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Imports contents from a json source


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RedTurtle importer base

Tool to migrate contents between Plone sites based on transmogrifier.

This tool works in addition with redturtle.exporter.base


This product is made over other useful tools:

These tools are not yet actively maintained, so we moved useful parts into this project to have a working Python 3 importer based on transmogrifier.


  • Handle migration for basic content-types
  • Discussions migration
  • Customizable import procedure via blueprints
  • Extensible with more specific blueprints
  • Possibility to customize specific step options with custom adapters
  • Review view after migration with process results


Install redturtle.importer.base by adding it to your buildout:



eggs =

and then running bin/buildout

You don't have to install it. In this way, after the data migration, you can remove it from the buildout and everything is clean.


Migration view

To start a migration, you only need to call @@data-migration view on site root.

In this view you can see the blueprint configuration (base and overrided), and start the process.

Pipelines customization

This tool is based on transmogrifier and works with blueprints. A blueprint is basically a config file that lists all the steps needed for the migration.

This product has a default blueprint for basic migrations, that can be used as is.

Default blueprint can be easily customized using a .migrationconfig.cfg file located in buildout root folder.

In this file you can override already present parts/variables (like pipelines into [transmogrifier] section) or add new ones (for example a new step).

For example, catalogsource step can be configured with some queries like this:

catalog-query = {'portal_type': ['Document', 'Event', 'News Item']}

In .migrationconfig.cfg file, under [catalogsource] section, you also need to set some settings about how to retrieve data on source site:

remote-url = http://localhost:8080
remote-root = /Plone
catalog-path = /Plone/portal_catalog
remote-username = username
remote-password = password

Before running a migration, you can check the final configuration in @@data-migration view.

catalogsource configuration

This is an example of [catalogsource] part:

remote-url = http://localhost:8080
remote-root = /Plone
catalog-path = /Plone/portal_catalog
remote-username = username
remote-password = password

Required options are:

  • `remote-url`: The url of source Plone site
  • `remote-root`: The path of Plone site that we want to migrate
  • `remote-username`: Credentials to access to source site
  • `remote-password`: Credentials to access to source site

Additional options are:

  • `default-local-path`: A path where save migrate contents in destination Site. This path will replace item's root path. Destination root path is not needed in this path.
  • `skip-private`: Boolean to migrate or not private items into destination. Default is False.
  • `remote_skip_paths`: A list of paths from source site that will be skipped during migration process.
  • `incremental-migration`: Boolean value. If a content already migrate hasn't been modified since last migration, don't override it. Default is False.
  • `ignore-cache`: Boolean value. If True, ignore local cache and always get content data from source site.
  • `cache-dir`: Local folder where migration data cache will be stored. Default is /tmp/migration/migration_cache.
  • `migration-dir`: Local fodler where migration support files (for final summary for example) will be saved. Default is '/tmp/migration'.

Custom types mapping

contentsmapping is the section that allows to convert one portal_type to another before object creation.

There is a plugin system based on subscribers that allows plugins to add custom mappings.

You need to register a subscriber for IPortalTypeMapping like this:


And then you need to create the class:

@adapter(IPloneSiteRoot, IBrowserRequest)
class MyCustomMapping(object):
    order = 100

    def __init__(self, context, request):
        self.context = context
        self.request = request

    def __call__(self, item, typekey):
        portal_type = item[typekey]
        if portal_type == "Type-A":
            item[typekey] = "Type-B"
        return item

Custom steps for specific portal types

If you are migrating a content-type that needs some manual fixes after the creation, you can do it with an adapter.

You only need to register an adapter for your content-type like this:


And then you need to provide a "doSteps" method in the class:

from redturtle.importer.base.interfaces import IMigrationContextSteps
from zope.interface import implementer

class MyTypeSteps(object):

    def __init__(self, context):
        self.context = context

    def doSteps(self):
        do something here

Example specific importers

There are some per-project importers that we used to migrate some projects and you can use them as a starting point to develop new ones.

They are basically packages that you need to include in your buildout and provides some custom steps for specific types:

Import Users and groups

You can also import users and groups from source site.

You only need to add a section to your migration config file like this:

import-users = True
import-groups = True

The tool will call two views from source site and will use the settings (remote-url, remote-root and credentials) from [catalogsource] section.

This import is performed after transmogrifier steps.



This product has been developed with some help from



The project is licensed under the GPLv2.


Imports contents from a json source




GPL-2.0, Unknown licenses found

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