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nete is a note-taking app with sync and a command-line (beta)


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beta software

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  • Python >=3.5
  • libsodium
  • libkrb5-dev

This repository contains three packages nete-common, nete-backend and nete-cli. To build and install all of them, first read and then run the script.

Install zsh Completion

Copy the file etc/_nete.zsh to the directory ~/.config/zsh/completion, and in a new shell, you should be able to use the fine command line completion.


Run the Backend

You can start the backend by running the command

$ nete-backend

without any options or configuration file. If you want to configure a different socket path or a sync URL, you need a configuration file (see below).

For available options, use

$ nete-backend --help

systemd Configuration

You probably want to start nete-backend automatically when you log in. For this, put a systemd service file with the following content into ~/.config/systemd/user/nete-backend.service (replace PATH_TO_INSTALL_BIN by the directory the nete-backend command is installed in):

Description=nete Backend Service



Then enable the service:

$ systemctl --user daemon-reload
$ systemctl --user enable nete-backend.service
$ systemctl --user start nete-backend.service

Command Line Usage


$ nete --help

for a quick summary of available commands. For example, you can create, list and edit notes likes this:

$ nete new "My new note"
... edit with $EDITOR ...
$ nete ls
f05046bb-5ea3-496a-880a-3069df86a97e   My new note
$ nete edit f05046bb-5ea3-496a-880a-3069df86a97e
... edit ...

Optional: Configure Backend

You can use nete without any configuration file at all. But if you want to use synchronization or if you have special requirements, you can create one.

nete will read either no or one configuration file. It will look for it in

  • the location specified by the --config option or
  • $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nete/backend.rc (usually, this is ~/.config/nete/backend.rc)

These are the options you can configure (and the defaults used):

socket = $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/nete/socket
type = filesystem
base_dir = $XDG_DATA_HOME/nete/backend/storage
url =         # no default; see below

Optional: Configure Command Line Interface

The CLI configuration is not necessary either unless you want to deviate from the default configuration. nete looks for it in either $NETE_CONFIG_FILE (meaning you can override it by setting the environment variable NETE_CONFIG_FILE) or in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nete/cli.rc.

Currently, there is only one option you can set in the configuration file:

url = local:$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/nete/socket

The URL can be either a Unix Domain Socket path (denoted by a local: prefix) or an HTTP URL (denoted by either http: or https:).


nete is able to synchronize with a remote server via SSH. For this to work, you need only little setup.


You need to install nete and nete-backend with the same versions as locally on the remote side. Make sure nete-backend is running when you log in, e. g. by starting it through systemd (see above).

It works if the following command prints the path of the Unix Domain Socket when executed on the local side:

$ ssh SYNCHOST nete socket

Use an SSH agent (like ssh-agent or gpg-agent), otherwise nete-backend won’t be able to authenticate.


Tell your local nete-backend which host you want to synchronize with by adding sync URL parameter to your configuration (see above):

url = http+ssh://USERNAME@SYNCHOST[:PORT]

Run Synchronization

You should now be all set and can run:

$ nete sync

Take a look at the logs of the local nete backend to see what’s happening.

Development Setup

First, create a virtual environment and activate it:

$ virtualenv venv
$ venv/bin/activate

Then, run script, which will install the development dependencies and the nete packages in development mode.


Simply run pytest.


nete is a note-taking app with sync and a command-line (beta)








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