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coex is a utility for generating coex (COnda EXecutable) files, which are self-contained, executable conda environments. coex is an expansion of the ideas in pex and makes application deployment as simple as cp. coex executables are hermetic and language agnostic, allowing applications to use arbitrary conda-based environments with minimal run-time external dependencies.


Package an environment .yml...

$ cat > coex_environment.yml <<EOF
  - python=3.7.4
  - numpy=1.16.4

...with a python entrypoint:

$ python -m coex create -f coex_environment.yml --entrypoint python -o python.coex

...and execute:

$ ls -Ggh python.coex
-rwxr--r-- 1 245M Sep  1 20:22 python.coex

$ ./python.coex
Python 3.7.4 (default, Aug 13 2019, 20:35:49)
[GCC 7.3.0] :: Anaconda, Inc. on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import numpy
>>> numpy.version.version

... or with a user script entrypoint:

$ (cat > echo_versions && chmod +x echo_versions) <<EOF
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import numpy

$ python -m coex create -f coex_environment.yml --entrypoint ./echo_versions -o echo_versions.coex ./echo_versions

...and execute:

$ ./echo_versions.coex
3.7.4 (default, Aug 13 2019, 15:17:50)
[Clang 4.0.1 (tags/RELEASE_401/final)]


It's recommended to install coex in the root conda environment - the conda coex command will then be available in all sub-environments.

From source:

coex is available on github and can be installed from source: pip install git+


How does it work?

coex produces executable archives that self-extract, setup an conda environment, and launch a specified application entrypoint. At build-time coex uses Conda's solver to convert an environment specification into a target package list. It then compresses these packages, application files, and minimal bootstrap components into a PEP-441-style executable archive compatible with any python interpreter. At run time, coex uses the host interpreter to quickly unpack bootstrap components and install packages into a conda environment, it then activates this environment and executes the entrypoint program.

By pre-calculating the target environment and using fast zstd compression, coex is able to quickly unpack the target environment at run time. This results in an short, but unavoidable, startup delay.

By including bootstrap components in a self-extracting archive, coex files depend only on a system python (2.7+ or 3) and minimal system libraries. The application is executed entirely via hermetically included components. For example, a full pytorch & python3.7 based coex application can be executed in a host environment depending only the system python2.7 and cuda driver.

What does it support?

coex strives to be fast, practical and universal. It's intended to handle a single opinionated use case extremely well, not supplant existing solutions.

This currently includes:

  • Prefix handling during package install.
  • Platform-specific packages.
  • noarch:python packages.
  • Build and execute on linux and macos.
  • Package and execute application and data.

This doesn't, but should, include:

  • post-link package scripts.

This doesn't include:

  • Cross platform executables. coex files are akin to static binaries built for a target platform.
  • Cross-executable resource sharing. coex files are hermetic, replicating required dependencies at the cost of increased package size.

Why not use...

  • containers?

    Docker and container-based deployment tools have many advantages over coex, but have a hard dependency on a container build process and runtime. coex can quickly capture a conda environment to be executed anywhere, depending only on system libraries and a minimal python (2.7+) installation. coex files can be trivially encapsulated for deployment onto container-based architectures.

  • XAR?

    XAR has superior (a) startup time and (b) cross-package data sharing for deploying multiple files as a self-contained executable, but requires a SquashFS filesystem driver. This prevents deployment to container-based architectures and environments without support for the XAR driver. coex can execute anywhere with a minimal python (2.7+) installation.

  • PEX?

    PEX and subpar are tightly focused on packaging python executables and do not provide isolation from the system python environment. coex supports any application language, as long as your dependencies can be captured via conda.

  • conda-pack?

    conda-pack packages conda environments as redistributable archives, rather than creating self-contained executables. coex executables can be unpacked for environment redeployment is a similar fashion.


coex uses tox and tox-conda to manage test and development environments. First, install conda>=4.6 , tox>=13.3 and tox-conda>=0.2.0 by whatever means necessary (eg. conda env update -n base -f tox.environment.yml).

Initialize the dev env under .tox/dev and register pre-commit hooks via:

$ tox -e dev

The dev env can be activated via conda activate .tox/dev, or via direnv and the included .envrc file.

Tests under tests are run via pytest in the dev env, the full multi-version test matrix is run via tox.


Coex is a utility that creates self-contained conda executables.






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