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p4a.plonecalendar provides nice calendaring views for Plone, specifically a Month, Week and Day view, and also nice lists of past and previous events.

There are today better calendaring views for Plone, specifcally solgema.fullcalendar. However, that's a JavaScript calendar, so if you need a calendar that you can use without JavaScript, for example for accessibility reasons, then p4a.plonecalendar is a good choice.

Upgrading from version 2.0

p4a.plonecalendar 2.1 removes the dependency on p4a.subtyper. As a result upgrading to p4a.plonecalendar can be a bit of work.

Step 1:

Firstly you need to add p4a.subtyper to your buildout.cfg.

Under [instance] add "4a.subtyper" to the eggs property, remove p4a.plonecalendars zcml entries and replace them with p4a.subtypers zcml entries. The result should look something like this:

[instance] ...

eggs =
Plone p4a.plonecalendar p4a.subtyper ${buildout:eggs}
zcml =
p4a.subtyper p4a.subtyper-meta

Run buildout and restart the server.

Step 2:

Go to the ZMI and open the Upgrades tab of portal_setup:

Choose the p4a.plonecalendar:default profile, and the upgrade named "Upgrade to 2.1: Remove all marker interfaces" should be visible. Select it and press "Upgrade."

Step 3:

Then go to the quickinstaller:

Here, reinstall P4A Plone Calendar. You will after this have to go to all calendars and select a Calendar View as default view again.

Step 4 (optional):

If you have no other parts of Plone4Artists installed you can also uninstall Plone4Artists Subtyper, and remove it from the buildout.cfg.


  1. Add p4a.plonecalendar as a dependency either to your buildout:
    [buildout] eggs = p4a.plonecalendar
  2. Include p4a.plonecalendar ZCML:
    [instance] zcml = p4a.plonecalendar


Importing an iCalendar file via http

Plone4Artists calendar can import an iCalendar file over http into a Plone calendar. This is useful for example if another site presents a schedule that you also want to present or integrate into your site.

An example url for importing an icalendar file over http is:


This will open up a connection to the other site, get the icalendar file called "icalendarfile.ics" and import it into the folder located at /path/to/calendar/


  • Maintainer, Lennart Regebro - regebro (at)
  • Rocky Burt - rocky (at)
  • Nate Aune - natea (at)