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One mask to control them all.

The project is divided into three parts :

  • A Node.js / TypeScript server that allows to convert any type of content into sequences, and send them to the Python server.
  • The Python server that receives its orders from the Node.js server, reads the sequences and displays them on the LED strips of the mask.
  • The React front-end, that allows me to map the LED strips, and provides a user-friendly interface for creating sequences, sequence lists, handle sequences loops, manage the mask luminosity settings, and more.

In order to make the mask fully wearable, I use a RaspberryPi 4 that emits its own WiFi newtork, runs both servers and exposes the React front-end so that the mask can be controlled from any device connected to the Pi.

The hardware


The mask is built with SK6812 leds strips, for a total of 864 leds, and is powered by height 18660 batteries.

Special thanks

I must thank @wow_elec_tron for his special help. You can also find all his work here (Github), and on his website. Thanks again mate !

The custom sequence format

In order for the Pi to display the correct RGB value on the LED strips, I use my own custom binary format (.seq), structured as such :

  • 8 header bytes for the number of frames
  • 1 header byte for the frames width
  • 1 header byte for the frames height
  • 1 header byte for the brightness ratio
  • 1 header byte for the playback speed
  • 8 header byte for map size
  • The LED map : an array of the index of each mapped pixel converted to an 8 bytes int.
  • The body (the actual frames) : each pixel of every frame is converted to a 3 bytes RGB value.

The format is very basic and could be much more lightweight. I could store differences between each frame instead of storing each frame. But as all the content is converted to a series 46x23 images, each sequence is actually already very light. A simple GIF weight less than a mega-octet. A 5 minutes videos is a converted to a 10mo sequence, which is good enough atm.

The current stack allows me to convert any content direclty taken from Giphy / Youtube from their url, or any content already on my hard drive.

The Node.JS - TypeScript webserver

The server exposes the following routes :

Method Route Description Parameters
GET /sequences Lists all available sequences (all .seq files within the __SEQUENCES_FOLDER folder)
GET /sequences/:name Fetches a specific sequence by filename name (string)
PUT /sequences/:name Updates the sequences metadata brightness (number - 0-255), speed (number - 0-100)
POST /sequences/download/:name Downloads a sequence to the Raspberry Pi (in cases I converted in on another PC) name (string)
POST /videoConverter Converts a file sent through the HTML form of the React front-end into the sequence format The HTML files fields.
POST /onlineConverter Converts a file downloaded through an URL into the sequence format. url (string), name (string, optionnal)
GET /settings Fetches the project settings (the LED map, Mask default brightness, playback speed, etc). url (string), name (string, optionnal)
POST /settings Updates the settings server_url (string), pi_url (string), led_count (number), gpio (number, deprecated), maxBrightness (string), width (number), height (number), map (Array<number>), guiBrightness (number), guiContrast (number), guiSaturation (number)
GET /thumbnails Serves the sequences thumbnails for the front-end to display url (string), name (string, optionnal)

To run the server :

npm i
npm run dev # For development mode
npm run prod # For production mode

The Python server

The server plays two roles, handle sequences and sequence lists, and display them on the Mask using the rpi_ws281x library.

The server exposes the following routes using Flask :

Method Route Description Parameters
POST /init Initializes the Mask (with the correct GPIO, LED count, etc.) GPIO (number, deprecated), LED_COUNT (number), MAX_BRIGHTNESS (number : 0-255)
GET /ping Pings the Mask to know if it's alive
POST /downloadSequence Downloads a sequence on the Pi stream (stream - the actual file), name (string)
POST /saveList Saves a list of sequences with their meta into a file sequences (Array<string> - an list of sequence names), meta (Array<object> - a list of meta-data)
POST /playList Plays a sequence list name (string - the list name)
GET /getLists Fetches a list of the available sequence lists
GET /getList Fetches a specific list name (string - the list name)
POST /playSequences Plays a sequence sequence (string - the sequence name), meta (object - the metadata)

To run the server :

pip3 install flask flask_cors _rpi_ws281x
sudo python3

The meta-data object :

Allows me to over-ride some of the parameters within the sequence file, and provide information about the way I want to play it. It is a simple JSON object with the following fields :

Field Description Type
brightness The brightness to use Optionnal - number - 0/255
speed The playback speed to use Optionnal - number - 0/255
loop_count The number of times the sequence will run Optionnal - number - default is 1 and overrides loop_until
loop_until The amount of time the sequence will run for in seconds Optionnal - number

The React front-end

A friendly user-friendly interface that interacts with the two previously described servers. It allows me to map the LEDs using a simple THREE.js application. They are automatically mapped from left to right, top to bottom, as I won't need to make any change to my soldering anytime soon.

The front-end also allows me to convert any content easily without having to send requests to the servers, play my sequences directly from my phone, build and save sequence lists, define the meta-data for each sequence within the list.

To run the front-end :

npm i
cd web_interface && npm run dev # For development mode
cd web_interface && npm run prod # For production mode

Next steps

Ideally, the front-end should be better looking than it is right now, and the Python webserver should be refactored in C for better performance. I also need to implement a shader / animation system, and FFT for sound reaction.


Refactoring / cleaning the Mask code in TS / C






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