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A python package calculating the gear-shifts of Light-duty vehicles running the WLTP driving-cycles, according to UNECE`'s GTR


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wltp: generate WLTC gear-shifts based on vehicle characteristics


Latest version in PyPI Latest version in Anaconda cloud Latest version in GitHub Version grafted in project's package coordinates Release date grafted in project's package coordinates (build-version: , build-date: ) Development Status Supported Python versions of latest release in PyPi Supported conda platforms

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JupyterLab for WLTP (stable) JupyterLab for WLTP (dev)

sources Travis continuous integration testing ok? (Linux) Appveyor continuous integration testing ok? (Windows) PyPi downloads Code Style Github watchers Github stargazers Github forks Issues count


UNECE, automotive, car, cars, driving, engine, emissions, fuel-consumption, gears, gearshifts, rpm, simulation, simulator, standard, vehicle, vehicles, WLTC, NEDC


2013-2020 European Commission (JRC-IET) EUPL 1.1+

A python-3.6+ package to generate the gear-shifts of Light-duty vehicles running the WLTP driving-cycles, according to UNECE's GTRs.

Figure 1: annex-2:cycles for class-3b Vehicles

Figure 1: annex-2:cycles for class-3b Vehicles


This wltp python project is still in alpha stage, in the sense that its results are not "correct" by the standard, and no WLTP dyno-tests should rely currently on them.

Some of the known limitations are described in these places:

  • In the CHANGES.
  • Compare results with AccDB in Notebooks/CarsDB-compare.ipynb notebook; launch your private demo-server (JupyterLab for WLTP (stable)) to view it.



The calculator accepts as input the vehicle's technical data, along with parameters for modifying the execution of the WLTC cycle, and it then spits-out the gear-shifts of the vehicle, the attained speed-profile, and any warnings. It does not calculate any CO2 emissions.

An "execution" or a "run" of an experiment is depicted in the following diagram:

.-----------------.                         .------------------.
:      Input      :                         :      Output      :
;-----------------;                         ;------------------;

; +--test_mass ; ____________ ; +--pmr ;

; +--n_idle ; | | ; +--wltc_class ;

; +--f0,f1,f2 ; ==> | Cycle | ==> ; +--... ;

; +--wot/ ; | Generator | ; +--cycle ;

; +-- ; ; | +-- ;

; +--n2vs ; ; +--gwots ;

; +-- ; ; +-- ;

'-----------------' '------------------'

The Input, Output and all its contents are instances of datamodel (trees of strings, numbers & pandas objects)


  • Launch the example jupyter notebooks in a private demo server (JupyterLab for WLTP (stable)).
  • Otherwise, install it locally, preferably from the sources (instructions below).
  • pip install "extras" (e.g. pip install wltp[all]):
    • plot, excel, all, dev, notebook, test, doc


Python-3.6+ is required and Python-3.7 or Python-3.8 recommended. It requires numpy/scipy and pandas libraries with native backends.


On Windows, it is preferable to use the miniconda distribution; although its conda command adds another layer of complexity on top of pip, unlike standard Python, it has pre-built all native libraries required (e.g. numpy/scipy and pandas).

If nevertheless you choose the standard Python, and some packages fail to build when pip-installing them, download these packages from Gohlke's "Unofficial Windows Binaries" and install them manually with:

pip install <package-file-v1.2.3.whl>


Download the sources,


From within the project directory, run one of these commands to install it:

  • for standard python, installing with pip is enough (but might):

    pip install -e .[test]
  • for conda, prefer to install the conda-packages listed in Notebooks/conda/conda-reqs.txt, before running the same pip command, like this:

    conda install  --override-channels -c ankostis -c conda-forge -c defaults --file Notebooks/conda/conda-reqs.txt
    pip install -e .[dev]
  • Check installation:

    $ wltp --version
    $ wltp --help

    See: wltp-usage

  • Recreate jupyter notebooks from the paired *.py "py:percent" files (only these files are stored in git-repo), by executing the bash-script:

  • Run pyalgo on all AccDB cars to re-create the H5 file needed for CarsDB-compare notebook, etc:



import pandas as pd
from wltp import datamodel
from wltp.experiment import Experiment

inp_mdl = datamodel.get_model_base()
    "unladen_mass": None,
    "test_mass": 1100,  # in kg
    "p_rated": 95.3,  # in kW
    "n_rated": 3000,  # in RPM
    "n_idle": 600,
    "n2v_ratios": [122.88, 75.12, 50.06, 38.26, 33.63],

    ## For giving absolute P numbers,
    #  rename `p_norm` column to `p`.
    "wot": pd.DataFrame(
        [[600, 0.1],
        [2500, 1],
        [3500, 1],
        [5000, 0.7]], columns=["n", "p_norm"]
    'f0': 395.78,
    'f1': 0,
    'f2': 0.15,
datamodel.validate_model(inp_mdl, additional_properties=True)
exp = Experiment(inp_mdl, skip_model_validation=True)

# exp = Experiment(inp_mdl)
out_mdl =
print(f"Available values: \n{list(out_mdl.keys())}")
print(f"Cycle: \n{out_mdl['cycle']}")

See: python-usage

Project files and folders

The files and folders of the project are listed below (see also architecture:Architecture):

+--bin/                     # (shell-scripts) Utilities & preprocessing of WLTC data on GTR and the wltp_db
|           # (script) Update project's version-string
+--wltp/                    # (package) python-code of the calculator
|   +--cycles/              # (package) code & data for the WLTC data
|   +--experiment           # top-level code running the algo
|   +--datamodel            # schemas & defaults for data of algo
|   +--cycler               # code for generating the cycle
|   +--engine               # formulae for engine power & revolutions and gear-box
|   +--vehicle              # formulae for cycle/vehicle dynamics
|   +--vmax                 # formulae estimating `v_max` from wot
|   +--downscale            # formulae downscaling cycles based on pmr/test_mass ratio
|   +--invariants           # definitions & idempotent formulae for physics/engineering
|   +--io                   # utilities for starting-up, parsing, naming and spitting data
|   +--utils                # software utils unrelated to physics or engineering
|   +--cli                  # (OUTDATED) command-line entry-point for launching this wltp tool
|   +--plots                # (OUTDATED) code for plotting diagrams related to wltp cycles & results
|   +--idgears              # (OUTDATED) reconstructs the gears-profile by identifying the actual gears
+--tests/                   # (package) Test-TestCases
    +--vehdb                # Utils for manipulating h5db with accdb & pyalgo cases.
+--docs/                    # (folder) documentation
|   +--pyplots/             # (DEPRECATED by notebooks) scripts plotting the metric diagrams embedded in the README
+--Notebooks/               # Jupyter notebooks for running & comparing results (see `Notebooks/`)
    +--AccDB_src/           # AccDB code & queries extracted and stored as text                 # (script) The entry point for `setuptools`, installing, testing, etc
+--requirements/            # (txt-files) Various pip-dependencies for tools.


Python usage

First run python or ipython REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop) and try to import the project to check its version:

>>> import wltp

>>> wltp.__version__ ## Check version once more. '1.1.0.dev0'

>>> wltp.__file__ ## To check where it was installed. # doctest: +SKIP /usr/local/lib/site-package/wltp-...

If everything works, create the datamodel of the experiment. You can assemble the model-tree by the use of:

  • sequences,
  • dictionaries,
  • pandas.DataFrame,
  • pandas.Series, and
  • URI-references to other model-trees.

For instance:

>>> from wltp import datamodel >>> from wltp.experiment import Experiment

>>> mdl = { ... "unladen_mass": 1430, ... "test_mass": 1500, ... "v_max": 195, ... "p_rated": 100, ... "n_rated": 5450, ... "n_idle": 950, ... "n_min": None, ## Manufacturers my override it ... "n2v_ratios": [120.5, 75, 50, 43, 37, 32], ... "f0": 100, ... "f1": 0.5, ... "f2": 0.04, ... } >>> mdl = datamodel.upd_default_load_curve(mdl) ## need some WOT

For information on the accepted model-data, check the code:Schemas:

>>> from wltp import utils >>> utils.yaml_dumps(datamodel.model_schema(), indent=2) # doctest: +SKIP $schema: $id: /wltc title: WLTC data type: object additionalProperties: false required: - classes properties: classes: ...

You then have to feed this model-tree to the ~wltp.experiment.Experiment constructor. Internally the pandalone.pandel.Pandel resolves URIs, fills-in default values and validates the data based on the project's pre-defined JSON-schema:

>>> processor = Experiment(mdl) ## Fills-in defaults and Validates model.

Assuming validation passes without errors, you can now inspect the defaulted-model before running the experiment:

>>> mdl = processor.model ## Returns the validated model with filled-in defaults. >>> sorted(mdl) ## The "defaulted" model now includes the params branch. ['driver_mass', 'f0', 'f1', 'f2', 'f_dsc_decimals', 'f_dsc_threshold', 'f_inertial', 'f_n_clutch_gear2', 'f_n_min', 'f_n_min_gear2', 'f_safety_margin', 'n2v_ratios', 'n_idle', 'n_min_drive1', 'n_min_drive2', 'n_min_drive2_stopdecel', 'n_min_drive2_up', 'n_min_drive_down', 'n_min_drive_down_start', 'n_min_drive_set', 'n_min_drive_up', 'n_min_drive_up_start', 'n_rated', 'p_rated', 't_cold_end', 'test_mass', 'unladen_mass', 'v_cap', 'v_max', 'v_stopped_threshold', 'wltc_data', 'wot']

Now you can run the experiment:

>>> mdl = ## Runs experiment and augments the model with results. >>> sorted(mdl) ## Print the top-branches of the "augmented" model. [cycle, 'driver_mass', 'f0', 'f1', 'f2', f_dsc, 'f_dsc_decimals', f_dsc_raw, 'f_dsc_threshold', 'f_inertial', 'f_n_clutch_gear2', 'f_n_min', 'f_n_min_gear2', 'f_safety_margin', g_vmax, is_n_lim_vmax, 'n2v_ratios', n95_high, n95_low, 'n_idle', n_max, n_max1, n_max2, n_max3, 'n_min_drive1', 'n_min_drive2', 'n_min_drive2_stopdecel', 'n_min_drive2_up', 'n_min_drive_down', 'n_min_drive_down_start', 'n_min_drive_set', 'n_min_drive_up', 'n_min_drive_up_start', 'n_rated', n_vmax, 'p_rated', pmr, 't_cold_end', 'test_mass', 'unladen_mass', 'v_cap', 'v_max', 'v_stopped_threshold', wltc_class, 'wltc_data', 'wot', wots_vmax]

To access the time-based cycle-results it is better to use a pandas.DataFrame:

>>> import pandas as pd, wltp.cycler as cycler, as wio >>> df = pd.DataFrame(mdl['cycle']); = 't' >>> df.shape ## ROWS(time-steps) X COLUMNS. (1801, 94) >>> wio.flatten_columns(df.columns) ['t', 'V_cycle', 'v_target', 'a', 'phase_1', 'phase_2', 'phase_3', 'phase_4', 'accel_raw', 'run', 'stop', 'accel', 'cruise', 'decel', 'initaccel', 'stopdecel', 'up', 'p_inert', 'n/g1', 'n/g2', 'n/g3', 'n/g4', 'n/g5', 'n/g6', 'n_norm/g1', 'n_norm/g2', 'n_norm/g3', 'n_norm/g4', 'n_norm/g5', 'n_norm/g6', 'p/g1', 'p/g2', 'p/g3', 'p/g4', 'p/g5', 'p/g6', 'p_avail/g1', 'p_avail/g2', 'p_avail/g3', 'p_avail/g4', 'p_avail/g5', 'p_avail/g6', 'p_avail_stable/g1', 'p_avail_stable/g2', 'p_avail_stable/g3', 'p_avail_stable/g4', 'p_avail_stable/g5', 'p_avail_stable/g6', 'p_norm/g1', 'p_norm/g2', 'p_norm/g3', 'p_norm/g4', 'p_norm/g5', 'p_norm/g6', 'p_resist', 'p_req', 'ok_gear0/g0', 'ok_max_n/g1', 'ok_max_n/g2', 'ok_max_n/g3', 'ok_max_n/g4', 'ok_max_n/g5', 'ok_max_n/g6', 'ok_min_n_g1/g1', 'ok_min_n_g1_initaccel/g1', 'ok_min_n_g2/g2', 'ok_min_n_g2_stopdecel/g2', 'ok_min_n_g3plus_dns/g3', 'ok_min_n_g3plus_dns/g4', 'ok_min_n_g3plus_dns/g5', 'ok_min_n_g3plus_dns/g6', 'ok_min_n_g3plus_ups/g3', 'ok_min_n_g3plus_ups/g4', 'ok_min_n_g3plus_ups/g5', 'ok_min_n_g3plus_ups/g6', 'ok_p/g3', 'ok_p/g4', 'ok_p/g5', 'ok_p/g6', 'ok_n/g1', 'ok_n/g2', 'ok_n/g3', 'ok_n/g4', 'ok_n/g5', 'ok_n/g6', 'ok_gear/g0', 'ok_gear/g1', 'ok_gear/g2', 'ok_gear/g3', 'ok_gear/g4', 'ok_gear/g5', 'ok_gear/g6', 'g_min', 'g_max0'] >>> 'Mean engine_speed: %s' % df.n.mean() # doctest: +SKIP 'Mean engine_speed: 1908.9266796224322' >>> df.describe() # doctest: +SKIP v_class v_target ... rpm_norm v_real count 1801.000000 1801.000000 ... 1801.000000 1801.000000 mean 46.361410 46.361410 ... 0.209621 50.235126 std 36.107745 36.107745 ... 0.192395 32.317776 min 0.000000 0.000000 ... -0.205756 0.200000 25% 17.700000 17.700000 ... 0.083889 28.100000 50% 41.300000 41.300000 ... 0.167778 41.300000 75% 69.100000 69.100000 ... 0.285556 69.100000 max 131.300000 131.300000 ... 0.722578 131.300000 <BLANKLINE> [8 rows x 10 columns]

>>> processor.driveability_report() # doctest: +SKIP ... 12: (a: X-->0) 13: g1: Revolutions too low! 14: g1: Revolutions too low! ... 30: (b2(2): 5-->4) ... 38: (c1: 4-->3) 39: (c1: 4-->3) 40: Rule e or g missed downshift(40: 4-->3) in acceleration? ... 42: Rule e or g missed downshift(42: 3-->2) in acceleration? ...

You can export the cycle-run results in a CSV-file with the following pandas command:

>>> df.to_csv('cycle.csv')                                                      # doctest: +SKIP

For more examples, download the sources and check the test-cases found under the /tests/ folder.

Cmd-line usage


Not implemented in yet.

The command-line usage below requires the Python environment to be installed, and provides for executing an experiment directly from the OS's shell (i.e. cmd in windows or bash in POSIX), and in a single command. To have precise control over the inputs and outputs (i.e. experiments in a "batch" and/or in a design of experiments) you have to run the experiments using the API python, as explained below.

The entry-point script is called wltp, and it must have been placed in your PATH during installation. This script can construct a model by reading input-data from multiple files and/or overriding specific single-value items. Conversely, it can output multiple parts of the resulting-model into files.

To get help for this script, use the following commands:

$ wltp --help                               ## to get generic help for cmd-line syntax
$ -M vehicle/full_load_curve     ## to get help for specific model-paths

and then, assuming vehicle.csv is a CSV file with the vehicle parameters for which you want to override the n_idle only, run the following:

$ wltp -v \
    -I vehicle.csv file_frmt=SERIES model_path=params header@=None \
    -m vehicle/n_idle:=850 \
    -O cycle.csv model_path=cycle

Excel usage


OUTDATED!!! Excel-integration requires Python 3 and Windows or OS X!

In Windows and OS X you may utilize the excellent xlwings library to use Excel files for providing input and output to the experiment.

To create the necessary template-files in your current-directory you should enter:

$ wltp --excel

You could type instead wltp --excel {file_path} to specify a different destination path.

In windows/OS X you can type wltp --excelrun and the files will be created in your home-directory and the excel will open them in one-shot.

All the above commands creates two files:


The python-enabled excel-file where input and output data are written, as seen in the screenshot below:

Screenshot of the `wltp_excel_runner.xlsm` file.

After opening it the first tie, enable the macros on the workbook, select the python-code at the left and click the Run Selection as Python button; one sheet per vehicle should be created.

The excel-file contains additionally appropriate VBA modules allowing you to invoke Python code present in selected cells with a click of a button, and python-functions declared in the python-script, below, using the mypy namespace.

To add more input-columns, you need to set as column Headers the json-pointers path of the desired model item (see python-usage below,).

Utility python functions used by the above xls-file for running a batch of experiments.

The particular functions included reads multiple vehicles from the input table with various vehicle characteristics and/or experiment parameters, and then it adds a new worksheet containing the cycle-run of each vehicle . Of course you can edit it to further fit your needs.


You may reverse the procedure described above and run the python-script instead. The script will open the excel-file, run the experiments and add the new sheets, but in case any errors occur, this time you can debug them, if you had executed the script through LiClipse, or IPython!

Some general notes regarding the python-code from excel-cells:

  • On each invocation, the predefined VBA module pandalon executes a dynamically generated python-script file in the same folder where the excel-file resides, which, among others, imports the "sister" python-script file. You can read & modify the sister python-script to import libraries such as 'numpy' and 'pandas', or pre-define utility python functions.
  • The name of the sister python-script is automatically calculated from the name of the Excel-file, and it must be valid as a python module-name. Therefore do not use non-alphanumeric characters such as spaces(), dashes(-) and dots(.) on the Excel-file.
  • On errors, a log-file is written in the same folder where the excel-file resides, for as long as the message-box is visible, and it is deleted automatically after you click 'ok'!
  • Read


The Python code is highly modular, with testability in mind. so that specific parts can run in isolation. This facilitates studying tough issues, such as, double-precision reproducibility, boundary conditions, comparison of numeric outputs, and studying the code in sub-routines.


Run test-cases with pytest command.

Data Structures:

Computations are vectorial, based on hierarchical dataframes, all of them stored in a single structure, the datamodel. In case the computation breaks, you can still retrieve all intermediate results till that point.

Almost all of the names of the datamodel and formulae can be remapped, For instance, it is possible to run the tool on data containing n_idling_speed instead of n_idle (which is the default), without renaming the input data.

mdl datamodel The container of all the scalar Input & Output values, the WLTC constants factors, and 3 matrices: WOT, gwots, and the cycle run time series.

It is composed by a stack of mergeable JSON-schema abiding trees of string, numbers & pandas objects, formed with python sequences & dictionaries, and URI-references. It is implemented in ~wltp.datamodel, supported by pandalone.pandata.Pandel.

WOT Full Load Curve An input array/dict/dataframe with the full load power curves for (at least) 2 columns for (n, p) or their normalized values (n_norm, p_norm). See also

gwots grid WOTs A dataframe produced from WOT for all gear-ratios, indexed by a grid of rounded velocities, and with 2-level columns (item, gear). It is generated by ~wltp.engine.interpolate_wot_on_v_grid(), and augmented by ~wltp.engine.attach_p_avail_in_gwots() & ~wltp.vehicle.calc_p_resist() .

Move grid WOTs code in own module ~wltp.gwots.

cycle cycle run A dataframe with all the time-series, indexed by the time of the samples. The velocities for each time-sample must exist in the gwots. The columns are the same 2-level columns like gwots. it is implemented in ~wltp.cycler.

Code Structure:

The computation code is roughly divided in these python modules:


Physics and engineering code, implemented in modules:

  • ~wltp.engine
  • ~wltp.vmax
  • ~wltp.downscale
  • ~wltp.vehicle
- orchestration

The code producing the actual gear-shifting, implemented in modules:

  • ~wltp.datamodel
  • ~wltp.cycler
  • ~wltp.gridwots (TODO)
  • ~wltp.scheduler (TODO)
  • ~wltp.experiment (TO BE DROPPED, ~wltp.datamodel will assume all functionality)

The internal software component graphtik which decides which formulae to execute based on given inputs and requested outputs.

The blueprint for the underlying software ideas is given with this diagram:

Software architectural concepts underlying WLTP code structure.

Note that currently there is no scheduler component, which will allow to execute the tool with a varying list of available inputs & required data, and automatically compute only what is not already given.

Specs & Algorithm

This program imitates to some degree the MS Access DB (as of July 2019), following this 08.07.2019_HS rev2_23072019 GTR specification (docs/_static/WLTP-GS-TF-41 GTR 15 annex 1 and annex 2 08.07.2019_HS rev2_23072019.docx, included in the docs/_static folder).


There is a distinctive difference between this implementation and the `AccDB`:

All computations are vectorial, meaning that all intermediate results are calculated & stored, for all time sample-points, and not just the side of the conditions that evaluate to true on each sample.

The latest official version of this GTR, along with other related documents maybe found at UNECE's site:


The WLTC-profiles for the various classes were generated from the tables of the specs above using the devtools/ script, but it still requires an intermediate manual step involving a spreadsheet to copy the table into ands save them as CSV.






The problem

  1. The GTR's velocity traces have split-time values belonging to 2 phases, e.g. for class1 these are the sample-values @ times 589 & 1022:

    class1 phase-1 phase-2 phase-3 cycle
    Boundaries [0, 589] [589, 1022] [1022, 1611] [0, 1611]
    Duration 589 433 589 1611
    1 Hz samples 590 434 590 1612

    Some programs and spreadsheets do not handle split-time values like that, and assign them either to the earlier or the later phase, distorting thus the duration & number of time samples some phases contain!

    For instance, Access-DB tables assign split-times on the lower parts, distorting the start-times & durations for all phases except the 1st one (deviations from GTR in bold):

    class1 phase-1 phase-2 phase-3 cycle
    Boundaries [0, 589] [590, 1022] [1023, 1611] [0, 1611]
    Duration 589 432 588 1611
    1 Hz samples 590 433 589 1612


    The algorithms contained in Access DB are carefully crafted to do the right thing.

    The inverse distortion (assigning split-times on the higher parts) would preserve phase starting times (hint: downscaling algorithm depends on those absolute timings being precisely correct):

    class1 phase-1 phase-2 phase-3 cycle
    Boundaries [0, 588] [589, 1021] [1022, 1611] [0, 1611]
    Duration 588 432 589 1611
    1 Hz samples 589 433 590 1612
  2. On a related issue, GTR's formula for Acceleration (Annex 1 3.1) produces one less value than the number of velocity samples (like the majority of the distorted phases above). GTR prescribes to (optionally) append and extra A=0 sample at the end, to equalize Acceleration & Velocities lengths, but that is not totally ok (hint: mean Acceleration values do not add up like mean-Velocities do, see next point 3).

    Since most calculated and measured quantities (like cycle Power) are tied to the acceleration, we could refrain from adding the extra 0, and leave all phases with -1 samples, without any overlapping split-times.

    Actually this would constitute the 2nd phasing scheme, above, with the last part equally distorted by -1 @ 1610 (see VA0 phasing in section below). But in that case, the whole cycle would now have (disturbingly) -1 # of samples & duration:

    class1 phase-1 phase-2 phase-3 cycle
    Boundaries [0, 588] [589, 1021] [1022, 1610] [0, 1610]
    Duration 588 432 588 1610
    1 Hz samples 589 433 589 1611

    A conceptual improvement is to assume that each Acceleration-dependent sample signifies a time-duration:

    class1 phase-1 phase-2 phase-3 cycle
    Boundaries [0, 589 ) [589, 1022 ) [1022, 1611 ) [0, 1611 )
    Duration 589 433 589 1611
    1 Hz samples 589 433 589 1611
    • the duration of the final sample @ 1610 reaches up to 1611sec,
    • all phases are symmetrically distorted,
    • the phases are valid for any sampling frequency (not just 1Hz), while
    • doing proper Dijkstra counting (notice the parenthesis signifying open right intervals),
    • but still pure Velocities cannot utilize this phasing scheme, have to stick to the original.
  3. Calculating mean values for Accelerations do not work with overlapping split-times.

    It's easier to demonstrate the issues with a hypothetical 4-sec cycle,  composed of 2 symmetrical ramp-up/ramp-down 2-sec phases:

    t [sec]



    V [kmh]

    Distance [m x 3.6]


    A [m/sec^2]

    ===== 0 1

    ======== X X

    ===== 0 5

    ========= 0 2.5

    ======== 1 1

    ========= 5 5

    2 3 4


    X X X

    10 5 0

    10 17.5 20

    2 2

    -5 -5


    The final A value has been kept blank, so that mean values per-phase add up, so phases no longer overlap.

  4. Finally, since all phases start and end with consecutive zeros(0), the deliberations above do not cause serious problems; but at the same time, discovering off-by-one errors (or shifts in time) on arbitrary files containing calculated and/or measured traces is really hard: SUMs & CUMSUMs do not produce any difference at all.

    The following tables and accompanying CRC functions come as an aid to the problems above.


As reported by wltp.cycles.cycle_phases(), and neglecting the advice to optionally add a final 0 when calculating the cycle Acceleration (Annex 1 2-3.1), the following 3 phasing are identified from velocity traces of 1Hz:

  • V: phases for quantities dependent on Velocity samples, overlapping split-times.
  • VA0: phases for Acceleration-dependent quantities, -1 length, NON overlapping split-times, starting on t=0.
  • VA1: phases for Acceleration-dependent quantities, -1 length, NON overlapping split-times, starting on t=1. (e.g. Energy in Annex 7).
class phasing phase-1 phase-2 phase-3 phase-4


[0, 589] [0, 588] [1, 589]

[589, 1022] [589, 1021] [590, 1022]

[1022, 1611] [1022, 1610] [1023, 1611]

class2 V [0, 589] [589, 1022] [1022, 1477] [1477, 1800]
VA0 [0, 588] [589, 1021] [1022, 1476] [1477, 1799]
VA1 [1, 589] [590, 1022] [1023, 1477] [1478, 1800]
class3a V [0, 589] [589, 1022] [1022, 1477] [1477, 1800]
VA0 [0, 588] [589, 1021] [1022, 1476] [1477, 1799]
VA1 [1, 589] [590, 1022] [1023, 1477] [1478, 1800]
class3b V [0, 589] [589, 1022] [1022, 1477] [1477, 1800]
VA0 [0, 588] [589, 1021] [1022, 1476] [1477, 1799]
VA1 [1, 589] [590, 1022] [1023, 1477] [1478, 1800]


As computed by wltp.cycles.crc_velocity(), reported by wltp.cycles.cycle_checksums(), and identified back by wltp.cycles.identify_cycle_v_crc:

by_phase cumulative by_phase cumulative
-------------------- ------------------- ------------------ -------- -----------
class phase V VA0 VA1 V VA0 VA1 V V
======= =========== ===== ===== ===== ==== ===== ===== ======== ===========
class1 phase-1 9840 4438 97DB 9840 4438 97DB 11988.4 11988.4
phase-2 8C34 8C8D D9E8 DCF2 090B 4295 17162.8 29151.2
phase-3 9840 4438 97DB 6D1D 4691 F523 11988.4 41139.6
class2 phase-1 8591 CDD1 8A0A 8591 CDD1 8A0A 11162.2 11162.2
phase-2 312D 391A 64F1 A010 606E 3E77 17054.3 28216.5
phase-3 81CD E29E 9560 28FB 9261 D162 24450.6 52667.1
phase-4 8994 0D25 2181 474B 262A F70F 28869.8 81536.9
class3a phase-1 48E5 910C 477E 48E5 910C 477E 11140.3 11140.3
phase-2 1494 D93B 4148 403D 2487 DE5A 16995.7 28136.0
phase-3 8B3B 9887 9F96 D770 3F67 2EE9 25646.0 53782.0
phase-4 F962 1A0A 5177 9BCE 9853 2B8A 29714.9 83496.9
class3b phase-1 48E5 910C 477E 48E5 910C 477E 11140.3 11140.3
phase-2 AF1D E501 FAC1 FBB4 18BD 65D3 17121.2 28261.5
phase-3 15F6 A779 015B 43BC B997 BA25 25782.2 54043.7
phase-4 F962 1A0A 5177 639B 0B7A D3DF 29714.9 83758.6


The V CRCs cannot evaluate CUMSUM consecutively, based on the previous phase's CRC, since the repeating values on the split-times will be counted twice; VA0 & VA1 phasings have no such problem.

Getting Involved

This project is hosted in github. To provide feedback about bugs and errors or questions and requests for enhancements, use github's Issue-tracker.

Development procedure

For submitting code, use UTF-8 everywhere, unix-eol(LF) and set git --config core.autocrlf = input.

The typical development procedure is like this:

  1. Install and arm a pre-commit hook with black to auto-format you python-code.
  2. Modify the sources in small, isolated and well-defined changes, i.e. adding a single feature, or fixing a specific bug.
  3. Add test-cases "proving" your code.
  4. Rerun all test-cases to ensure that you didn't break anything, and check their coverage remain above the limit set in setup.cfg.
  5. If you made a rather important modification, update also the CHANGES file and/or other documents (i.e. README.rst). To see the rendered results of the documents, issue the following commands and read the result html at build/sphinx/html/index.html:

    python build_sphinx                  # Builds html docs
    python build_sphinx -b doctest       # Checks if python-code embedded in comments runs ok.
  6. If there are no problems, commit your changes with a descriptive message.
  7. Repeat this cycle for other bugs/enhancements.
  8. When you are finished, push the changes upstream to github and make a merge_request. You can check whether your merge-request indeed passed the tests by checking its build-status Travis continuous integration testing ok? (Linux) on the integration-server's site (TravisCI).


    Skim through the small IPython developer's documentation on the matter: The perfect pull request

Development team

  • Author:
    • Kostis Anagnostopoulos
  • Contributing Authors:
    • Heinz Steven (test-data, validation and review)
    • Georgios Fontaras (simulation, physics & engineering support)
    • Alessandro Marotta (policy support)
    • Jelica Pavlovic (policy support)
    • Eckhard Schlichte (discussions & advice)


See also architecture:Architecture.


The Worldwide harmonised Light duty vehicles Test Procedure, a GRPE informal working group


The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, which has assumed the steering role on the WLTP.


UNECE Working party on Pollution and Energy - Transport Programme


Any of the Global Technical Regulation documents of the WLTP .

GS Task-Force

The Gear-shift Task-force of the GRPE. It is the team of automotive experts drafting the gear-shifting strategy for vehicles running the WLTP cycles.


The family of pre-defined driving-cycles corresponding to vehicles with different PMR (Power to Mass Ratio). Classes 1,2, 3a/b are split in 3, 4 and 4 parts respectively.

AccDB MS Access DB The original implementation of the algorithm in MS Access by Heinz Steven.

To facilitate searching and cross-referencing the existing routines, all the code & queries of the database have been extracted and stored in as text under the Notebooks/AccDB_src/ folder of this project.

MRO Mass in running order The mass of the vehicle, with its fuel tank(s) filled to at least 90 per cent of its or their capacity/capacities, including the mass of the driver and the liquids, fitted with the standard equipment in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications and, where they are fitted, the mass of the bodywork, the cabin, the coupling and the spare wheel(s) as well as the tools when they are fitted.

UM Kerb mass Curb weight Unladen mass The Mass in running order minus the Driver mass.

Driver weight Driver mass 75 kgr

TM Test mass The representative weight of the vehicle used as input for the calculations of the simulation, derived by interpolating between high and low values for the CO2-family of the vehicle.


Reduction of the top-velocity of the original drive trace to be followed, to ensure that the vehicle is not driven in an unduly high proportion of "full throttle".


The JSON schema is an IETF draft that provides a contract for what JSON-data is required for a given application and how to interact with it. JSON Schema is intended to define validation, documentation, hyperlink navigation, and interaction control of JSON data.

The schema of this project has its own section: code:Schemas

You can learn more about it from this excellent guide, and experiment with this on-line validator.


JSON Pointer(6901) defines a string syntax for identifying a specific value within a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) document. It aims to serve the same purpose as XPath from the XML world, but it is much simpler.


The text-oriented language, a superset of Restructured Text, used to write the documentation for this project, with similar capabilities to LaTeX, but for humans, e.g., the Linux kernel adopted this textual format on 2016.

notebook jupyter notebook Jupyter Jupyter is a web-based interactive computational environment for creating Jupyter notebook documents. The "notebook" term can colloquially make reference to many different entities, mainly the Jupyter web application, Jupyter Python web server, or Jupyter document format, depending on context.

A Jupyter Notebook document is composed of an ordered list of input/output cells which contain code in various languages, text (using Markdown), mathematics, plots and rich media, usually ending with the ".ipynb" extension.


A python package calculating the gear-shifts of Light-duty vehicles running the WLTP driving-cycles, according to UNECE`'s GTR







No packages published


  • VBScript 50.4%
  • Python 30.2%
  • M 8.4%
  • Jupyter Notebook 6.2%
  • MATLAB 3.3%
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