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Sublime Text 3, Salesforce IDE, Develop Plugin, Tooling API, Python

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Sublime IDE for salesforce

This plugin supports Sublime Text 3 for windows and OSX, not tested for Linux.

Change Logs:

See History


This plugin is hosted on package control, you can install this plugin by searching Salesforce IDE in package control

Project Configuration

If your operation system is OSX, you must set the workspace in SublimeApex > Setting > Setting - User.

There is a default test org in this plugin, you can see it by clicking SublimeApex > Switch Project in the main menu, however, if you want to use this plugin in your own org, you need to configure your org user confidential before new project

In order to prevent plugin update overriding your settings, you should keep your customize settings into Setting - User by clicking SublimeApex > Settings > Setting - User. re You can setup your projects follow below sample by clicking SublimeApex > Settings > Setting - User in the main menu, projects must be included in {}.

When you initiate your settings, you can have more than one project in "projects", however, only one project default should be true.

If your own org login need security token, just set it as sample.

Every time you want to switch the project, you can click SublimeApex > Switch Project in the main menu and choose that you want, and then the updated projects settings will be saved to user settings.

If you want to check the current active project, you can check the most left of side bar or press alt+s

After your project configuration is finished, you can click SublimeApex > new project in the main menu to download your code.

    // In OSX, the worspace path is different with windows,
    // for example, workspace in OSX could be "/Users/<Your User>/salesforce/workspace"
    "workspace": "d:/ForcedotcomWorkspace",
    "projects": {
        "Project1 Name": {
            "default": true,
            "login_url": "",
            "password": "a",
            "username": "",
            // If you have security token, just put it here
            "security_token": "12sad3223adfas"
        "Project2 Name": {
            "default": false,
            "login_url": "",
            "password": "b",
            "username": ""

New Project

  • You need to choose which pre-defined org to start new project
  • This command is used to download or update your project
  • Once you click this command and choose a project setting, a new project will be downloaded and appeared in the sidebar
  • Just after new project is finished, sobject completions will work
  • Project Folder Name Convention: the project name set in user settings append with date literal of today, for example, if today is 2013/07/30 and user settings is
    // Workspace in OSX is different with windows, 
    // workspace can be "/Users/<Your User>/salesforce/workspace"
    "workspace": "d:/ForcedotcomWorkspace",
    "projects": {
        "Exercise-Pro": {
            "default": true,
            "login_url": "",
            "password": "******",
            "username": ""

your project folder name should be Exercise-Pro-20130730, you can close this time suffix feature by setting keep_project_name_time_suffix to false

Update Project

You can press Alt+f7 to update your active project


    1. Input ., show all methods of class
    1. Input ., show all fields, parent relationship name and child relationship names
    1. Input . after sobject relationship name, show all fields of this relationship name
    1. Input ., show all public methods of custom class if corresponding class view is open
    1. Input English Character, show all sobject name and standard class name
    1. input <, list all tag, including Visualforce Components and HTML Elements
    1. input :, list all suffix of all visualforce Components
    1. input space, list all attributes of tags
    1. input =, list all values of this corresponding attributes in Visualforce page
    1. If sobject field type is picklist, after you input opp.StageName = or Opportunity.StageName =, all available picklist values will be shown

Completions Screenshots

Execute Anonymous

Choose any apex code snippet, press Ctrl+Alt+E or click SublimeApex > Execute Anonymous, the executed result will be shown in a new view.

There has a log_levels setting in the default setting, If you want to change anonymous log levels, you can put your log levels settings into your user setting.

If your chosen code snippet contains non-english word, there will have problem.

Execute Query

After any snippet which start with SELECT is chosen, you can press Ctrl+Alt+Q or click SublimeApex > Execute Query, the queried json result will be formated and shown in a new view.

Save component

  • This command is only enabled in salesforce code file
  • After code is updated, click SublimeApex > Save to Server or press Ctrl+Alt+S

Refresh component

  • This command is only enabled in salesforce code file
  • After code is updated in UI or other IDE, press Ctrl+Alt+R or click SublimeApex > Refresh From Server to refresh it server.

Delete component

  • This command is only enabled in salesforce code file
  • If component is useless and you want to delete it from server, click SublimeApex > Delete From Server

New ApexClass

Click SublimeApex > New > New ApexClass, choose the predefined template, and then input the class name in the input panel at the bottom, after that, your class will be created.

New ApexPage

Click SublimeApex > New > New ApexPage, choose the predefined template (Just have only one template now), and then input the page name in the input panel at the bottom, after that, your page will be created.

New ApexComponent

Click SublimeApex > New > New ApexComponent, choose the predefined template (Just have only one template now), and then input the component name in the input panel at the bottom, after that, your component will be created.

New ApexTrigger

Click SublimeApex > New > New ApexTrigger, choose the sobject on which you will create trigger, and then input the trigger name in the input panel at the bottom, after that, your trigger will be created.

Create Debug Log

If you want to track the log of any user, click SublimeApex > Apex Test > Create Debug Log, wait for a moment, you will see the user list, choose one and press enter, check the progress in the status bar until succeed message appeared, and then your debug log user is recorded.

List Debug Log

If you want to see the log list of any user, click SublimeApex > Apex Test > List Debug Logs, wait for a moment, you will see the user list, choose one and press enter, check the progress in the status bar until succeed message appeared, and then a new view with the log list will be open.

You can choose the Log Id and click SublimeApex > View Debug Log In Sublime command in the context menu, wait for the end of the progress on the status bar, after it is finished, a new view with the log detail will be opened.

Or, you can choose any Log Id and click SublimeApex > View Id In Salesforce Web, wait for a moment, browser will be open and redirect to the log detail page.

Run Test

There are two methods to run test, one is by Main Menu, other is in the context menu

    1. By Main Menu: click SublimeApex > Apex Test > Run Test, choose the test class and press enter, check the progress in the status bar until succeed message appeared, and then a new view with the test result will be open.
    1. By Context Menu: in the context of opened class, click SublimeApex > Run Test Class, check the progress in the status bar until succeed message appeared, and then a new view with the test result will be open.

View Code Coverage

This feature just works when api version is >= 29.0 In the context menu of open class or trigger, click SublimeApex > View Code Coverage in the context menu, ait for the end of the progress on the status bar, you will see the code coverage percentage in the console and a new view with not covered highlight lines.

Refresh Folder

Click the folder in the side bar, refresh that you want to refresh, if you choose the classes folder, the Refresh ApexClass command will be visible, ApexTrigger, ApexComponent, ApexPage and StaticResource is same.

Salesforce Document Quick Reference

I forked this idea from Salesforce Referencee and added some feature based on it.

Click the SublimeApex > Reference > Reload Salesforce Reference in the main menu, wait for a moment until the Open Document command is enabled, at this moment, you can press Ctrl+Shift+O or Click it to invoke the Open Document command, nearly all reference api will be shown in the list, you can try to choose any one and it will be opened in browser.

Refresh Multiply Components

Choose the components you want to refresh, and then Click SublimeApex > Refresh Selected Components in the Sidebar Menu

Delete Multiply Components

Choose the components you want to delete, and then Click SublimeApex > Delete Selected Components in the Sidebar Menu

Quick Goto Component

Put the focus in the Class Name, and then, press shift, and click button1 for twice, the class file will be open in background if this class file is exist, however, if you want to open this class in the foreground, you should press shift and click button1 for triple.

Retrieve All Metadata

Click SublimeApex > Retrieve Metadata in the main menu, you will see a new open view with message, this view will be refreshed every five seconds, after the retrieve status is completed, plug-in will download the base64 zipfile, after that, base64 zipfile will be decoded to zip file, at the last, this zip file will be extracted.

Deploy Metadata

This functionality is not perfect now, but it can work now.

Export Workflow Rules

After you downloaded all metadata by clicking SublimeApex > Migration > Retrieve Metadata, you can click SublimeApex > Export > Export Workflow to backup all workflows in your org to csv.

Export Validation Rules

After you downloaded all metadata by clicking SublimeApex > Migration > Retrieve Metadata, you can click SublimeApex > Export > Export Validation Rule to backup all validation rules in your org to csv.

Export CustomFields

You can click SublimeApex > Export > Export CustomFields to export all custom fields in your org to csv.

Export Workbook of sobjects

You can click SublimeApex > Export > Export Workbook to export all sobject workbooks in your org to csv. If you just want to export some attributes of sobject workbook, you can do it by setting workbook_field_describe_columns in ```SublimeApex > Settings > Setting - User.

Export Available Picklist Values of Record Type

You can click SublimeApex > Describe > Describe Layout to export the available picklist values of RecordType

Exceute Rest Test

Up to now, support Head, Get, Post, Delete and Retrieve Body Methods, for example, Input /sobjects/Account/Describe and click SublimeApex> Execute Rest Test in the context menu or press F9, context dynamic menu will show up, you can choose GET to retrieve Account Describe Result in the new view.

Export Data Template

Click SublimeApex > Export > Export Data Template, wait for a moment, choose the record type of sobject, the sobject data template by record type will be exported

Bulk Api

  • Up to now, support export, insert, update and delete.
  • You can set the batch size and batch bytes for every batch by put maximum_batch_size and maximum_batch_bytes in your user settings, you should be aware, maximum records of single batch is 10K and maximum bytes of single batch is 1000K
  • This tool will get your CSV file encoding type by detecting the first 1000 bytes of the CSV file, as a best practice, you should prepare CSV file which encoding type is ANSI or UTF-8.
  • If you want to insert a CSV file, you'd better open the CSV file in sublime and copy the file path, after you choose the sobject that you want to insert records, this tool will automatically get the file path from the clipboard


Refer to Request Proxies



Settings - Completions

With these settings, after we input characters described in below, sublime will automatically show the completions after character.

    // Auto completion after these characters
    "auto_complete_triggers": [{
        "characters": ".<=",
        "selector": ""
    }, {
        "characters": "<: =",
        "selector": "text.html - source"

SublimeApex Settings - Default

Because you can't edit the default setting, however, if you want to change these settings, you should open SublimeApex > Settings > Setting - User and put all your change here.


    // Indicate whether add project name time suffix
    // When this setting value is true, you create a new project at yestoday and you refresh 
    // it's code today, a new project folder will be created to keep the refreshed code
    // Two methods to fix this bug:
    //     1. Set this setting value to false, 
    //     2. Create new project every day.
    // It depends on your choice.
    "keep_project_name_time_suffix": true,

    // Indicate whether print session id, maybe you need this session id
    // for other purpose
    "output_session_info": false,

    // Indicate whether keep local history history
    "keep_local_change_history": false,

    // Every time when you save component and error happened, the console will be open.
    // When you edit the code according to the error message, this flag is used to indicate
    // whether the console will be hidden automatically
    "hidden_console_on_modify": true,

    // Sometimes, you may want to develop package, so you need to just download the code 
    // in the allowed packages, because package name is unique in the whole salesforce org, 
    // so I put it here but not in project property
    "allowed_packages": ["sinaweibo", "twitter", "facebook"],

    // Indicate whether download StaticResource body, it is very time-consuming.
    // If you open this functionality and your StaticResources are very large
    // It may stop your work
    "get_static_resource_body": false,

    // Indicate whether disable sobject fields completion
    "disable_fields_completion": false,

    // Indicate whether disable Relationship field completion
    "disable_relationship_completion": false,

    // Indicate whether disable picklist value completion
    "disable_picklist_value_completion": false,

    // Indicate whether disable keyword completion
    "disable_keyword_completion": true,

    // Indicate whether display both field name and field label for sobject field completion,
    // If set false, it means just display field name
    "display_field_name_and_label": true,

    // Bulk API batch size and batch bytes
    // Maximum 10000 rows per batch
    // Maximum 1000000 bytes per batch
    "maximum_batch_size": 10000,
    "maximum_batch_bytes": 1000000,

    // Log Levels for anonymous code
    "anonymous_log_levels": [
            "log_category": "Apex_Code",
            "log_level": "Finest"
            "log_category": "Apex_Profiling",
            "log_level": "Info"
            "log_category": "Callout",
            "log_level": "Info"
            "log_category": "DB",
            "log_level": "Info"
            "log_category": "Validation",
            "log_level": "Info"
            "log_category": "Workflow",
            "log_level": "Info"


    // Components Directory
    // folder is the output folder name, you can change it to anything you want
    // The other two attributes shouldn't be changed
    "components": {
        "ApexClass": {
            "folder": "classes", // Directory Name
            "body": "Body", // Meatadata Name of Component
            "extension": ".cls" // Output File Extendsion

        "ApexTrigger": {
            "folder": "triggers",
            "body": "Body",
            "extension": ".trigger"

        "ApexComponent": {
            "folder": "components",
            "body": "Markup",
            "extension": ".component"

        "ApexPage": {
            "folder": "pages",
            "body": "Markup",
            "extension": ".page"

        "StaticResource": {
            "folder": "staticresources",
            "body": "Body",
            "extension": ".resource"

SublimeApex Settings - User

because default setting is the plugin default setting, In order to prevent that plugin update override your projects configurations and any other customization setting, you'd better put them at here.

    "projects": {
        "sandbox-org-dev1": {
            "default": true,
            "login_url": "",
            "password": "password",
            "username": ""
        "pro-org": {
            "default": false,
            "login_url": "",
            "password": "password",
            "username": "",
            "security_token": "*****"
    "workspace": "C:/Users/Administrator/Dropbox/workspace",
    "keep_local_change_history": false,
    "keep_project_name_time_suffix": false,
    "hidden_console_on_modify": false
  • default: there should be only one default active project
  • login_url: sandbox is, production is
  • username: login confidential
  • password: login confidential
  • security_token: If have, just put it here, if not, you can remove this attr or left it empty

Key Bindings - Default

Here are the all key bindings to corresponding command, you can customize them according to your habit.

    // Switch Project
    {"keys": ["alt+s"], "command": "switch_project"},

    // Download all code and save them to new project
    {"keys": ["alt+f5"], "command": "new_project"},

    // Refresh Folder
    {"keys": ["alt+r","alt+f"], "command": "refresh_folder"},


Key Bindings - User

If you have your own shortcut key convention, you should put it here

    // Switch Project
    {"keys": ["alt+s"], "command": "switch_project"},

    // Download all code and save them to new project
    {"keys": ["alt+f5"], "command": "new_project"},

    // Refresh Folder
    {"keys": ["alt+r","alt+f"], "command": "refresh_folder"},


Key Bindings - mousemap

    // Press Shift and Click Left Mouse for twice will open class file in the background
        "button": "button1", "count": 2, "modifiers": ["shift"],
        "press_command": "goto_component", 
        "press_args": {"is_background": true}

    // Press Shift and Click Left Mouse for triple will open class file
        "button": "button1", "count": 3, "modifiers": ["shift"],
        "press_command": "goto_component", 
        "press_args": {"is_background": false}
  • button1: it means left mouse button
  • button2: it means right mouse button
  • count: count = 2 means double click, count = 3 means triple click
  • modifiers: it means the assist key
  • press_command: the bind command
  • press_args: the bind command arguments

Supported Feature:

  • Muti-project management
  • Configurable API Version
  • View Code Coverage
  • Create Debug Log
  • Retrieve Debug Logs of Specified User
  • Apex Code CRUD
  • Apex Code Folder Refresh
  • Run Test Class
  • Apex Code Local History
  • Execute Anonymous
  • Execute Query
  • Kinds of code completions, see sector "Completions"
  • Generate All or Specified Sobject Workbook
  • Generate Custom Field Workbook (Including Field Id)
  • Generate Global Describe Workbook
  • Generate Layout Avaiable PicklistValues
  • Export Validation Rule and Workflow
  • Quick Login to Home Page, Console, Debug Log...
  • Quick View chosen Id in SFDC Web
  • Quick View Apex Code in SFDC Web
  • Backup All or Specified Sobjects in Muti-thread (Very Fast)
  • Many common used snippets
  • Manually Update Plugin

Dependency Lib


  1. Every time when we refresh all apex code from server, the sobject field completions will be initiated at the same time.

  2. When we want to execute anonymous or query, we must choose any valid snippet in sublime and click the command.

  3. Actually, retrieve all just retrieve sobject and workflow metadata, because this process is largely time-consuming.

  4. Before we want to export validation rule or workflow, we must retrieve all, because we export the validation rule and workflow by parsing the metadata file.

  5. Every time we save the apex code, your local copy will be put into project/history path every minute.

  6. If we have two classes, the first one of which is the utility class for the second one, it would be best to open the first class so that we can see the variable completions when we edit the first one.

  7. When we want to run test, basically, your test result should be displayed as a new view.

  8. If we want to refresh the folder, we just need to click the SublimeApex > Refresh Folder and then choose the folder we want to refresh.

  9. Before we update plugin, we should move your customized settings from "Settings - Default" to "Settings - User"

  10. Every time when you create a new view, it's default syntax is Apex.

  11. If you don't want to keep the local history change, you can set keep_local_change_history to false in the settings.

  12. If you want to output the session info, you can set output_session_info to true in the settings.


Sublime Text 3, Salesforce IDE, Develop Plugin, Tooling API, Python






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