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Instructions to run the complete simulation

  1. Generate a simulated galaxy catalog

nohup octave -q generate_galaxies.m

Produces galaxies.txt and galaxies.mat

  1. Generate a catalog of mergers at defined R_merger rate [23.5 Myr^-3 per MW galaxy] [note: uses the Glade catalog for mergers with distance < 200 Mpc]

nohup octave -q associate_merger_to_gal.m

Produces mergers.txt and mergers.mat

  1. Generate XML tables for further processing with Bayestar/little_hope

ipython mergers.txt

Produces mdc.xml and psd.xml

Generates merger time, inclination, phase at coalescence, polarization angle

Select events with at least one single-detector SNR > threshold [= 4]

Power spectral densities are taken from the "Prospects" paper

aLIGO (mid-stage, low-sensitivity curve -- 80 Mpc) adV (early-stage, low-sensitivity curve -- 20 Mpc)

  1. Run little_hope on laptop

bayestar_sim_to_tmpltbank mdc.xml -o templates.xml bayestar_littlehope --detector H1 --detector L1 --min-triggers 2 --snr-threshold 4.0 --reference-psd psd.xml --template-bank templates.xml --waveform "TaylorF2threePointFivePN" mdc.xml -o coinc.xml bayestar_localize_coincs --waveform "TaylorF2threePointFivePN" --f-low 30 coinc.xml bayestar_plot_allsky 0.toa_phoa_snr.fits.gz --contour 90 --radec long lat -o skymap.png

  1. Run little_hope at CC Lyon

    Generates templates for each MDC: for d in seq 1 YY; do ./my_bayestar_sim_to_tmpltbank sim_XXXXX/mdc$d.xml -o templates$d.xml; done

    Set up the environment [see .bashrc below] Install healpy (v 1.9.0) [see below]

    Store all MDC and template files produced at step 3. into a single folder sim_XXXX/orig_files Generate batch jobs with: sim_XXXX/orig_files sim_XXXX "-l s_rss=10G" 3 This creates folders sim_XXXX/mdcXX and a script sim_XXXX/ Submit jobs to the queue with ./ To check that jobs are in the queue: qstat Note: skymap computation does not work at CC Lyon (skymap files are produced but are empty files). To create skymaps, run ./ on your computer To create a sim summary, run ./

export PATH="$HOME/local/bin:${THRONG_DIR}/bin:$PATH" export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$HOME/local/lib:${THRONG_DIR}/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="${THRONG_DIR}/lib/pkgconfig"

export PATH="/usr/local/python/python-2.7/bin/:/afs/$PATH" export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/afs/$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" export PYTHONPATH="/afs/"

curl -O tar xzf healpy-1.9.0.tar.gz cd healpy-1.9.0 python install --user


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