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Building ibp_server
For building you need the following packages installed:

  -Apache Portable Runtime Toolkit
  -Apache Portable Runtime Utilities Toolkit
  -Berkeley DB

and optionally Phoebus for TCP overlay transfers.

Debian installs
** Not from Maintainer : I installed the following on debian apart from unis - Try this and update if you needed more **
sudo apt-get install cmake libdb-dev libaprutil1-dev libsnappy-dev libleveldb-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev

To build the IBP_server you should be able to unpack the tarball and then modify
bootstrap as needed.  bootstrap is a wrapper that runs cmake to generate the Makefiles.
You can then run 'make' to build the executables....

git clone
cd ibp_server

Adding resources
Each drive this server will use needs to be mounted and added to the server
configuration to be used. In order to do that:

./mkfs.resource <IBP id (unique)> dir <path to drive> <path to drive DB> <-b maximum size in MB> <-d maximum duration for allocation in seconds>

    IBP id needs to be unique per server
    path to drive is the absolute path to the storage
    path to drive DB is the absolute path to the directory storing the resource DB
        -- This can be on a separate disk, possibly SSD
    If the maximum size is omitted, the default is to have no limit
    If the maximum duration is omitted, the default is to have 2592000 (30 days)

Will provide the on-disk files needed. The output from mkfs.resource should then
be copy/pasted into the /etc/ibp/ibp.cfg to inform IBP of the additional resources
available after restart.

Starting the service
An init script is provided and will be installed as "ibp_server"

Monitoring the service
To verify the IBP server is operating and accepting connections, one can use

get_version -a


get_version <host> <port>

If the server is active, it will dump the current status, otherwise there will
be an error.

IBP configuration options

[server] options
  Run the ibp_server as the specified user, default=ibp.  This applies only
  when running as a daemon.  If run in the foreground, ibp_server will run
  as the current user.

  Run the ibp_server as the specified group, default=ibp.

  Place the process ID in specified file, default=/var/run/

  You can have as many host/port combinations as you want.  If interfaces is
  not used then it defaults to using the hostname.

  If ibp_servers are behind NAT, then they will send bind_ip in the CAP instead of client
  rechable ip. This causes problem if client tries to use bind_ip from CAP to contact the
  server for the next command. i.e. ibp_alloc then ibp_store
  This substitution mapping allows ibp_server to send substitute ip instead of bind ip. This
  should be used to replace default interface ip with public ip.

  Default port to use.  Only used if interfaces is missing.  Default is 6714.

  Default is ibp.  The password is in clear text in the file and transfered over the wire
  so be warned.  It's really only used for a few calls that I don't classify as insecure.
  The depot doesn't support the ability to change RID's or settings remotely.

  Don't allocate space upon creation just when it is used.  The default is 1.  Setting to 0
  is discouraged.

  Max number of threads or connections to allow.  I tend to make it 2-4 times the number of RID's

  Max number of pending connections. Default is 8.

  Max amount of time in ms allowed to read a command before the connection is closed

  Log file timestamp interval in sec. Default is 60 sec

  Min idle connection time in secs *between commands* before closing a connection.
  Default is 30 sec.

  Scale factor for calculating backoff time when the max number of incoming connections is reached.
  The backoff time, in secs, that's returned is MIN(backoff_max, MAX(1,reject_count*backoff_scale)).
  reject_count is a tally of rejected connections without success. As soon as a connection is
  accepted reject_count is reset to 0.

  Max time, in secs, to wait before a retry.  Sent to the client.

  Allow 2GB or greater allocations if set to 1.

  Attempt to use splice if set to 1 for data transfers.  This may be overriden if the OS
  doesn't support it.  ALso this setting is ignored if disk chksums are required for the operation.

  Where to store the log output.  If output file is "stdout" or "stderr" then the
  output is redirected to those devices.  Otherwise it goes tothe file.

   Max size of the log file in MB before it gets recycled.

   Controls verbosity of output with 0 being minimal and 20 being everything.

   Similar to log_level and should be removed.

   Where to store the RID DB environment files.  If set to "local" then each RID
   keeps it's own DB environment.  This is the default.

   Amount of memory to use for the DB cache.  Default is 256MB.  If db_env_loc=local
   this should be much smaller, say 16MB.

   Where to store the activity log.  This is a compressed log of all IBP commands
   the depot attempts to execute.  You can use print_alog to replay these log files.

   Max size of each activity file in MB.

   Number of old activity files to keep.  The default is 1.

   Hostname or IP address of where to send the activity logs to.  IF not declared then
   the logs are deleted based on activity_max_history.

   Port on host to send the logs.

   Only used in case of an emergency to do a file system walk to rebuild the RID DBes.
   The default value is 0 and if set to 2 a complete rebuild is done.  A value of 1
   used to have a meaning and shouldn't be used.....Oops.

   This is useful if you shorten the depots max duration.  If set to 1 and
   force_resource_rebuild=2 then the depot rebuilds DBes and truncates any
   allocations with excessive durations.

   Controls how a client connection is handled when encountering an IBP error.  The default,
   soft_fail=0, is to always close the client connection on any error.  If soft_fail=1 then
   for most errors the client connection is not terminated.  It is always terminated on malformed

   The default method, 0, is to return a dummy argument for the typekey since the depot doesn't use it.
   if 1 the allocation's file name, id, is returned.  This facilitates debugging but is less secure.

   Output file to record drive additions/removals from a running ibp_server.  The initial drives
   in the config file are not flagged only IBP server manually ejected drives and those using
   the ibp_[attach|detach]_rid routines.  Default is /log/rid.log

rid_check_interval = N
   How often to check for failed drives.  Defaults to 15 sec

eject_timeout = N
   Eject a drive that has failed for this length of time in sec.  Defaults to 35 secs or
   2 checks if using the default check interval.

[phoebus] options
   This is the default Phoebus path to use if you have phoebus compatible binary. For non phoebus
   binary, this option does not matter and all network operation commands will user normal socket.
   For Phoebus compatible binary, if this option is not specified, then user must specify phoebus path
   in the command otherwise command will fail.
   This is the only way to specify the gateway, old deprecated way of setting environment variables like
   PHOEBUS_GW or PHOEBUS_PATH are not supported.
   This parameter is pased directly to phoebus and is the reason for using "/" and "," notation which is
   different for other parameters.

[access_control] options
These options control access to each individual IBP command.  They all take
an access control list argument which is a collection of ACL's each ACL can have the form:

Multiple ACL's are separated by a ";".  Specify "open" to leave the command unfiltered.
Local access can be granted using the keyword "local".


   This is the default ACLs to use for any command NOT specified.  The default is "open".
   All chksum command ACLs are covered by the non-chksum versions


RID options
Each Resource is defined by 2 sections -- [resource RID] and [db RID] -- where
RID is the resource ID.

[resource RID] options
   This should match the RID in the section.  It's redundant and should be removed.

mode=[read, write, manage]
   Comma seperated list of access modes. The default mode is to enable full access.
   The most common usage is when a drive is failing and you mark it as read-only while the
   data is being copied/repaired.

   How long, in seconds, to cache block level chksums when doing read operations.  If the same allocation
   block is accessed within this timeframe the full block is not re-read to validate the chksum.  It is assumed to be
   good and just the data requested is accessed.  The default is 30 sec.

   Number of allocation block chksums to cache.  The default is 100,00.

   Max allocation duration in sec.

   Type of resource.  Currently the only option is "dir" for a directory resource.

   Directory to use for storing data

   Update each allocation header in addition to it's DB entry if set to 1. Default is 1.

   Keep a log of the last 16 read commands on the allocation if set to 1.

   Keep a log of the last 16 write commands on the allocation if set to 1.

   Keep a log of the last 16 manage commands on the allocation if set to 1.

   Keep a log of the last 16 alias operations on the allocation if set to 1.

   Cleanup thread interval in sec.  Default is 600 sec.  This controls how often
   the check for expired data is run.  Any expired data is then moved to the
   expired recycle bin.  After the expire check runs the thread then looks for any recycle
   bin data that has exhausted it's grace period and physically removes it.

   How often the recycle bins are inventoried.  At any point a person can change
   in the the trash directories and manually remove files.  When this occurs
   the amount of space in the recycle bins differs from what the depot thinks
   is their.  In this case the recycle directories should be rescanned using the
   ibp_rescan tool.

   Amount of time a deleted allocation stays in the deleted recycle bin before
   being purged.

   Amount of time a deleted allocation stays in the deleted recycle bin before
   being purged.

   Extra time in secs an expired allocation can be used before it is moved to the
   expired recycle bin.  This is really intended to give an application a brief
   window to easily recover an expired allocation before it's moved to the recycle
   bin where it's much more complicated to recover.

   Max amount of disk space to use in MB.

   Max amount of space to use for "soft" allocations in MB.

   Max amount of space to use for "hard" allocations in MB.

   Minimum amount of free space to leave on the device in MB.

   Preallocate allocation space if 1.  This writes 0's to the allocation guaranteeing
   the space.  The default is 0.  This will greatly reduces performance and is discouraged.

[db RID] options
  Specifies the location to place all DB files and optionally the DB environment if "local"
  is used.

[Unis] options
  Specifies process name to be registered with UNIS. i.e. IBP Server
  This must be set to enable registration.

  Specifies process type to be registered with UNIS. i.e. ibp_server
  This must be set to enable registration.

  Specifies location of the UNIS server and port in above format. i.e.
  This must be set to enable registration. Endpoint must be https:// when ssl is enabled.

  Enables or disables unis registration functionality. Disabled by default.

  Specifies the registration interval in seconds. After each interval client will send record to UNIS server.

  Specifies public facing IP of the given server node. This must be set to correctly register the entry with UNIS.

  Specifies IBP server port. This must be set to correctly register the entry with UNIS.

  Specifies client certificate to be authenticated against UNIS server. If client_certfile and client_keyfile
  are not specified then ssl will not be used to connect to UNIS. When set, make sure endpoint has https://
  address in it.

  Specifies client key to be authenticated against UNIS server. If client_certfile and client_keyfile
  are not specified then ssl will not be used to connect to UNIS. When set, make sure endpoint has https://
  address in it.


Common options
RID     - Resource ID
host    - Depot host to contact
port    - Port on hoist to contact
timeout - Seconds to wait for the command to complete.

ibp_server [-r] [-d] ibp_config_file
This is the IBP server.

-r  --  Forces a rebuild of all resources. This is automaitcally done for any RIDs not closed cleanly.
-d  --  Start the ibp_server process as a daemon.
ibp_config_file  -- Config file to load.  Also used with ibp_mount/ibp_umount.

mkfs.resource RID type device db_location [-b max_mbytes] [-d max_duration]
Creates a new IBP resource. Not invoked directly but through the shell scripts create_resource.[dev|dir]

RID    - Resource ID.  Can be any non-blank valid character string.
type   - Type or resource. Currently only 'dir' is supported
device - Device to be used for the resource.
db_location - Base directory to use for storing the DBes for the resource.
max_mbytes  - Max number of MB to use.  If missing it defaults to the entire disk.
max_duration - Max duration for allocation in seconds. If missing it defaults to 2592000 seconds (30 days).

get_corrupt host port rid [timeout]
Get the list of corrupt allocations for the given RID

get_config -a | host port [timeout]
Get the depots currently running configuration.  Using "-a" or auto mode will use the local host's name and default port.

get_version -a | host port [timeout]
Get the depot version information and usage statistics. Using "-a" or auto mode will use the local host's name and default port.

get_alloc [-d debug_level] [--print_blocks] [--file fname offset len] [--cap full_ibp_capability]|[host port RID key_type key] [--file fname offset len]
Retrieves an allocations header and optional data.

key_type - Type of capability used. Should be: read|write|manage|id
--file   - Stores a portion of the allocation to fname based on the given offset and length
           fname - Filename of where to store data.  If stdout or stderr redirects to that device
           data_offset -  Offset relative to the start of data, after the header.
           len   - Number of bytes to retrieve. If 0 means return all data available starting from offset
--print_blocks  - Prints the chksum block information if available
-d debug_level  - Sets the debug level.  Default is 0.

read_alloc [-d debug_level] [--print_blocks] [--file fname data_offset len] rid_file
Takes a physical file containing an allocation and retrieves the header and optional data.

rid_file - Actual filename containng the allocation.
--file   - Stores a portion of the allocation to fname based on the given offset and length
           fname - Filename of where to store data.  If stdout or stderr redirects to that device
           data_offset -  Offset relative to the start of data, after the header.
           len   - Number of bytes to retrieve. If 0 means return all data available starting from offset
--print_blocks  - Prints the chksum block information if available
-d debug_level  - Sets the debug level.  Default is 0.

date_spacefree [-full] host port RID size(mb)
Prints a table showing when next "size" MB of space becomes free on the resource.

-full  - Print all the columns returned.
size   - Amount of free space, in megabytes, to return.

expire_list host port RID mode time count
Walk the allocation table expiration column printing expiration details

mode  - Format for time.  Should be: "abs" or "rel"
time  - Future time with format of days:hours:min:sec
count - Number of allocations to retrieve

print_alog filename
Print the compressed activity log.

filename - Activity log file to print.

ibp_rescan host port RID [timeout]
Rescans the resources trash bins and updates the free space.  This is normally
used after manually removing files from the trash bin.

ibp_attach_rid [-r] host port RID [message]
Add a resource to a currently running IBP server.  The RID must occur in the
depot's configuration file.  The file is reloaded on each command invocation.

-r  - Force a rebuilding of the resource.  Normally used if the RID was not
      umounted cleanly.

ibp_detach_rid host port RID delay_before_umount [message]
Unmount a resource from a currerntly running IBP server. The resource is
immediately removed from the list of available resources and then sleeps
using the provided delay before umounted the resource.

delay_before_umount - Amount of time to wait before unmounting the resource.
        This value should be big enough to allow all traffic on the RID to quiesce.

ibp_undelete host port RID trash_type trash_id duration [timeout]
Undelete an expired or deleted allocation currently residing in a trash bin.

trash_type - Type of allocation to undelete.  Should be either 'expired' or 'deleted'.
trash_id   - Local filename of the trashed allocation to undelete.
duration   - New expiration time (seconds) from current time.