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MiDSystem is a comprehensive online system for de novo assembly and analysis of microbial genomes. It supports both whole genome assembly and metagenomics analysis pipelines in shotgun sequencing data.


MiDSystem is available for academic and nonprofit use for free (MIT license)

Hardware Requirements

A multi-core server with at least 128GB RAM is recommended when running the entire pipelines. A typical run for the de novo genome assembly of single species will generate about 25 GB of result data.

Quick Install

  1. Create a user accout and clone the code 1.1. Create a user accout for MiDSystem (e.g., midsystem)
    1.2. cd ; git clone
  2. Install miniconda and add channels
    2.1. wget
    2.2. bash
    2.3. conda config --add channels bioconda
    2.4. conda config --add channels conda-forge
    2.5. conda config --add channels r
  3. Install conda packages (Add marks in any package which is reported conflict.)
    3.1. cd ~/MiDSystem
    3.2. conda create -n ngs --file conda_ngs_requirements.txt
    3.3. conda create -n ngs_p2 --file conda_ngs_p2_requirements.txt
    3.4. conda create -n ngs_long --file conda_ngs_long_requirements.txt
  4. Install MySQL
    4.1. sudo yum install mariadb mariadb-devel mariadb-libs mariadb-server cmake php php-pear php-cli php-mbstring gnuplot (optional: phpMyAdmin httpd httpd-tools httpd-manual)
    4.2. sudo systemctl enable mariadb.service
    4.3. sudo systemctl start mariadb.service
    4.4. Setup mariadb configure file
    4.4.1. sudo vi /etc/my.cnf
    4.4.2. wait_timeout=604800
    4.4.3. interactive_timeout=604800
    4.4.4. max_allowed_packet=100M
    4.5. sudo mysqladmin -u root password 'YOUR_PASSWORD' (optional)
    4.6. Setup PHP configure file
    4.6.1. sudo vi /etc/php.ini
    4.6.2. L211: short_open_tag = On
    4.6.3. L384: max_execution_time = 0
    4.6.4. L394: max_input_time = -1
    4.6.5. L405: memory_limit = 64G
    4.6.6. L800: upload_max_filesize = 10G
    4.7. pear install channel:// 4.8. Set allowed IPs in /etc/httpd/conf.d/phpMyAdmin.conf (optional)
    4.9. sudo systemctl start httpd.service (optional)
    4.10. Import pipeline_bac_species.sql into the database
  5. Install pip packages in ngs and ngs_p2 environments (Add marks in any package which is reported conflict.)
    5.1. source activate ngs_p2
    5.2. pip install -r pip_ngs_p2_requirements.txt
    5.3. source deactivate ngs_p2; source activate ngs
    5.4. pip install -r pip_ngs_requirements.txt
    5.5. source deactivate ngs; source activate ngs_long
    5.6. pip install -r pip_ngs_long_requirements.txt
  6. Install dependency
    6.1. Install other required tools as follows in /usr/local/NGSTools
    EVidenceModeler-1.1.1, interproscan-5.25-64.0, eggnog-mapper-1.0.3, genemark_suite_linux_64_4.32, MetaGeneMark_linux_64_3.38, Ragout-2.0, orthomclSoftware-v2.0.9, GraphlAn-2.7.5, Gblocks_Linux64_0.91b, LongQC-1.2.0b, pilon-1.24, racon-1.4.21, SPAdes-3.13.0-Linux, Unicycler-0.4.9b
    6.2. Run /usr/local/NGSTools/Ragout/scripts/ and install Sibelia in /usr/local/bin
  7. Create /data and put required datasets here
    7.1. mkdir /data
    7.2. Download and uncompress datasets: bacteria_db, busco_reference, cDNA, kraken_db_hsa_mmu_rno, pfam_31, blast_nr_db
    7.3. cp -aR bacteria_db busco_reference cDNA kraken_db_hsa_mmu_rno pfam_31 nr /data
    7.4. Combine partial files and decompress in src/supplement_code
    7.4.1. cat* >
    7.4.2. gzup -d
  8. Make tables and users in a database
    8.1. mysql -h localhost -u root -p
    8.2. CREATE DATABASE djangodb;
    8.3. CREATE USER '[USER_ID]'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '[PASSWORD]';
    8.4. GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON djangodb.* TO '[USER_ID]'@'localhost';
    8.5. GRANT ALL ON . TO 'orthomcl'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'orthoMCL' WITH GRANT OPTION;
    8.6. cd ~/MiDSystem/src; source activate ngs; python migrate
  9. Run development server
    9.1. nohup python runserver > nohup_ruserver.out &
    9.2. nohup python qcluster > nohup_qcluster.out &
  10. Deploy a production server (Optional)
    10.1. Install Nginx
    10.1.1. sudo yum install nginx
    10.1.2. mkdir -m 775 ~/miDSystem/tmp; sudo chown midsystem:nginx ~/miDSystem/tmp
    10.1.3. Create a new configuration file in /etc/nginx/conf.d/MiDSystem.conf with following contents (root permission required):
# Upstream Django setting; the socket nginx connects to
upstream MiDSystem-django {
    server unix:///home/midsystem/MiDSystem/tmp/django.sock;

server {
    listen      8000;
    # listen      443 default ssl;

    server_name YOUR_URL;
    charset     utf-8;

    client_max_body_size 20G;  # max upload size
    keepalive_timeout 1440;

    location /static {
        alias /home/midsystem/MiDSystem/src/assets;
    location  /robots.txt {
        alias  /home/midsystem/MiDSystem/src/assets/robots.txt;

    # Finally, send all non-media requests to the Django server.
    location / {
        uwsgi_pass  MiDSystem-django;
        uwsgi_read_timeout 1200;
        include     /etc/nginx/uwsgi_params;
    10.1.4. `sudo systemctl enable nginx.service; sudo systemctl start nginx.service`  

10.2. Install uWSGI module  
    10.2.1. `pip install uwsgi` (under the ngs virtualenv)  
    10.2.2. `sudo mkdir /etc/uwsgi`  
    10.2.3. Create the uWSGI setting file in /etc/uwsgi/MiDSystem.ini with following contents (root permission required):  
chdir        = /home/midsystem/MiDSystem/src
# Django's wsgi file
module       = MiDSystem.wsgi:application
env          = DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=MiDSystem.settings.production
# the virtualenv (full path)
virtualenv   = /home/midsystem/miniconda3/envs/ngs

# process-related settings
# master
master       = true
# maximum number of worker processes
processes    = 2
# the socket
socket       = /home/midsystem/MiDSystem/tmp/django.sock
# with appropriate permissions
chmod-socket = 664
uid          = b01901110
gid          = nginx
# clear environment on exit
vacuum       = true
10.3. Django settings  
    10.3.1. Add Django settings module while sourcing the environment  
    10.3.2. `echo 'export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE="MiDSystem.settings.production"' > ~/miniconda3/envs/ngs/etc/conda/activate.d/`  
    10.3.3. `echo 'unset DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE' > ~/miniconda3/envs/ngs/etc/conda/deactivate.d/`  
    10.3.4. Create a Django superuser  
    10.3.5. `cd ~/MiDSystem/src; python createsuperuser`  

10.4. Make MiDSystem as a systemd service  
    10.4.1. Under `/usr/lib/systemd/system` create `MiDSystem.service` with following contains (root permission required):  
Description=MiDSystem uWSGI (Django)

ExecStart=/home/midsystem/miniconda3/envs/ngs/bin/uwsgi --ini /etc/uwsgi/MiDSystem.ini

    10.4.2. `sudo systemctl enable MiDSystem.service; sudo systemctl start MiDSystem.service`  
    10.4.3. `cd ~/MiDSystem/src; source activate ngs; python qcluster > nohup_qcluster.out 2>&1 &`  


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