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RSS-Intelligence is a project for collecting, classifying and indexing RSS feeds.


The first class proposes methods for adding, updating and removing RSS feeds. A feed is identified by his name, and he has an url and a simple tag.

>>> name = ""
>>> url = ""
>>> tag = "SANTE"
>>> collector = Collector()
>>> collector.add_feed(name,tag,url)
>>> collector.update_feed(name)
>>> collector.print_items(name)
    title       : Travailler en horaires décalés accélère le vieillissement cognitif
    published   : Tue, 04 Nov 2014 02:19:30 GMT
>>> collector.rm_feed(name)

When a feed is added, all of its items are downloaded and stored. The data structure is maintained with only relevant attributes like the language and the abstract of the item.

Structure of a feed

Attribute Description
name (str) Name of the feed
item_db_filename (str) Name of the linked database of items
url (str) Url of the feed server
tag (str) Tag chosen
etag (unicode) Unique tag provided by the feed server
modified (str) Date provided by the feed server

Structure of an item

Attribute Description
id (int) Id of the item.
title (unicode) Title of the item.
webpage url (unicode) Url of the linked web page.
webpage text (str) Text extracted from the web page.
published date (unicode) Date of the publication.
abstract (unicode) Abstract about the item.
language (str) Language of the item.
tag (str) Category/Tag of the item.


The classifier contains useful methods for comparing texts. Text are added to a dictionary in order to create a corpus of words. After that, we can add vectors of text and calculate the cosine similarity between vectors.

>>> c = CleanTextUtil("french")
>>> classifier = Classifier(c)
>>> s1 = u"J'ai : voiture, maison, camion, chanson"
>>> s2 = u"Il est impossible de venir en voiture"
>>> s3 = u"il prend la voiture, pour sa maison, avec un camion en chanson"
>>> s4 = u"Il manque du pain et du chocolat, je vais au magasin"

# add text to the dictionary 
>>> classifier.add_text(s1)
>>> classifier.add_text(s2)
>>> classifier.add_text(s3)
>>> classifier.add_text(s4)

# add the inverse document frequency (idf) for each word
>>> classifier.set_idf()
# add the term frequency–inverse document frequency (tfidf) norm
>>> classifier.set_tfidf_norm()

# add vectors of text
>>> classifier.add_vector("vecteur_1", s1)
>>> classifier.add_vector("vecteur_2", s2)

# get the cosine similarity of the angle between two vectors
>>> classifier.cosine_sim("vecteur_1", "vecteur_2")
cosine_sim vecteur_1 vecteur_2 0.03


The manager class manages the collector and the classifier. We can populate the database with some feeds. Each item of a feed is added with the category (tag) like sport or business of the feed.

With the cosine similarity, we can add a new feed and automatically found the tags of his items.

manager = Manager(Collector(), Classifier(CleanTextUtil("english")))

# fill the database with feeds and vectors

# add a general feed without tags
name, url = "ccn_edition", ""
manager.add_general_feed(name, url)


With the Indexer we can search information in a collection of feeds. The feeds are added from the collector and stored with the Whoosh library.

c = Collector()
indexer = Indexer(c)

# fill the indexer with feeds
manager = Manager(c, Classifier(CleanTextUtil("french")))

# print random items
feeds = Manager.get_feeds_info()
name,_,_,_, = random.choice(feeds)

# do some researchs
indexer.search_feeds("title", "ump")
indexer.search_feeds("title", "ps")
indexer.search_feeds("abstract", "victoire")
indexer.search_feeds("language", "french")
indexer.search_feeds("url", "")
indexer.search_feeds("text", "Suisses")

# launch the prompt

Simple prompt

An interactive prompt proposes queries with the field of items of feeds.

The syntax is: ACTION FIELD QUERY.

ACTION: "search" or "remove".
FIELD: "title", "published", "abstract", "id", "webpage_url", "text", "language", "tag", "predite".
QUERY: a simple string.
(linux_env) $  python src/
Enter a query (ACTION FIELD KEYWORD):search title Museum
title       : Pegasus, a Tugboat and Floating Museum, Hits Rough Waters
published   : Fri, 03 Jul 2015 21:00:05 GMT
abstract    : Pamela Hepburn, the captain of the Pegasus, said she hoped to have the boat operating this summer, but its operators no longer have the money to maintain it.
id          : 6251228271491271676
webpage url :
language    : english
tag         : 
predite     : 
title       : Museum tackles its moth problem by turning males gay
published   : Wed, 17 Jun 2015 00:01:00 GMT
abstract    : The Natural History Museum has turned to gender warfare to combat legions of moths that were munching their way through...
id          : 9135035375853241822
webpage url :
language    : english
tag         : 
predite     : 
About 2 results.

Getting Started

1- Install Python 2.7 and Kyoto-Cabinet

2- Prepare the python virtual environment


$ ./

The script:

  • creates a virtual environment;
  • downloads python modules.

3- Add a list of stop words

Download stop words with the command below or use the provided "nltk_data" directory.


The resource can be stored in:

- /$HOME/
- /usr/share/
- /usr/local/share/
- /usr/lib/
- /usr/local/lib/

for example you can move the directory to your home:

$ mv nltk_data $HOME 

After installation

1- Activate the virtual environment

To begin using the virtual environment, it needs to be activated.

$ source linux_env/bin/activate

If you are done working in the virtual environment for the moment, you can desactivate it.

$ deactivate

2- Launch python scripts

(linux_env)$ python src/
(linux_env)$ python src/
(linux_env)$ python src/
(linux_env)$ python src/
(linux_env)$ python src/


The test script offer options to test each class with the python unit testing framework.

usage: src/ [OPTIONS]

        --all    Test all classes of the project.

        --Collector       Test the Collector class.
        --Feed            Test the Feed class.
        --Item            Test the Item class.
        --CleanTextUtil   Test the CleanTextUtil class.
        --WordInfo        Test the WordInfo class.
        --Vector          Test the Vector class.
        --VectorItem      Test the VectorItem class.
        --Classifier      Test the Classifier class.
        --Manager         Test the Manager class.
        --Indexer         Test the Indexer class.

Project Structure

├── LICENSE.txt
├── nltk_data
│   └── corpora
├── README.markdown
├── resources
│   └── urls.txt
└── src

The resources/urls.txt file contains a list of sample RSS feeds. A work directory (work_dir) is created when the python scripts are used. During the installation, the directory "linux_env" will be added.



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