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New Acropolis UK frontend Build Status


Before starting, ensure you are using python 3.12, on macs brew install python@3.12, and that you have (gcloud sdk version 459.0.0)[] and follow the instructions to install it.

If you have another version of gcloud installed, you can set it to 459.0.0 -

gcloud components update --version 459.0.0

Also install the gcloud datastore emulator -

gcloud components install cloud-datastore-emulator

You should have these components installed, gcloud version -

Google Cloud SDK 459.0.0
app-engine-python 1.9.108
beta 2024.01.06
bq 2.0.101
cloud-datastore-emulator 2.3.1
core 2024.01.06
gcloud-crc32c 1.0.0
gsutil 5.27


  1. Clone this repo and then run the bootstrap script to set things up:
  • only needs to be run once for setup.


  1. Run the datastore in another terminal window:
  • NB - this needs to be kept running in another terminal for the duration of the local app life.

make datastore

  1. Copy the to, populate the env vars and then source it:
  • should also be sourced whenever you want to change an environment variable before running the app.

. ./

  1. Finally get the app running:

make run

  1. Visit the website in your browser - http://localhost:8080/
  • first run might be a bit slow as the cache builds up from API requests
  • subsequent runs should be much faster

Running tests

In order to test changes locally run make test, this will help catch test errors before they appear in github actions.

  • test coverage is quite low at the moment, in the future this will be improved so that cover at least 80% of the codebase.

Using Makefile

Run Make to list other available commands

Updating deployed secrets

  1. Update the following JSON block with env var settings:
  "env_variables": {
    "ENVIRONMENT": <environment, defaults to development>,
    "FRONTEND_BASE_URL": <Frontend URL>,
    "ADMIN_CLIENT_ID": <API client ID>,
    "ADMIN_CLIENT_SECRET": <API client secret>,
    "SECRET_KEY": "secret-key",
    "AUTH_USERNAME": <Basic auth username>,
    "AUTH_PASSWORD": <Basic auth password>,
    "IMAGES_URL": <Image path>,
    "RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY": <Recaptcha public key>,
    "RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY": <Recaptcha private key>,
    "GA_ID": <Google analytics ID>,
    "GA_TM_ID": <Google Tag Manager ID>,
    "PAYPAL_DELIVERY": <Paypal hosted button ID>,
    "PAYPAL_ENCRYPTED_1": <Part 1 of Paypal encrypted code for shopping cart>,
    "PAYPAL_ENCRYPTED_2": <Part 2 of Paypal encrypted code for shopping cart>,
    "GOOGLE_OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET": <Oauth2 secret>,
    "GOOGLE_OAUTH2_REDIRECT_URI": <Oauth2 redirect after authentication>,
    "PAYPAL_ACCOUNT_ID": <Paypal account ID>,
    "ENABLE_STATS": "False",
    "IS_APP_ENGINE": "True"
  1. Save the JSON block as secrets.jsonand then convert it to base 64:

base64 -i secrets.json > secrets.b64

  1. In Github settings under secret, update the appropriate environment secret with the base 64 string.

  2. To deploy new settings re-run the last merge (for preview deployment) or tag (for live deployments) in Github actions.