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Case management with data validation, corroboration, omission and duplication checking. See doc/system.rst for an overview (


Install virtualenv:

[sudo] apt-get install python-virtualenv

Other packages are required for modules and other build dependencies:

[sudo] apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev python-dev mysql-client libxslt-dev libgeos-c1 git libjpeg-dev libevent-dev

If video thumbnailing is turned on (settings.VIDEO_THUMBNAILING = True) then ffmpeg is required:

see (or use the Ansible deployment scripts)

Install local python environment

From the project root folder run:

virtualenv --python=python2.7 env --no-site-packages

Install required packages

env/bin/easy_install -U distribute
env/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt

Create and configure the (development) database

In mysql, create a database and user for the app:

CREATE DATABASE corroborator_dev CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;
CREATE USER 'django'@'localhost' identified by 'password';
GRANT ALL ON corroborator_dev.* to 'django'@'localhost';

If you change the username/password, make sure they are put in the DATABASE setting in corroborator/settings/

Initial database sync.

If you have no database set up, run:

env/bin/python2.7 migrate --fake-initial

To install the minimum data fixtures (including an admin user, password 'password'):

env/bin/python2.7 loaddata corroborator_app/fixtures/admin_user.json 
env/bin/python2.7 loaddata corroborator_app/fixtures/status_update.json 
env/bin/python2.7 loaddata corroborator_app/fixtures/auth.json 

And to install some sample fixtures (including 'demo' and 'demodata' users, password 'demo'):

env/bin/python2.7 loaddata corroborator_app/fixtures/demo_user.json 
env/bin/python2.7 loaddata corroborator_app/fixtures/crimes.json 
env/bin/python2.7 loaddata corroborator_app/fixtures/locations_UA.json 

The demo user is a member of the chief-data-analyst, data-analyst and senior-data-analyst groups and should also be given the following permissions (via the admin interface) to be able to edit any item:

  • 'Can assign users via api'
  • 'Can delete entities via api'
  • 'Can edit entities via api'
  • 'Can edit assigned entities via api'

The demodata user is a member of the data-entry group and sees a simplified data-entry interface for bulletins and actors.

Solr installation

Solr needs a few packages installed before use:

[sudo] apt-get install openjdk-6-jdk

Download and install Solr 4, e.g.

tar -xvf solr-4.10.4.tgz

Then add a new core:

cd solr-4.10.4/

mkdir example/solr/corroborator-search
cp -R example/solr/collection1/conf/ example/solr/corroborator-search/
echo "name=corroborator-search" > example/solr/corroborator-search/
cp ../conf/solr.schema.demo.xml example/solr/corroborator-search/conf/schema.xml

And start Solr

bin/solr start

Other configuration

cd ..
env/bin/python2.7 backfill_api_keys
env/bin/python2.7 rebuild_index

Media storage

By default, uploaded media is stored in MEDIA_ROOT. To store media in S3, set QUEUED_STORAGE = True and set the 3 AWS_* settings - see the deployment steps for more details.


To run the celery worker (to process Solr updates and any S3 updates if used)

env/bin/python2.7 celery worker --events --time-limit 300 --concurrency 1 --queues celery

To run the development server:

env/bin/python2.7 runserver

Test in a browser via http://localhost:8000/ and login with 'demo', password 'demo'.


See for Ansible deployment scripts.



Changes to model schema where new fields are added or removed from Bulletin, Incident or Actor models will require an update to the solr schema. To do this the schema.xml file must be updated. Haystack will generate a new schema.xml file with the command

env/bin/python build_solr_schema > schema.demo.xml

from the root dir of the project

you must then copy this file to the conf folder of your solr instance and add this line under the fields section

<field name="_version_" type="long" indexed="true" stored="true"/>

And prefix any stopwords_en.txt references with lang/, e.g. "lang/stopwords_en.txt"

The Solr index can then be re-generated by running

env/bin/python rebuild_index 


For Javascript template compiling etc. see the github wiki. Some steps to getting things working are:

Install node and npm packages:

[sudo] apt-get install nodejs npm nodejs-legacy

Install latest npm, grunt, karma:

npm install -g grunt-cli karma

Install the application packages:

cd static/js
npm install

(Note: this creates a static/js/node_modules folder with many subdirectories. These can impact initial load times in development because Django FileSystemFinder and Django debug-toolbar scan the static folder. Switching off the 'Static files' checkbox in debug-toolbar should improve things.)

To build a build.js file (used if PROD_BUILD=True, though currently built for a single language):

cd static/js
grunt build

To compile handlebars templates:

cd static/js
grunt handlebars


See the wiki (bundle, guard, compass (sass) etc), though this seemed to work:

sudo apt-get install bundler

bundle install

bundle exec guard