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RNAseq Paired End pipeline

RNAseq analysis pipeline in two parts, alignment QC and quantification. Tools featured are cutadapt, STAR, eXpress, picard. Designed to run on an hpc with slurm job controller. Disclaimer: There are other modes and tools in progress outside of what's outlined here. Use at your own risk!

Quick Start - (ain't nobody got time for that!)


You don't have time to read through what each script does, and you're a BAMF. However, being familiar with the Linux environment is highly recommended.

1) Create job run files
a) Get list of fastq files to process from swift, one file per line, using a new-line separated list of bionimbus ids:
cat <bnids_list> | xargs -IFN find <fastq file home directory>/BN -name '*.gz' > fastq_list 
b) Use this list to create a run file, in this example for custom capture:
<RNA pipe home dir>/utility/ -f fastq_list -s <seq type> > lane_list

Typical fastq list:

2018-254_180309_NB551089_0045_AHJGNFBGX5_1_1_sequence.txt.gz 2018-254_180309_NB551089_0045_AHJGNFBGX5_1_2_sequence.txt.gz 2016-2199_180302_K00216R_0042_BHNVTKBBXX_1_1_sequence.txt.gz 2016-2199_180302_K00216R_0042_BHNVTKBBXX_1_2_sequence.txt.gz 2016-2209_180302_K00216R_0042_BHNVTKBBXX_1_1_sequence.txt.gz 2016-2209_180302_K00216R_0042_BHNVTKBBXX_1_2_sequence.txt.gz

Resultant lane_list:

2018-254 capture 180309_NB551089_0045_AHJGNFBGX5_1 2016-2199 capture 180302_K00216R_0042_BHNVTKBBXX_1 2016-2209 capture 180302_K00216R_0042_BHNVTKBBXX_1

c) Check config file - this file is typically in /utility/config_files/v2.5_config.json, and can be copied and modified. Fields that are likely to be adjusted:
"project_dir": "/cephfs/PROJECTS/",
"project": "PANCAN", # typically as a subdir if the project dir
"align_dir": "ALIGN_RNASEQ", # typically as a subdir of project
"config": "/cephfs/users/mbrown/RNAseq/utility/config_files/slurm_config.json" # full path to config file being used

"user": "mbrown", # this and next param to set acls
"group": "CPCI",
"r1adapt": "AGATCGGAAGAGCACACGTCTGAACTCCAGTCA", # adapter to trim from read 1
"r2adapt": "AGATCGGAAGAGCGTCGTGTAGGGAAAGAGTGT", # adapter to trim from read2
"strand": "rf-stranded", # strandedness for QC and future qunatification.  change to N if not
"stranded": "Y" # related flag to above, change to N if not

See example config in utility/config_files/slurm_config.json

2) Pipeline run - QC:
<RNAseq pipe dir>/alignment/ -f lane_list.txt -j modified_config.json 2> run.log

The pipeline will iterate throught the list, Create run directories with the align_dir specified above, trim fastqs, align with start, and qc the fastq and bam files. Logs track most of the steps. Multiple qc tables can ba concatenated for convenience after run using:

<RNAseq pipe dir>/alignment/ -h
usage: [-h] [-d PROJECT_DIR] [-p PROJECT] [-a ALIGN_DIR]
                   [-l LANE_LIST]

Uses pipeline lane list to create a summary table of qc stats

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d PROJECT_DIR, --project-dir PROJECT_DIR
                        Project dir, i.e. /cephfs/PROJECTS/
  -p PROJECT, --project PROJECT
                        project name, i.e. PANCAN
  -a ALIGN_DIR, --align-dir ALIGN_DIR
                        Alignment subdirectory, i.e. ALIGN_RNASEQ
  -l LANE_LIST, --lane_list LANE_LIST
                        Original lane list used to run pipeline

Resultant files are organized into subdirectories: TRIMMED_FQ, BAMS, LOGS, and QC

3) Pipeline run - Quantification:

This will take the same pipeline run files from alignment and run eXpress for transcript-level quantification

<RNAseq pipe dir>/analysis/ -f lane_list.txt -j modified_config.json 2> run.log

It is recommended that you lower the cpu and memory usage as it is less intensive than the alignment pipeline to about half. eXpress output can be collapsed to a gene-level table, choosing RNA biotype and count type, if desired, using the following helper script:

/cephfs/users/mbrown/PIPELINES/RNAseq/utility/ -h
Combines express output tables, collapsing on gene symbol by effective count

Usage: <ct_list> <type_list> <field> <round> <c_flag> <mode>

  <ct_list> list of express count files
  <type_list> list of transcript types to accept. Type None not to use one
  <field> name of field to collapse on or default for est_counts
  <round> 'y' to round values after collapsing
  <c_flag> 'y' to collapse by gene or just merge by transcript and ENSEMBL id
  <mode> for collapse on gene mode, use 'median' or 'sum'


4) Optional - fusion detection using MOJO

Ought to be run after alignment QC regardless of the fact that this pipeline uses a completely different set of tools, details at author's github here:

usage: [-h] [-l LANE] [-j CONFIG_FILE]

Search for fusion junctions using MOJO

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -l LANE, --lane LANE  Lane list file
                        JSON config file containing tool and reference

See example config in utility/config_files/mojo_wrap_config.json

Current setup:

cutadapt v1.15

Purpose: Adapter and base quality trimming can be installed using:

pip install cutadapt

bowtie2 2.2.3

Purpose: Used quickly at the start for insert size estimation Download and build from

picard v2.0.1

Purpose: Insert size estimation and RNAseq QC metrics Download jar from Requires java jdk

novosort 1.03.09

Purpose: Merge and sort bams Note, this is proprietary software. Definitely worth it to shave time off of this step as the software is capable of using specified memory and processors to the full extent, Otherwise, us picard. Obtain from

fastqc 0.11.5

Purpose: Fastq QC metrics Download from

STAR v2.5.2a

Purpose: RNAseq aligner Download pre-built binary from

express 1.5.1

Purpose: Transcript-level quantification Download from