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VIsualization LAnguage for DIstributed sytstems


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git checkout master

git merge debug

git branch -d debug git push


VIVALDI is domain specific language for heterogeneous computing system

// From Anu VIVALDI is domain specific language on hybrid computing system. It works with code that you wrote, the code can be written by users easily. It supports some build-in functions, it enable to load data. In VIVALDI, users can provide functions about their works, the functions can be run by VIVALDI. Users set a list of devices, it is passed to main manager. So, works are divided on target devices. Also, split modifier can divide both input and output data. Merge function can be written and applied to code.

How to install

A. Install Cuda Driver and toolkit CUDA > 6.6 B. Install Library dependencies 1.Openmpi > 1.8.3 2.require libraries: easy_install PIL PyOpenGL 3.PyQt4

C. Install PyCUDA included in VIvaldi package $cd [VIVALDI_PATH]/pycuda-2013.1.1/pycuda-2013.1.1/ $python build $python install

D. Install mpi4py included in Vivaldi package $cd [VIVALDI_PATH]/mpi4py-1.3/mpi4py-1.3 $python build $sudo python install

E. add Vivaldi PATH cd [VIVALDI_PATH] $ python $ source ~/.bash_profile

after that you can use Vivaldi command anywhere

How to run

Vivaldi [programming code path] [options]

Usage: Vivaldi [file] [options] Options: -L -L time Display time log -L parsing Display parsing log -L general Display general log -L detail Display detail log -L image save all intermediate results -L all Display every log -L progress Display which process is working with time progress -L retain_count Display change of retain_count during execution

-hostfile -hostfile hostfile_name include machine list in clusters

-G -G on turn on GPU direct(default) -G off turn off GPU direct

-B -B true blocking data transaction -B false non-blocking data transaction(default), it will overlap data transaction with calculation

-S scheduling algorithm -S round_robin round_robin scheduling -S locality locality aware scheduling, minimize data transaction.(default)

-D -D dynamic consider working or idle of execution units for scheduling(default) -D static not consider working or idle of execution units for scheduling

examples ex1) Vivaldi helloworld.vvl hello world test

ex2) Vivaldi orthogonal.vvl -L general print general data transfer log

ex3) Vivaldi data_list.vvl -L image save all intermediate images during data decomposition and merge process


main functions

pre defined constant

GIGA = float(102410241024) MEGA = float(1024*1024) KILO = float(1024) AXIS = ['x','y','z','w'] SPLIT_BASE = {'x':1,'y':1,'z':1,'w':1} modifier_list = ['execid','split','range','merge'] VIVALDI_PATH = os.environ.get('vivaldi_path')+'/' DATA_PATH = VIVALDI_PATH + '/VIVALDI/data/'

built in functions

CPU functions

get_any_CPU(): get any CPU available get_CPU_list(int n): get list of n CPUs
get_another_CPU(int e): get any CPU except e

GPU functions

get_any_GPU: get any GPU avaiable get_GPU_list(int n): get list of n GPUs get_another_GPU(int e): get any GPU except e

process list

get_processor_list(): get list of process with machine and type synchronize(): wait until task que empty and every processes are idle

Usage modifiers

modifier is ... Func(args).modifier().modifier()

  1. range: output size, output halo can be added here for in and in&out split

ex) func().range(x=0:123,y=-100:100)

  1. execid: specifies execution device list

ex) func().execid( gpu_list )

  1. split: decompose tasks using input, output or in&output method output and in&output case, vivaldi automatically collect image

ex) func().split(x=2,y=2)

  1. merge: select function and order for merge input decomposition result order list front-to-back: front data first and back data last

ex) func().merge(func_name, 'front-to-back')

  1. halo: add boundary to input decomposed data form: .halo(data_name, halo_size)

ex) func().halo(image, 3)

available dtypes: char: uchar: 1 bytes unsigned integer (0 to 255) short: 2 bytes integer (-32768 to 32767) ushort: 2 bytes unsigned integer (0 to 65535) int: 4 bytes integer (-2147483648 to 2147483647) uint: 4 bytes unsigned integer (0 to 4294967296) float: 4 bytes, single precision float, sign bit, 8 bits exponent, 23 bits mantissa double: 8 bytes, double precision float, sign bit, 11 bits exponents, 52 bits mantissa

domain specific functions

// iterators // model view matrix is applied here line_iter orthogonal_iter(T* volume, float2 p, float step) : make perspective iterator and return line iterator travel inside the volume.

line_iter perspective_iter(T* volume, float x, float y, float step, float near) : make perspective iterator and return line iterator travel inside the volume.

// model view matrix is not applied line_iter(float3 from, float3 to, float d) float3 begin() bool hasNext() float3 next() float3 direction()

plane_iter(float2 point, float size) float3 begin() bool hasNext() float2 next()

cube_iter(float3 point, float size) float3 begin() bool hasNext() float3 next()

// Query and Gradient functions output of query functions is determined by input volume and image

// 2D data query functions point_query_2d(T* image, float2 p) : nearest query of 2d volume

linear_query_2d(T* image, float2 p) : linear query of 2d volume

linear_gradient_2d(T* image, float2 p) : linear_gradient of 2d volume

// 3D data query functions point_query_3d(T* volume, float3 p) : point query of 3d volume

linear_query_3d(T* volume, float3 p) : linear query of 3d volume

cubic_query_3d(T* volume, float3 p) :cubic query of 3d volume

float3 linear_gradient_3d(T* volume, float3 p) : linear gradient of 3d volume

float3 cubic_gradient_3d(T* data, float3 p) : cubic gradient of 3d volume

// Image processing functions

GPU float3 phong(float3 Light_position, float3 pos, float3 N, float3 omega, float3 kd, float3 ks, float n, float3 amb) : calculate phong shading colour using light position, normal vector and etc...

GPU float3 diffuse(float3 Light_position, float3 N, float3 kd) : calculate diffuse only using light position and normal vector

template<typename R,typename T> GPU R laplacian(T* image, float2 p, VIVALDI_DATA_RANGE* sdr) : calculate laplacian using near 4 points.


mpi4py It is customized for RDMA for GPU direct on PyCUDA. Therefore can not use ordinary mpi4py in the Vivaldi. How to Install are in the mpi4py folder.

PyCUDA PyCUDA is ordinary version. but It is hard to install in the cluster using easy_install. Because I added PyCUDA in the Vivaldi.

Paper folder They are all related to Vivaldi paper and involving .tex and etc

test_set There are Vivaldi test set we used when developing.


VIsualization LAnguage for DIstributed sytstems






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Contributors 4
