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Hacker Risk

Based on the official Hasbro rules - refer to these for any disputes.

The Game Pieces

Continents and Countries

The game board is a graph of 6 continents divided into 42 countries. Each continent contains from 4 to 12 countries.

The country names and graph data are available in the board_graph.json file.


Armies are simply represented by an integer value, as part of the data for a country.


There are 42 cards, marked with a territory and an infantry, cavalry, or artillery. There are two wild cards marked with all three pictures, but no territory.

Object of the Game

To conquer the world by occupying every country, thus eliminating all your opponents.


Initial Army Placement

The number of troops that each player will need:

- 3 Players: 35 Troops Each
- 4 Players: 30 Troops Each
- 5 Players: 25 Troops Each
- 6 Players: 20 Troops Each

The order of play will be selected randomly by the server. Each player will take turns placing a troop into an empty country on the board. Once all countries have been taken, players continue placing troops on countries that they own, until they have run out of troops to place.


Each turn consists of three steps, in this order:

  1. Place new troops
  2. Attack (optional)
  3. Fortify one country

Placing new troops

At the beginning of your turn, you will be able to trade in any risk cards (explained later). The number of troops you may place is then:


Thus you will always receive at least 3 troops on every turn.

You may also gain 2 additional troops from trading in risk cards for a country you own, but since you do not get to control the placement of those units, they will simply be added to that country.

Risk Cards

At the end of any turn in which you have captured at least one territory, you will earn one (and only one) risk card. You are trying to collect sets of 3 cards in any of the following combinations:

  • 3 cards of the same design (Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery)
  • 1 of each three designs
  • Any two card plus a wild card

If you have collected a set of three risk cards, you may turn them in at the beginning of your next turn, or you may wait. However, if you have 5 or 6 cards at the beginning of your turn, you must trade in at least one set, and you may choose to turn in more than one if you have it.


To write an AI for this competition is relatively straightforward - you provide an HTTP server which responds correctly to the following API calls, and then register the URL or IP of that server with the central AI game server.

API Request

The server will make a POST request to your URL with the POST variable "risk". A typical request might look like:

    "game": {
             "countries": {
                 "northern europe": {
                      "owner": "Erty's Awesome AI",
                       "troops": 13
                 "Erty's Awesome AI": {
                     "cards": 2,
                      "is_eliminated": False,
                      "is_neutral": False
    "you": {
        "cards": [{
                   "country_name": "argentina",
                   "value": "soldier"
        "earned_cards_this_turn": false,
        "is_eliminated": false,
        "countries": ["northern europe",
                      "western united states"],
        "troops_to_deploy": 0,
        "available_actions": ["attack",

Where [...] indicates data omitted for brevity.


An API request made to your server will have a "you" section, which indicates data about your current state in the game.


On the players attribute, the count of cards the player has. On the "you" attribute, an array containing the Risk cards which you currently hold. If you have more than 5 of these at the beginning of your turn, or after you eliminate and enemy (and take their cards), you will be forced to spend these cards through the spend_cards action.


Whether or not you have successfully conquered at least one country this turn, and you will recieve a new card at the end of your turn to be spent the next turn.


Whether or not you have been removed from the game, due to either owning no countries, or failing to abide by the rules of the server.


Players that make illegal move or stop responding have the is_neutral attibute set to True. These players will not recieve or deploy troops, will not attack, and will not reinforce. They will defend as normal, and will retain their cards until eliminated or if the game ends.


A list of the names of all of the countries you own. You can find out more details about these countries in the game->continents array


A list of the actions which your server can take in its current state. The actions which can be in this list are:

  • choose_country
  • deploy_troops
  • spend_cards, pass
  • attack, end_attack_phase
  • reinforce, end_turn

This is an action taken at the beginning of the game, while there are still countries without owners. By choosing a country, you commit one troop to that country - more troops can be added later via the deploy_troops command.


{"action": "choose_country", "data": "<The name of a country which is not yet owned>"}


{"action": "choose_country", "data": "eastern united states"}

Add troops to a country. In the "you" object, there is a parameter called troops_to_deploy which is the number of troops which you have available to deploy. If troops_to_deploy >0, deploy_troops will be the only action available. You will not have this action available if you have no troops to deploy. You must deploy your troops before the attack action will become available.

  • You can only deploy to a country you are the owner of.
  • You can only deploy the number of troops you have in troops_to_deploy (no more no less).


{"action": "deploy_troops", "data": {"<country 0>": <number of troops for country 0>, "country 1": <number of troops for country 1> ...}}


{"action": "deploy_troops", "data": {"eastern united states": 3, "western united states": 2}}

Trade in a set of cards for units. You can do this at the beginning of your turn or (after you eliminate a player and you now have >= 5 cards).

  • You must submit a valid set of cards (3 of the same, or 1 of each)
  • You must hold each of the cards you wish to submit
  • Cards are represented by their country name
  • Wild cards are represented by the string "wild"
  • The cards should be sent as a list. If you own any of the countries on the cards, only the first one in the list will be credited 2 extra units.
  • This option will be skipped if you do not have a set which can be traded in.
  • You can pass if the option pass is available, however if you have 5 or more cards, you must spend until you have less than 5 cards.


{"action": "spend_cards", "data": [<card 1>, <card 2>, <card 3>]}


{"action": "spend_cards", "data": ["argentina", "china", "iceland"]}

Attack a country adjacent to one of your countries. Specify an origin country, destination country, number of troops to attack with (1, 2, or 3), and a number of additional troops to move if you win the engagement.

  • There is no way to lose troops and conquer a country in the same attack round
  • The opponent will always defend with as many troops as they can (1 or 2)
  • The attacking and defending countries must be adjacent
  • You must own the attacking country, and not the defending country
  • You must leave at least one unit in the attacking country when you invade the defending country, and thus can only attack from countries with 2 or more troops
  • The attack is declared a win if the attack results in you eliminating all of the troops in the defending country. You will become the owner of the defending country and all attacking_troops will move there.
  • moving_troops are additional troops that will move from the attacking country to the defending country if the attack results in a win. You must leave at least 1 troop in all countries, so you must choose such that attacking_country.troops - (attacking_troops + troops_to_move) >= 1
  • This command will only be avaliable when you have a possbile legal attack.
  • When you wish end the attacking phase, you will have to send end_attack_phase (see next section).


{"action": "attack", "data": {"attacking_country": "<attacking country name>", "defending_country": "<defending country name>", "attacking_troops": <number of attacking troops>, "moving_troops": <number of troops to move into the country if you win>}}


{"action": "attack", "data": {"attacking_country": "western united states", "defending_country": "eastern united states", "attacking_troops": 3, "moving_troops": 15}}

When you wish to end the attack phase without reinforcing, you must perform the end_turn action. This action takes no extra data parameters.


{"action": "end_attack_phase"}


{"action": "end_attack_phase"}

This command allows you to move troops from one of your countries to an adjacent country, once. Performing this action will end your turn.

  • You must leave at least one unit in the origin country.
  • You must move at least one unit to the destination country.
  • You must have the number of troops in the origin country that you wish to move.
  • You must own the origin and destination countries.
  • This command will only be avaliable if you have a possible legal reinforment to make.


{"action": "reinforce", "data": {"origin_country": "<origin country name>", "destination_country": "<destination country name>", "moving_troops": <number of troops to move>}}


{"action": "reinforce", "data": {"origin_country": "greenland", "destination_country": "iceland", "moving_troops": 7}}

If you wish to end your turn without reinforcing, you may perform the end_turn action. This action takes no extra data parameters.


{"action": "end_turn"}


{"action": "end_turn"}

Game Flow

The game starts with all players choosing countries one at a time, using the choose_country command. After all countries have been chosen, players will place troops using the deploy_troops command, one troop at a time.

At the beginning of a player's turn, if the player has a useable set of card, the use_cards. If you have less than 5 cards, you will also recieve the pass option.

Next, the deploy_troops options will be available. This step is required.

During the main phase of a turn, the actions available are attack and end_attacking_phase. A player may attack as many times as they want during a turn, and when the player is done attacking, they must call end_attacking_phase.

The final options after the attacking phase will be reinforce and end_turn. Calling end_turn will end the player's turn and move on to the next without reinforcing any countries.


An implementation of Risk for AI's to compete.






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