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autobahn / twisted server that provides a websocket for live results

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This repository provides an autobahn/twisted server with a websocket.



docker build .


See the incantation in arscca/ for starting individual containers


The docker-compose.yml file is in the /arscca repo

cd /arscca
docker compose up

Manual Setup (For non-docker installations)

Python3.6 or greater is required, because this project uses F-strings.

cd /path/to/project
python3 -m venv env
env/bin/pip install autobahn twisted treq pyopenssl service_identity
env/bin/pip freeze > requirements.txt

Explanation of Packages

autobahn:       wrapper for twisted
twisted:        asynchronous I/O, including websockets
treq:           asynchronous GET and POST requests that work with the twisted reactor
pyopenssl:      required by treq if you want to access sites over SSL
service_identy: pyopenssl gives strange errors if you don't include this

Production Setup


There is a systemd unit file in config/arscca-twisted.service

Install Packages from requirements.txt

env/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt

Slack Integration

You will probably want to set the slack url in config/environment.txt

cd /path/to/project
cd config
cp environment.txt-EXAMPLE environment.txt
vi environment.txt


Run as www-data so you have write access to the archive dir

sudo -u www-data env/bin/python

Test Slack Integration


Development Files

The files index.html and index-log-delta.html were used in the development process and are no longer needed. You may want to keep them around in case something breaks. They work somewhat like a test-in-a-box.


If you are hosting this on a T2 or T3 instance on AWS, note that these instance types are CPU burstable. That means it will appear performant when you parse a single event, but if you turn on bin/demo_cp and let it run for a long time, your CPU burst credits may run out.

On a t2.nano, which has a baseline rate of 5%, it takes about 15 seconds to parse a single event with 66 drivers. When burst credits are available, it runs in about 400ms.

Supposedly burst credits go away on restart, so if you want to see baseline performance, you may simply restart the box.

Timeout POSTing to Upstream

If you are seeing timeouts POSTing to arscca-pyrame, it may be that you have run out of burst credits.

ssh Performance

Note that when you have no CPU burst credits available, it also takes longer to do things like ssh into the box, open documents in vim, etc.



autobahn / twisted server that provides a websocket for live results






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