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1. Convert hex to base64 and back.

The string:


should produce:


Now use this code everywhere for the rest of the exercises. Here's a simple rule of thumb:

Always operate on raw bytes, never on encoded strings. Only use hex and base64 for pretty-printing.

2. Fixed XOR

Write a function that takes two equal-length buffers and produces their XOR sum.

The string:


... after hex decoding, when xor'd against:


... should produce:


3. Single-character XOR Cipher

The hex encoded string:


... has been XOR'd against a single character. Find the key, decrypt the message.

Write code to do this for you. How? Devise some method for "scoring" a piece of English plaintext. (Character frequency is a good metric.) Evaluate each output and choose the one with the best score.

Tune your algorithm until this works.

4. Detect single-character XOR

One of the 60-character strings at:

has been encrypted by single-character XOR. Find it. (Your code from #3 should help.)

5. Repeating-key XOR Cipher

Write the code to encrypt the string:

Burning 'em, if you ain't quick and nimble
I go crazy when I hear a cymbal

Under the key "ICE", using repeating-key XOR. It should come out to:


Encrypt a bunch of stuff using your repeating-key XOR function. Get a feel for it.

6. Break repeating-key XOR

The buffer at the following location:

is base64-encoded repeating-key XOR. Break it.

Here's how:

a. Let KEYSIZE be the guessed length of the key; try values from 2 to (say) 40.

b. Write a function to compute the edit distance/Hamming distance between two strings. The Hamming distance is just the number of differing bits. The distance between:

this is a test


wokka wokka!!!

is 37.

c. For each KEYSIZE, take the FIRST KEYSIZE worth of bytes, and the SECOND KEYSIZE worth of bytes, and find the edit distance between them. Normalize this result by dividing by KEYSIZE.

d. The KEYSIZE with the smallest normalized edit distance is probably the key. You could proceed perhaps with the smallest 2-3 KEYSIZE values. Or take 4 KEYSIZE blocks instead of 2 and average the distances.

e. Now that you probably know the KEYSIZE: break the ciphertext into blocks of KEYSIZE length.

f. Now transpose the blocks: make a block that is the first byte of every block, and a block that is the second byte of every block, and so on.

g. Solve each block as if it was single-character XOR. You already have code to do this.

e. For each block, the single-byte XOR key that produces the best looking histogram is the repeating-key XOR key byte for that block. Put them together and you have the key.

7. AES in ECB Mode

The Base64-encoded content at the following location:

Has been encrypted via AES-128 in ECB mode under the key


(I like "YELLOW SUBMARINE" because it's exactly 16 bytes long).

Decrypt it.

Easiest way:

Use OpenSSL::Cipher and give it AES-128-ECB as the cipher.

8. Detecting ECB

At the following URL are a bunch of hex-encoded ciphertexts:

One of them is ECB encrypted. Detect it.

Remember that the problem with ECB is that it is stateless and deterministic; the same 16 byte plaintext block will always produce the same 16 byte ciphertext.

9. Implement PKCS#7 padding

Pad any block to a specific block length, by appending the number of bytes of padding to the end of the block. For instance,


padded to 20 bytes would be:

  "YELLOW SUBMARINE\x04\x04\x04\x04"

The particulars of this algorithm are easy to find online.

10. Implement CBC Mode

In CBC mode, each ciphertext block is added to the next plaintext block before the next call to the cipher core.

The first plaintext block, which has no associated previous ciphertext block, is added to a "fake 0th ciphertext block" called the IV.

Implement CBC mode by hand by taking the ECB function you just wrote, making it encrypt instead of decrypt (verify this by decrypting whatever you encrypt to test), and using your XOR function from previous exercise.

DO NOT CHEAT AND USE OPENSSL TO DO CBC MODE, EVEN TO VERIFY YOUR RESULTS. What's the point of even doing this stuff if you aren't going to learn from it?

The buffer at: is intelligible (somewhat) when CBC decrypted against "YELLOW SUBMARINE" with an IV of all ASCII 0 (\x00\x00\x00 &c)

11. Write an oracle function and use it to detect ECB.

Now that you have ECB and CBC working:

Write a function to generate a random AES key; that's just 16 random bytes.

Write a function that encrypts data under an unknown key --- that is, a function that generates a random key and encrypts under it.

The function should look like:


Under the hood, have the function APPEND 5-10 bytes (count chosen randomly) BEFORE the plaintext and 5-10 bytes AFTER the plaintext.

Now, have the function choose to encrypt under ECB 1/2 the time, and under CBC the other half (just use random IVs each time for CBC). Use rand(2) to decide which to use.

Now detect the block cipher mode the function is using each time.

12. Byte-at-a-time ECB decryption, Full control version

Copy your oracle function to a new function that encrypts buffers under ECB mode using a consistent but unknown key (for instance, assign a single random key, once, to a global variable).

Now take that same function and have it append to the plaintext, BEFORE ENCRYPTING, the following string:



Base64 decode the string before appending it. DO NOT BASE64 DECODE THE STRING BY HAND; MAKE YOUR CODE DO IT. The point is that you don't know its contents.

What you have now is a function that produces:

  AES-128-ECB(your-string || unknown-string, random-key)

You can decrypt "unknown-string" with repeated calls to the oracle function!

Here's roughly how:

a. Feed identical bytes of your-string to the function 1 at a time --- start with 1 byte ("A"), then "AA", then "AAA" and so on. Discover the block size of the cipher. You know it, but do this step anyway.

b. Detect that the function is using ECB. You already know, but do this step anyways.

c. Knowing the block size, craft an input block that is exactly 1 byte short (for instance, if the block size is 8 bytes, make "AAAAAAA"). Think about what the oracle function is going to put in that last byte position.

d. Make a dictionary of every possible last byte by feeding different strings to the oracle; for instance, "AAAAAAAA", "AAAAAAAB", "AAAAAAAC", remembering the first block of each invocation.

e. Match the output of the one-byte-short input to one of the entries in your dictionary. You've now discovered the first byte of unknown-string.

f. Repeat for the next byte.

13. ECB cut-and-paste

Write a k=v parsing routine, as if for a structured cookie. The routine should take:


and produce:

    foo: 'bar',
    baz: 'qux',
    zap: 'zazzle'

(you know, the object; I don't care if you convert it to JSON).

Now write a function that encodes a user profile in that format, given an email address. You should have something like:


and it should produce:

    email: '',
    uid: 10,
    role: 'user'

encoded as:

Your "profile_for" function should NOT allow encoding metacharacters (& and =). Eat them, quote them, whatever you want to do, but don't let people set their email address to

Now, two more easy functions. Generate a random AES key, then:

(a) Encrypt the encoded user profile under the key; "provide" that to the "attacker".

(b) Decrypt the encoded user profile and parse it.

Using only the user input to profile_for() (as an oracle to generate "valid" ciphertexts) and the ciphertexts themselves, make a role=admin profile.

14. Byte-at-a-time ECB decryption, Partial control version

Take your oracle function from #12. Now generate a random count of random bytes and prepend this string to every plaintext. You are now doing:

  AES-128-ECB(random-prefix || attacker-controlled || target-bytes, random-key)

Same goal: decrypt the target-bytes.

What's harder about doing this?

How would you overcome that obstacle? The hint is: you're using all the tools you already have; no crazy math is required.

Think about the words "STIMULUS" and "RESPONSE".

15. PKCS#7 padding validation

Write a function that takes a plaintext, determines if it has valid PKCS#7 padding, and strips the padding off.

The string:

    "ICE ICE BABY\x04\x04\x04\x04"

has valid padding, and produces the result "ICE ICE BABY".

The string:

    "ICE ICE BABY\x05\x05\x05\x05"

does not have valid padding, nor does:

     "ICE ICE BABY\x01\x02\x03\x04"

If you are writing in a language with exceptions, like Python or Ruby, make your function throw an exception on bad padding.

16. CBC bit flipping

Generate a random AES key.

Combine your padding code and CBC code to write two functions.

The first function should take an arbitrary input string, prepend the string:


and append the string:


The function should quote out the ";" and "=" characters.

The function should then pad out the input to the 16-byte AES block length and encrypt it under the random AES key.

The second function should decrypt the string and look for the characters ";admin=true;" (or, equivalently, decrypt, split the string on ;, convert each resulting string into 2-tuples, and look for the "admin" tuple. Return true or false based on whether the string exists.

If you've written the first function properly, it should not be possible to provide user input to it that will generate the string the second function is looking for.

Instead, modify the ciphertext (without knowledge of the AES key) to accomplish this.

You're relying on the fact that in CBC mode, a 1-bit error in a ciphertext block:

  • Completely scrambles the block the error occurs in

  • Produces the identical 1-bit error (/edit) in the next ciphertext block.

Before you implement this attack, answer this question: why does CBC mode have this property?








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