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this is an example of the use of a similar framework in the react front

h2 Light-React

This framework does not have a virtual DOM. Developers of light react did not see meaning in virtual DOM. Instead they has used origian DOM of web-page.

All this product purpose is light making SPA site - site without refresh all page.

The page consist of two types of element: switches and containers.


Main and necessary attribute of switch is data-_refresh. This attribute contains elements ids in DOM needed to be refreshed. For example:

<a href='{% url %}' data-_refresh='content'>Refresh Content</a>

This means that on click on <a> element portion of the page by id='content' will be reloaded from server side.

More difficult sample of switch:

<a data-_refresh='main>,section,header'>Some Refresh</a>

This means that on click on <a> element elements by id equal to 'section','header' and (attention!) 'age' and 'city' contained inside 'main' if its exists (else 'main'). If there are too many inside elements to reloaded, available next note:

<a data-_refresh='main>age.*,section,header'>Some Refresh</a>

It means all elements inside element with id='main'on the same level with id='age' will be reloaded.

Server address for request is defined:

  • for <a> in attribute href
  • for HTMLButton inside attribute formAction
  • for other elements inside custom attribute data-to


<div data-to='/users/' data-_refresh='content,header'>Click me</div>

The data-to is equivalent onclick event calling inside job.

Except this two attributes switches may contain thirth - data-_require. This attribute similar data-_refresh, but consists of elements that's necessary for requested page, but has not necessity for be updated. its will requested optoonally.

Possible errors:

  • base.js:181 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'style' of null at Viewer.render_field (base.js:181) at Viewer.render (base.js:122) at render_page (base.js:11) at snippet.js:283 This error occurs by absence of server returned element on the page.



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