture node.js + MongoDB. Once the application is finished, a stress test will be run on a cluster.

We also want to test the GridFS functionality of MongoDB. Thus, the application should be able to upload and share files between users of a room.


git clone git://

cd express-chat

perl or git submodule update --init in express-chat and in express-chat/vendor/express folders

Modify the config file: host: "localhost" or "" whether you want to run it as local or not port: port for the server (if 80 you will probably need to run the application as root) myip: IP address of the current machine or its domain name (only used in the DB to redirect users) mongo: host and port of the mongo server

Installation of node.JS

git clone git://
cd node
git checkout v0.1.96

# if you ar root:
sudo make install

# else modify NODE variable in the Makefile to node's path (ex: NODE= ~/node/node)

Installation of MongoDB:

# download the binaries corresponding to your machine on MongoDB download page:

# extract the file
tar -zxvf mongodb-linux-x86_64-1.4.2.tgz

# if you are root, install it in /opt:
sudo mkdir -p /opt/mongo
sudo mv  ./mongodb-linux-x86_64-1.4.2/* /opt/mongo
sudo mkdir -p /data/db

# set your user as propriertary 
sudo chown -R <user_name> /opt/mongo
sudo chown -R <user_name> /data/db

# run mongoDB daemon with

# the mongodb client is in

# if you are a restricted user
sudo mv  ./mongodb-linux-x86_64-1.4.2/* ~/mongo
sudo mkdir -p ~/data/db

# run mongoDB daemon with
~/mongo/bin/mongod --dbpath ~/data/db

Run the chat # Launch mongoDB daemon then the application: make # or node app.js

# or modify and use the upstart conf files in express-chat/daemon


express-chat is a chat application built on Node.js, Express and MongoDB.







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