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Andre Anjos' Personal Website

This package contains the source and deployment instructions for my personal website. The latest version is available from my github website <>.


Clone this package using the following command:

$ git clone
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update

After that, create the environment:

$ conda env create -f env.yml
$ source activate chords
$ buildout

By default, the settings on the project are setup to work with a local db.sql3 that should be placed at the root of the package. You can also work against a MySQL server. In such a case, you will need to get hold of the MySQL connection string. You can copy the one on your private server, if you have the right to do so:

$ scp anjos/personal

Otherwise, here is a template (it should be placed on the same directory as is):

import os

    'local': {
      'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3',
      'NAME': os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'local.sql3')
    'server': {
      'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',
      'NAME': '<database-name>',
      'USER': '<database-user>',
      'PASSWORD': '*********',
      'HOST': '',
      'PORT': '3306',

DATABASES['default'] = DATABASES['server']


Make sure you don't make the above file public, or checks it into the git repository. It contains sensitive data (username, password and the database server address).

Next, you will need to copy media only available remotely, to the current working directory and collect all apps static files:

$ ./bin/dj collectstatic --noinput
$ rsync -avz media/


Here are some common tips for maintenance.

Running a Test Server

You can run a test server locally, either using the remote (Dreamhost) default MySQL database or a local version. To start a test server:

$ ./bin/dj runserver

To setup a local copy of the MySQL database, look below.

Removing Obsolete Apps

This happens when you remove applications from your website:

$ ./bin/ <appname>

Debugging 500 Errors

To debug 500 errors, add the egg paste to your buildout, then edit, manually, the file ./bin/dj.wsgi to add the following two lines, by the end:

import djangorecipe.wsgi
from paste.exceptions.errormiddleware import ErrorMiddleware #<< add this
application = djangorecipe.wsgi.main('anjos.personal.settings', logfile='')
application = ErrorMiddleware(application, debug=True) #<< add this

Make sure to kill the current webserver process being run:

$ pkill python

And to touch <webserver-folder>/tmp/restart.txt:

$ touch tmp/restart.txt

Now try to reload the page you had problems with and observe the logs being displayed on the web browser screen.

Moving a MySQL database to SQLite3

To work locally, using an SQLite database for development, you can dump the current data on your server and load it again on a local sqlite3 database:

$ ./bin/dj dumpdata > data.json
$ vim anjos/personal/ # change to the local database configuration
$ ./bin/dj syncdb --noinput
$ ./bin/dj reset auth --noinput
$ ./bin/dj reset contenttypes --noinput
$ ./bin/dj loaddata data.json
$ rm -f data.json

Installing on Dreamhost

Follow these steps:

  1. Make sure that the database configuration is set right;

  2. Make sure that the variable DREAMHOST is set to True at the top of the file. Do the same for DEBUG (setting it to False);

  3. Link $ cd <website-directory> $ ln -s

  4. Set up the backup cronjob to execute daily (e.g.: backup/ Here is an example:

    cd `dirname $0`
    mysqldump -h -u aadjadmin -p******* --opt aa_professional_website > db.sql
    /usr/sbin/logrotate --state=logrotate.state logrotate.conf
  5. If you cleaned-up the previous installation, run dj collectstatic --noinput to re-issue the static files on the adequate location.