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DPV Keycloak Config

This is a short description of the contents of this repository. A full German description is available as the "DPV Cloud Handbuch".

Setup description

This configuration contains two profiles: One for local development and one for DPV Cloud production. The both share the following containers:

  • db: maria database server
  • redis: redis cache
  • keycloak: keycloak container
  • proxy: nginx container
  • backup: custom backup script


Local setup

With the following command you can pull and build all containers:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.local.yml build --pull

Make sure to fill all the required values in the *.env files before continuing. Start the microservices with:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.local.yml up

This will show you all the logs in your current terminal, which is probably a good idea for first start. If you want to run in background, just append -d or --detach.

Production setup

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f build --pull

Make sure to fill all the required values in the *.env files before continuing. Start the microservices with:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f up

This will show you all the logs in your current terminal, which is probably a good idea for first start. If you want to run in background, just append -d or --detach.

You can reach the master console via:


Theme development setup

In local mode, the theme cache is deactivated by mounting disable-theme-cache.cli. So no further action needed.

Manually deactivate theme cache

docker exec -it --user root keycloak_keycloak /bin/bash

If you need nano :D

microdnf install nano

Then modify the following file:

nano /opt/jboss/keycloak/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml

And replace




Build theme

cd extensions
gradle build
cp ./dpv-theme/build/libs/dpv-theme.jar ./prebuild/dpv-theme.jar