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A Git-based Software Development / Testing / Installation System

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Ryppl - Git-based Software Development / Testing / Installation

A Git-based Software Development / Testing / Installation System


About Ryppl

Think of Ryppl as a Git-based package management and testing system designed to accomodate both end-users and developers. Unlike a traditional package manager, which delivers binaries and/or a source snapshot, when ryppl downloads a package, it gives you a clone of a Git repository, with that package's entire development history.

Support This Project

Most contributors are giving their time to this project for free. If you make a donation to Ryppl, it will be used to pay for the time of those who can't afford to be quite so generous. We need their help, and they need to pay the bills, so please consider making a donation. Thanks!


User Documentation

For emergent user-level HTML documentation, see

Developer Documentation

This rest of this document is a getting-started guide for Ryppl developers - the people who will be checking out from this repository and are working on development of the ryppl project.

Things To Learn

Ryppl itself is, at the moment, a thin layer over distutils2 and our fork of pip.1 Ryppl reads distutils2 project metadata from the .ryppl folder and and feeds it to setuptools.setup. If you don't see many changes in this project yet, it's because we spent a good man-month or more getting windows portability into pip (see our fork).

Running The Tests

One of the first things you'll want to do as a developer is get something running, and have a framework that will tell you if you broke something.

Testing Prerequisites
  1. Install Git. On Windows, this means MSysGit. We will probably eliminate this requirement one day by using Dulwich, so end-users don't have to install Git.


    If you are going to use MSysGit on Windows and plan to use Git from Windows command prompt (cmd.exe) as opposed to the bash shell, here are some tricks to make your life easier.

    1. The MSysGit installer will give you three options for how you would like to configure Git's environment. The default is (a) to run Git from bash. The other two are (b) to put "git" in the Windows PATH, and (c) to put "git" and all the other Unix utilities in the Windows PATH. You should pick (b), the option called "Run Git from the Windows Command Prompt".
    2. When the MSysGit installer asks you how you would like Git to handle newlines on checkout and commit, select the option that says, "Check out as-is, commit as-is". That tells git to not mess with the line endings. You are encouraged to not check in files with crlf line endings, however. TODO: is this the behavior we want?
    3. You can use notepad.exe as Git's text editor for things like commit messages and the like, but you need to fix up the newline characters first. Create a file notepad.cmd alongside git.cmd in your C:\Program Files\Git\cmd directory. It should contain the following:

      @set COMMIT_EDITMSG=%~1
      @del /q "%COMMIT_EDITMSG%.tmp" >nul 2>&1
      @for /f "usebackq tokens=*" %%i in ("%COMMIT_EDITMSG%") do @echo %%i >> "%COMMIT_EDITMSG%.tmp"
      @move /Y "%COMMIT_EDITMSG%.tmp" "%COMMIT_EDITMSG%" >nul 2>&1
      @notepad.exe "%COMMIT_EDITMSG%"

      Then execute the following command:

      > git config --global core.editor notepad.cmd
    4. You need to disable the pager used internally by git. As of the time of this writing (2010-7-2), MSysGit ships with a buggy version of less.exe that will cause some git commands to hang or crash cmd.exe. You can turn git's internal use of less.exe with the following:

      > git config --global core.pager cat
    5. There is a bug in how git handles various git help commands that causes the external browser to fail to display the requested help topic. You can work around the problem by going into the C:\Program Files\Git\doc\git\html directory and copying all git-*.html files to git*.html files (i.e., strip the hyphen after git in the filename).
  2. Git submodules need to be initialized and updated. From the root of your ryppl source tree, :

    % git submodule init
    % git submodule update
  3. Install virtualenv. You need version 1.4.1 or greater. Get it from your OS package manager (usually listed as python-virtualenv or py-virtualenv) if you can, and skip to step 6__. Otherwise, use setuptools as detailed below

    __ prerequisites-done .. _install-setuptools:

  4. Install setuptools (the easy_install program for installing Python packages) if you don't already have it. Your package manager may have it (e.g. as py-setuptools), or you may be able to get a prebuilt package from PyPi, but the most universal way is to download and run it with Python:

    % python

    On windows, easy_installed executables don't go in your PATH by default, so you'll need to add something like c:\Python26\Scripts to your path, or just spell the full path to the executables, to make the rest of this work.

  5. Use setuptools to get virtualenv_:

    % easy_install virtualenv
  6. There is no step 6. You're done!
Fully Automated Testing

The easiest way to run the tests is to invoke the script in the test/ subdirectory. It sets up a virtual python installation (using virtualenv_), installs all necessary prerequisites there, and then launches the tests. Any command-line arguments are passed on to nosetests_ (but read on for two exceptions). This is the approach that will be used by BuildBots.

Testing For Local Development

To speed up the edit/test/debug cycle, you can ask to create the testing environment once and then print out the command you can use repeatedly to run the tests:

% --prepare-env=some-path

which will prepare a testing environment in some-path, and print out a nosetests_ command that runs the tests. Please consult the nose documentation for information about additional options you might want to pass. Two likely candidates are -v and -x.

Using Distribute Instead of Setuptools

The only other argument recognized by itself (and not passed on to nose) is --distribute, which will cause the testing environment to be prepared with Distribute rather than setuptools. This option should be considered experimental, at least until we have more information on this issue.

Building The Docs


right now you can't get a complete build of the docs under Cygwin because there's no GraphViz binary in the Cygwin repo, and building GraphViz under Cygwin hangs at some point. Cygwin users can use a native Win32 installation of GraphViz, but it will warn you that it can't generate the image because make will be passing it a Cygwin-style path. That's ok if you just care about the HTML parts. Otherwise, just use the windows-native tools as described below.

A front-end path-converting wrapper might work here if someone is really committed to getting a complete doc build under Cygwin.

Setting up prerequisites
  1. Get Python 2.x. If your OS doesn't have a builtin package manager that can install Python for you, get it from
  2. Install Sphinx. Get it from your OS package manager (usually listed as python-sphinx or py-sphinx) if you can, and skip to step 5. Otherwise, use setuptools as detailed below
  3. Install setuptools (see this step).
  4. Use setuptools to get Sphinx. The servers were really slow last time I checked; expect this to take a while (add -v if you're easily bored):

    % easy_install sphinx
  5. make sure sphinx-build is in your path:

    % sphinx-build --help
  6. Install GNU Make. If you're on native Windows, to get a compatible GNU Make you should install the MSYS Base System. At the time of this writing, the latest with an executable installer is version 1.0.11. Make sure your PATH includes the path to the make executable:

    % make -v


    if you're on native windows (or MSYS) and the output ends with the line:

    This program built for i686-pc-cygwin


    This program built for i386-pc-mingw32

    Then you've done something wrong. The platform string should be i386-pc-msys.

  7. Install GraphViz. Use your native package manager or get it from the GraphViz download page
  8. Install Git. On Windows, this means MSysGit.
Running the Build

Now the easy part. To finally build the documentation, enter the doc/ subdirectory and issue the command:

$ make html

The results will be generated in the build/html/ subdirectory of this project. If you don't like building in your source tree, you can change the parent of the generated html/ directory by setting the make (or environment) variable BUILDDIR:

$ make BUILDDIR=/tmp/ryppl-build html

Additional Notes

For more developer notes, please see the Ryppl Wiki.

  1. Ian Bicking, the main developer of PIP, has signaled his intention to integrate our changes.


A Git-based Software Development / Testing / Installation System






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