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CLI-Query is a command line interface indended to simplify the interaction of multiple API endpoints available on

sample install

First install Akamai CLI, then run:

akamai install

Table of Contents:

Commandline Help Text

usage: akamai query help [command]

Akamai Query CLI

positional arguments:
    help                Show available help
    version             display the version number
    ldslist             List all cpcode based log delivery configurations
    netstoragelist      List storage groups
    netstorageuser      List netstorage users
    datastream_agg      Get aggregate datastream logs
    datastream_raw      Get raw datastream raw logs
    groupcpcodelist     CPCODES assigned to groups
    filtertemplate      prints a filter template
    bulksearch          bulk search property manager configurations
    bulksearchtemplate  prints a bulksearch template
    checkjsondns        dns filtering tool for json objects
    checkhostdns        dns filtering tool

Querying Log Delivery Service (LDS)

usage: akamai query ldslist [--show-json] [--use-filterstdin] [--file FILE]
                            [--template TEMPLATE] [--edgerc EDGERC]
                            [--section SECTION] [--debug]
                            [--account-key ACCOUNT_KEY]

optional arguments:
  --show-json           output json
  --use-filterstdin     use stdin for query
  --file FILE           the json file for query
  --template TEMPLATE   use template name for query
  --edgerc EDGERC       Location of the credentials file [$AKAMAI_EDGERC]
  --section SECTION     Section of the credentials file
  --debug               DEBUG mode to generate additional logs for
  --account-key ACCOUNT_KEY
                        Account Switch Key

Querying Datastream Raw Logs

Basic support without result pagination

usage: akamai query datastream_raw [--show-json] [--use-filterstdin]
                                   [--file FILE] [--template TEMPLATE]
                                   [--streamId STREAMID]
                                   [--timeRange TIMERANGE] [--edgerc EDGERC]
                                   [--section SECTION] [--debug]

optional arguments:
  --show-json           output json
  --use-filterstdin     use stdin for query
  --file FILE           the json file for query
  --template TEMPLATE   use template name for query
  --streamId STREAMID   Stream ID
  --timeRange TIMERANGE
                        Supported format: \d+[smh]. Eg: 2s, 2m, 2h
  --edgerc EDGERC       Location of the credentials file [$AKAMAI_EDGERC]
  --section SECTION     Section of the credentials file
  --debug               DEBUG mode to generate additional logs for

Querying Datastream Aggregate Data

Basic support without result pagination

usage: akamai query datastream_agg [--show-json] [--use-filterstdin]
                                   [--file FILE] [--template TEMPLATE]
                                   [--streamId STREAMID]
                                   [--timeRange TIMERANGE] [--edgerc EDGERC]
                                   [--section SECTION] [--debug]

optional arguments:
  --show-json           output json
  --use-filterstdin     use stdin for query
  --file FILE           the json file for query
  --template TEMPLATE   use template name for query
  --streamId STREAMID   Stream ID
  --timeRange TIMERANGE
                        Supported format: \d+[smh]. Eg: 2s, 2m, 2h
  --edgerc EDGERC       Location of the credentials file [$AKAMAI_EDGERC]
  --section SECTION     Section of the credentials file
  --debug               DEBUG mode to generate additional logs for

Querying Netstorage NS4

usage: akamai query netstoragelist [--show-json] [--use-filterstdin]
                                   [--file FILE] [--template TEMPLATE]
                                   [--edgerc EDGERC] [--section SECTION]
                                   [--debug] [--account-key ACCOUNT_KEY]

optional arguments:
  --show-json           output json
  --use-filterstdin     use stdin for query
  --file FILE           the json file for query
  --template TEMPLATE   use template name for query
  --edgerc EDGERC       Location of the credentials file [$AKAMAI_EDGERC]
  --section SECTION     Section of the credentials file
  --debug               DEBUG mode to generate additional logs for
  --account-key ACCOUNT_KEY
                        Account Switch Key

Querying Netstorage Users

usage: akamai query netstorageuser [--show-json] [--use-filterstdin]
                                   [--file FILE] [--template TEMPLATE]
                                   [--edgerc EDGERC] [--section SECTION]
                                   [--debug] [--account-key ACCOUNT_KEY]

optional arguments:
  --show-json           output json
  --use-filterstdin     use stdin for query
  --file FILE           the json file for query
  --template TEMPLATE   use template name for query
  --edgerc EDGERC       Location of the credentials file [$AKAMAI_EDGERC]
  --section SECTION     Section of the credentials file
  --debug               DEBUG mode to generate additional logs for
  --account-key ACCOUNT_KEY
                        Account Switch Key

Querying Control Center Group CPCodes

usage: akamai query groupcpcodelist [--show-json] [--use-filterstdin]
                                    [--file FILE] [--template TEMPLATE]
                                    [--only-contractIds ONLY_CONTRACTIDS [ONLY_CONTRACTIDS ...]]
                                    [--edgerc EDGERC] [--section SECTION]
                                    [--debug] [--account-key ACCOUNT_KEY]

optional arguments:
  --show-json           output json
  --use-filterstdin     use stdin for query
  --file FILE           the json file for query
  --template TEMPLATE   use template name for query
                        limit the query to specific contracts
  --edgerc EDGERC       Location of the credentials file [$AKAMAI_EDGERC]
  --section SECTION     Section of the credentials file
  --debug               DEBUG mode to generate additional logs for
  --account-key ACCOUNT_KEY
                        Account Switch Key

Generic Filter Template Utility

usage: akamai query filtertemplate [--get GET] [--type TYPE]
                                   [--filterfile FILTERFILE]
                                   [--arg-list ARG_LIST [ARG_LIST ...]]
                                   [--edgerc EDGERC] [--section SECTION]
                                   [--debug] [--account-key ACCOUNT_KEY]

optional arguments:
  --get GET             get template details
  --type TYPE           the templates by filter type
  --filterfile FILTERFILE
                        use your own template from your file system
  --args-use-stdin      use your own template from STDIN
  --arg-list ARG_LIST [ARG_LIST ...]
                        additional args for a JSONPath condition:
  --edgerc EDGERC       Location of the credentials file [$AKAMAI_EDGERC]
  --section SECTION     Section of the credentials file
  --debug               DEBUG mode to generate additional logs for
  --account-key ACCOUNT_KEY
                        Account Switch Key

Querying Property Mangager Configurations

usage: akamai query bulksearch [--show-json] [--use-filterstdin]
                               [--filterfile FILTERFILE]
                               [--filtername FILTERNAME]
                               [--contractId CONTRACTID] [--network NETWORK]
                               [--use-searchstdin] [--searchfile SEARCHFILE]
                               [--searchname SEARCHNAME] [--use-union-filter]
                               [--skip-header] [--show-nested-list]
                               [--edgerc EDGERC] [--section SECTION] [--debug]
                               [--account-key ACCOUNT_KEY]

optional arguments:
  --show-json           output json
  --use-filterstdin     get filter json from stdin
  --filterfile FILTERFILE
                        the json file to filter results from bulksearch
  --filtername FILTERNAME
                        template name to filter results from bulksearch
  --contractId CONTRACTID
                        limit the bulk search scope to a specific contract
  --network NETWORK     filter the bulk search result to a specific network
                        (staging, production, all)
  --use-searchstdin     get bulksearch json from stdin
  --searchfile SEARCHFILE
                        get bulksearch from json file
  --searchname SEARCHNAME
                        get bulksearch by name
  --use-union-filter    union filter results
  --skip-header         hide filter header from output
  --show-nested-list    disable JSON Array to String concatenation for JQ @CSV
  --edgerc EDGERC       Location of the credentials file [$AKAMAI_EDGERC]
  --section SECTION     Section of the credentials file
  --debug               DEBUG mode to generate additional logs for
  --account-key ACCOUNT_KEY
                        Account Switch Key

Bulk Search Template Utility

usage: akamai query bulksearchtemplate [--get GET] [--searchfile SEARCHFILE]
                                       [--arg-list ARG_LIST [ARG_LIST ...]]
                                       [--edgerc EDGERC] [--section SECTION]
                                       [--debug] [--account-key ACCOUNT_KEY]

optional arguments:
  --get GET             get template by name
  --searchfile SEARCHFILE
                        use your own bulk search template from your file
  --arg-list ARG_LIST [ARG_LIST ...]
                        additional args for a JSONPath condition:
  --edgerc EDGERC       Location of the credentials file [$AKAMAI_EDGERC]
  --section SECTION     Section of the credentials file
  --debug               DEBUG mode to generate additional logs for
  --account-key ACCOUNT_KEY
                        Account Switch Key

Bulk Search Built-In Templates

Ready to go bulk searches. See them when running the command:

akamai query bulksearchtemplate 


default.json bulk search template finds all configuration's and their cpcode values:

akamai query bulksearchtemplate --get default.json 

 "bulkSearchQuery": {
  "syntax": "JSONPATH",
  "match": "$..behaviors[?( == 'cpCode')]"

origins.json template finds all configuration and their origins:

akamai query bulksearchtemplate --get origins.json 

 "bulkSearchQuery": {
  "syntax": "JSONPATH",
  "match": "$..behaviors[?( == 'origin')].options.hostname"

gtm-origins.json template finds all configurations with gtm origins:

akamai query bulksearchtemplate --get gtm-origins.json 

 "bulkSearchQuery": {
  "syntax": "JSONPATH",
  "match": "$..behaviors[?( == 'origin')].options[?(@.hostname =~ /.*$/i)].hostname"

Bulk Search Built-In Filters

Filters modify the presentation and fields displayed as part of a bulk search result. The built-in filters are listed when running this command:

akamai query filtertemplate --type bulksearch 


default.json filter returns each configuration and the value found from the bulk search

akamai query filtertemplate --type bulksearch --get default.json 

 "propertyName": "$.propertyName",
 "results": "$.matchLocationResults[*]"

result.json filter returns only the value found from the bulk search. This is handy to pipe in values into your own custom scripts for further processing

akamai query filtertemplate --type bulksearch --get result.json 

 "results": "$.matchLocationResults[*]"

property.json filter returns only the property names that found the values from the bulk search. This is handy to pipe in property names into your own custom scripts for further processing

akamai query filtertemplate --type bulksearch --get property.json 

 "results": "$.propertyName"

Bulk Search - Putting it together

Here are a few examples how you can use built-in options or your own customized filters & searches.

First Example:

Many times its useful to get the list CPCODEs for a set of properties. This is the most common use case, so its the default search. The default filter output shows all of the results for each property on a single line. The default output is one JSON Array per line. If needed, this output can easily be converted into a CSV file JQ and @CSV formatting.

Default Search and Filter:

akamai query bulksearch --network Production 


["propertyName", "results"]
["configuration_1", 10000]
["configuration_2", 20000]
["configuration_3", "30000,30001,30002,30003"]
["configuration_4", 40000]

Using JQ @CSV:

akamai query bulksearch --network Production | jq -r ' . | @csv'

CSV Output:


Default Search w/ Built-in Results Only filter:

For simple output that returns a flattened list of one value per line, modify the above command to use the result.json filter.

akamai query bulksearch --network Production --filtername result.json

Outputs Flattened List:


Default Search - JSON Only:

In some cases you might want to write your own filter or rather use JQ querying syntax; you can output JSON instead.

akamai query bulksearch --network Production --show-json


  "propertyId": "prp_00001",
  "propertyVersion": 100,
  "propertyName": "configuration_1",
  "productionStatus": "ACTIVE",
  "stagingStatus": "ACTIVE",
  "isLatest": true,
  "isLocked": true,
  "matchLocations": [
  "lastModifiedTime": "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
  "isSecure": false,
  "matchLocationResults": [


Write your own search result filter:

To build your own filter, check out the syntax of the built-in filters, copy one, and build your own. Each filter is a map of JSONPath statements where the key is the result's column name and the value of the colum is the result of the JSONPath. Each JSONPath is executed independently and repeatedly on each result row/item.

The JSON below was copied from the default.json filter as a starting point. Then add 3 more columns you see from the show-json output: PropertyVersion, ProductionStatus, StagingStatus. Finally, re-run your last bulksearch to see the additional columns.

Create My Custom Filter:

 "PropertyName": "$.propertyName",
 "PropertyVersion": "$.propertyVersion",
 "ProductionStatus": "$.productionStatus",
 "StagingStatus": "$.stagingStatus",
 "results": "$.matchLocationResults[*]"

Option 1: Pipe In My Custom Filter using STDIN:

echo '{
 "PropertyName": "$.propertyName",
 "PropertyVersion": "$.propertyVersion",
 "ProductionStatus": "$.productionStatus",
 "StagingStatus": "$.stagingStatus",
 "results": "$.matchLocationResults[*]"
}' | akamai query bulksearch --network Production --use-filterstdin

Option 2: Save My Custom Filter to a file and read from file:

echo '{
 "PropertyName": "$.propertyName",
 "PropertyVersion": "$.propertyVersion",
 "ProductionStatus": "$.productionStatus",
 "StagingStatus": "$.stagingStatus",
 "results": "$.matchLocationResults[*]"
}' > myfilter.json

akamai query bulksearch --network Production --filterfile myfilter.json

Both Output:

["PropertyName", "PropertyVersion", "ProductionStatus", "StagingStatus", "results"]
["configuration_1", 11, "ACTIVE", "ACTIVE", 10000]
["configuration_2", 22, "ACTIVE", "INACTIVE", 20000]
["configuration_3", 33, "ACTIVE", "INACTIVE", "30000,30001,30002,30003"]
["configuration_4", 44, "ACTIVE", "INACTIVE", 40000]

More Bulk Searches - Built-In Origin Example:

Get all the configurations and origin values using the default filter.

akamai query bulksearch --network Production --searchname origins.json


["propertyName", "results"]
["configuration_1", ""]
["configuration_2", ""]
["configuration_3", ""]
["configuration_4", ""]

Get all origin values in a flattened list:

akamai query bulksearch --network Production --searchname origins.json --filtername result.json


More Bulk Searches - Built-In GTM Origin Example:

akamai query bulksearch --network Production --searchname gtm-origins.json


["propertyName", "results"]
["configuration_1", ""]
["configuration_2", ""]
["configuration_3", ""]
["configuration_4", ""]

Build Bulk Searches

Using the API documentation, you can find a few bulk search examples to run.

Option 1: Pipe in bulk search JSON via STDIN

akamai query bulksearch --network Production --use-searchstdin << TEXT_BLOCK
{"bulkSearchQuery":{"syntax":"JSONPATH","match":"$..behaviors[?( == 'sureRoute')].options.testObjectUrl" }}

Option 2: Save bulk search JSON to file and pass json file as argument

cat > mysearch.json << TEXT_BLOCK
{"bulkSearchQuery":{"syntax":"JSONPATH","match":"$..behaviors[?( == 'sureRoute')].options.testObjectUrl" }}

akamai query bulksearch --network Production --searchfile mysearch.json 

Both Output:

["propertyName", "results"]
["configuration_1", "/Akamai/sureroute-test-object.html"]
["configuration_2", "/Akamai/sureroute-test-object.html"]
["configuration_3", "/Akamai/sureroute-test-object.html,/Akamai/sureroute-test-object.html"]
["configuration_4", "/Akamai/sureroute-test-object.html"]

DNS Validation with Bulk Search

JSON Array parsing tool to extract hostnames and filter output by DNS status

akamai query help checkjsondns 

usage: akamai query checkjsondns [--show-json] [--dns-index DNS_INDEX]
                                 [--skip-wildcards] [--edgerc EDGERC]
                                 [--section SECTION] [--debug]
                                 [--account-key ACCOUNT_KEY]

optional arguments:
  --show-json           output json
  --dns-index DNS_INDEX
                        zero based index where hostname lookup should be
  --skip-wildcards      Ignore wildcard domains: *
  dns_filter            choose configsWithCNAME, configsFullyCNAMED,
                        configsWithoutCNAME, hostsCNAMED, hostsNotCNAMED,
                        configsAllNXDomain, configsAnyNXDomain
  --edgerc EDGERC       Location of the credentials file [$AKAMAI_EDGERC]
  --section SECTION     Section of the credentials file
  --debug               DEBUG mode to generate additional logs for
  --account-key ACCOUNT_KEY
                        Account Switch Key

Access underlying DNS-over-HTTP API used by checkjsondns

akamai query help checkhostdns 

usage: akamai query checkhostdns [--show-json] [--skip-wildcards]
                                 [--edgerc EDGERC] [--section SECTION]
                                 [--debug] [--account-key ACCOUNT_KEY]
                                 [domain [domain ...]]

optional arguments:
  --show-json           output json
  --skip-wildcards      Ignore wildcard domains: *
  domain                a list of domains
  --edgerc EDGERC       Location of the credentials file [$AKAMAI_EDGERC]
  --section SECTION     Section of the credentials file
  --debug               DEBUG mode to generate additional logs for
  --account-key ACCOUNT_KEY
                        Account Switch Key

Pairing Bulk Search and DNS Validation

Here are a few examples how you can pair bulk search and dns

Pipe bulk search results with their hostnames to checkjsondns which will filter search results with a modified set of hosts that are CNAMEd to Akamai

akamai query bulksearch --filtername property-hostnames.json | akamai query checkjsondns hostsCNAMED 

Output of configurations and their CNAMED hosts:

["configuration_1", ","]
["configuration_2", ""]

Pipe bulk search results with their hostnames to checkjsondns which will filter search results with a modified set of configurations that have at least one host CNAMED to Akamai

akamai query bulksearch --filtername property-hostnames.json | akamai query checkjsondns configsWithCNAME 

Output of configurations with at least one host CNAMEd to Akamai

["configuration_1", ","]
["configuration_2", ","]


Akamai CLI Module to query multiple API endpoints






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