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 WHAT Is Frieda?

FRIEDA takes images saved to a file server, generates a powerpoint with 
those images, and emails a link to a web server where the user to 
download their powerpoint from.


FRIEDA was designed for Radiologists at Weill Cornell Medical College on 
our local intranet to save deidentified images off of the PACS system.  
Due to risks of USB thumbdrives containing viruses, it had become 
cumbersome for radiologists to save images and put them in powerpoints 
for their teaching activities.  FRIEDA was designed to make this process 
easier.  Radiologists on the PACS would save images onto a shared 
network drive (e.g., a SAMBA drive running on our linux server that can 
be connected to the PACS) under a folder with their email address.

Every 5 (default) minutes a cron script executes running, which checks for new files on the SAMBA drive.  If 
those files haven't been modified in the past (default) 5 minutes (a 
wait period to allow time for the user to finish saving all their 
images), the files are moved off of the network file server for file 

The images would be processed for inclusion in powerpoint.  E.g., DICOM 
images are deidentified and converted into PNGs, 16-bit TIFFs are 
converted (that powerpoint can't render) into 8-bit TIFFs (that 
powerpoint can handle).  Ideally the saved images from the PACS are 
already de-identified, which should be the default when images are 
exported from a PACS.

An open office presentation document is created using the open document 
format that creates a slide per image.

This open office document format is then converted into a powerpoint 
file using

An announcement email is then sent out with a link to download the 
powerpoint.  The directory to download the files typically looks 
something like:

The URL contains an N (by default 20) character hash 
(b9969a51b82cad88573b) that is generated that has a very high 
probability of being unique for each user.  The large number of possible 
hashes (16^N or ~1e24 for a 20 character hash) make it very unlikely 
that User A could guess or brute-force the hash of User B and see what 
files they are saving, unless User A gave told user B their hash.  This 
gives a modicum of privacy without requiring users to login with a 

FRIEDA does not contain the network file server (e.g., SAMBA) or 
webserver (e.g., Apache), which must be setup separately.  Installation 
instructions for both are given for a new ubuntu 10.04 (LTS) 
installation starting from scratch.

 Quick installation instruction on Ubuntu 10.04 
Run the following command from the terminal
>>> sudo bash


Python - version 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, or 2.7

OpenOffice with a python-uno bridge - Python UNO bridge to connect to OpenOffice
	Used to convert OpenDocument Presentation into PowerPoint.

ODFPY - Creation of an Open Document Presentation with Python.

	or installed with
		sudo easy_install odfpy
	if you have the python-setuptools installed:
              (sudo apt-get install python-setuptools).

Python Imaging Library (PIL) - Recognize image file formats.
	Can be installed with
	sudo apt-get install python-imaging

dcmtk - DICOM Toolkit:
        Used to deidentify dicom images and convert to PNG.
        Can be installed with
        sudo apt-get install dcmtk

PythonMagick (Optional) - Convert 16-bit TIFFs to 8-bit TIFFs

Samba server (Optional)

Apache server (Optional)

SMTP Server (Optional)

Suggested Installation instructions on a linux box.

Commands are for ubuntu 10.04, though should be easily adjusted for similar debian based linux distributions.  (Though
package names may have slightly changed).

In the terminal type:

  sudo apt-get install python-uno python-imaging python-setuptools python-pythonmagick

to install the python packages from the ubuntu repository (will also install several dependencies).

  sudo easy_install odfpy

Install optional samba server (Windows file share for users to drop images from):
  sudo apt-get install samba smbfs

Edit /etc/samba/smb.conf (from terminal type in: sudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf )
and configure to your specifications.
My setup enables user security; gives write permissions to all users, changes the creation and directory
mask to 0775: (change the relevant lines to be):

security = user
username map = /etc/samba/smbusers
read only = no
create mask=0775
directory mask=0775
valid users = %S

Then set up your smbusers.  First, create a the linux accounts of the users (e.g., samba_user) on your linux system:

   sudo adduser samba_user

Then create a samba password with

   sudo smbpasswd samba_user

Then create a file /etc/samba/smbusers and add your users with a line like:


The left side is the user name on the linux system; the right hand side is samba users (could be a list of users) that
 are tied to that linux account.

Now you should be able to map the drive in windows using the format \\yourmachinename\samba_user with samba_user.

You may wish to limit permissions on the samba_user

Install web server
E.g., apache/nginx to serve web documents. or
On ubuntu 10.04 this can be installed with the following command:

sudo apt-get install nginx

You may also want to install a firewall on the webserver (e.g., ufw) to restrict IP addresses 
allowed to access the web server to within the intranet.

Install Mail Server
Personally, I found using the medical college's internal mailserver with 
using postfix as a mail server to be the most reliable method, where 
mail is generated from the command line with the command 'mail'  

However setting up that sort of setup is difficult and is likely dependent 
on your local settings.

So by default, I use as an smtp mail server accessed through python's
SMTP library (smtplib).

The command for sending out mail, used by default is the shell command 'mail'.

The guides for setting up your mailserver will be highly dependent on your local setup.

Configure FRIEDA

Go through these settings in and configure to your needs.

Set up cron job

Add a line to a users cron who has permission to move files off of 
samba_user and has permissions to move them to the WEB_ROOT_DIR (set in settings).

E.g., type

sudo crontab -u webdata -e

0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * *   /path/to/

1). unoconv gives you errors about not being able to start X.
run 'xhost +' as the user logged into X.


Fast Radiology Ingenious Educational Delivery Assistant






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