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TeaML - Automated Modeling in Financial Domain

🎉🎉🎉 We are proud to announce that we design an automatic modeling robot based on financial risk control field! 🎉🎉🎉

Table of Contents

📣 Overview

TeaML is a simple and design friendly automatic modeling learning framework. It can automatically model from beginning to end, and in the end, it will also help you output a model report about the model.

  • Human-friendly. TeaML's code is straightforward, well documented and tested, which makes it very easy to understand and modify.
  • Built-in financial risk control field. TeaML built-in financial risk control field, it fits well with the use in the field of financial risk control, including WOE, and is very suitable for this scenario.
  • Flexible. TeaML provides a variety of variable selection methods, each of which can be self-defined. You can also assemble these algorithms in different order.
  • Final Report. TeaML can provide you with a final version of the model report, so that you can find the details in your model.

✨ Our Goal

  • Automation In the near future, we will update and add some fantastic algorithms, including but not limited to variable generation (VariableCluster is already in experimental function).
  • Common Use All algorithmic engineers, including model analysts, can use it to increase efficiency as long as you have some algorithmic knowledge.
  • Wonderful thing We hope that there will be many wonderful things to add. At present, there is no optimization algorithm and parallel strategy in this version. We will try to add these things in later iterations, maybe not too long.

⏳ Performance

Task Strategy Dataset Score Detail
Predicting the Delay Rate of Financial Risk TeaML Financial Risk Data 0.6894 (AUC) WOE(Monotonic) + STEPWISE
Predicting the Delay Rate of Financial Risk LightGBM Financial Risk Data 0.6773 (AUC) LightGBM

📝 Quick start

Requirements and Installation

The project is based on Python 3.7, Python 3.6 may also work, but it is not fully tested to ensure that all functions are normal.

If you haven't installed lightgbm, you need to install the package yourself.

pip install TeaML

Example Usage

Let's run a simple version.

from TeaML.utils.tea_encoder import *
from TeaML.utils.tea_filter import *
from TeaML.utils.tea_utils import *
from TeaML.utils.auto_bin_woe import *
import TeaML

data = pd.read_csv("TeaML/examples.csv")

# encoder
ct = TeaBadRateEncoder(num=1)
me = TeaMeanEncoder(categorical_features=['city'])
t = TeaOneHotEncoder()
encoder = [me]

# woe & feature selection
woe = TeaML.WOE(bins=10, bad_rate_merge=True, bad_rate_sim_threshold=0.05, psi_threshold=0.1, iv_threshold=None)
iv = FilterIV(200, 100)
vif = FilterVif(50)
mod = FilterModel('lr', 70)
nova = FilterANOVA(40, 30)
coline = FilterCoLine({'penalty': 'l2', 'C': 0.01, 'fit_intercept': True})
fshap = FilterSHAP(70)
outlier = OutlierTransform()
filtercor = FilterCorr(20)
stepwise = FilterStepWise(method='p_value')
method = [woe, stepwise]

# main
tea = TeaML.Tea(['core_lend_request_id', 'lend_customer_id', 'customer_sex',
               'data_center_id', 'trace_back_time', 'mobile', 'user_id', 'id_no', 'task_id', 'id',
               'id_district_name', 'id_province_name', 'id_city_name', 'pass_time'],
tea.wash(data, null_drop_rate=0.8, most_common_drop_rate=0.9)
tea.drink(LogisticRegression(penalty='l2', C=1, class_weight='balanced'))

Preliminary screening...
100%|██████████| 19/19 [00:00<00:00, 29.19it/s]
100%|██████████| 19/19 [00:00<00:00, 50.03it/s]
100%|██████████| 19/19 [00:00<00:00, 55.00it/s]
100%|██████████| 19/19 [00:00<00:00, 104.02it/s]
  0%|          | 0/19 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
cal bin ks, train...
cal bin ks, oot...
100%|██████████| 19/19 [00:00<00:00, 21.33it/s]
100%|██████████| 100/100 [00:00<00:00, 116.78it/s]
  0%|          | 0/19 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Train AUC: 0.6107958854166341
Test AUC: 0.6083763215945612
OOT AUC: 0.6050562520208106
Train KS: 0.1719605325145203
Test KS: 0.17401800497420833
OOT KS: 0.1616794283922675

cal bin ks, train...
100%|██████████| 19/19 [00:00<00:00, 97.39it/s]
 36%|███▋      | 4/19 [00:00<00:00, 37.62it/s]
cal bin ks, oot...

100%|██████████| 19/19 [00:00<00:00, 25.66it/s]
Add  P                              with p-value 1.14745e-22
Add  F                              with p-value 3.38993e-15
Add  I                              with p-value 5.18381e-10
Add  J                              with p-value 2.8625e-09
Add  M                              with p-value 6.66696e-07
Add  Q                              with p-value 3.18125e-09
Add  B                              with p-value 1.14541e-06
Add  D                              with p-value 1.21802e-05
Add  K                              with p-value 2.70815e-05
Add  C                              with p-value 0.000118247
Add  A                              with p-value 0.000214666
Add  L                              with p-value 0.000169921
Add  H                              with p-value 0.00139263
Add  N                              with p-value 0.000488745

   feature_name  feature_coef
5             Q      2.332818
10            A      2.203708
12            H      1.391547
7             D      1.385142
2             I      1.192397
13            N      1.181320
0             P      0.926443
8             K      0.914186
1             F      0.898581
3             J      0.868826
6             B      0.864311
4             M      0.851936
11            L      0.842446
9             C      0.704460
Finish 🍵 


What's the encoder in tea.cook()?

This is a module for automatic processing of discrete variables in robots.

We offer you three ways to deal with categorical variables

ct = TeaBadRateEncoder(num=1)
me = TeaMeanEncoder(categorical_features=['city'])
t = TeaOneHotEncoder()
encoder = [me]

TeaBadRateEncoder: Replace categorical variables with bad_rate of each bin

TeaMeanEncoder: MeanEncoder

TeaOneHotEncoder: Such as Onehot

What's the method in tea.cook()

This is a module for automatic selection of variables in robots.

What you fill in in the TeaML's method is orderly.

For example, the following represents a monotone woe transformation of all variables, followed by a step-by-step regression based on p-value.

woe = TeaML.WOE(bins=10, bad_rate_merge=True, bad_rate_sim_threshold=0.05, psi_threshold=0.1, iv_threshold=None)
iv = FilterIV(200, 100)
vif = FilterVif(50)
mod = FilterModel('lr', 70)
nova = FilterANOVA(40, 30)
coline = FilterCoLine({'penalty': 'l2', 'C': 0.01, 'fit_intercept': True})
fshap = FilterSHAP(70)
outlier = OutlierTransform()
filtercor = FilterCorr(20)
stepwise = FilterStepWise(method='p_value')
method = [woe, stepwise]

💡 Support

We support all people to make suggestions, because this is support and encouragement for our project.


Automated Modeling in Financial Domain







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