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Tokenizing is basically a regex that pulls apart language based on what you need. I use both word tokenizing and sentence tokenizing to pull apart the famous "I Have a Dream" speech.

Word Tokenizing

from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize

txt = "I am an example sentence.  Sometimes I have many sentences.  Look it's Mr. Justin"


['I', 'am', 'an', 'example', 'sentence', '.', 'Sometimes', 'I', 'have', 'many', 'sentences', '.', 'Look', 'it', "'s", 'Mr.', 'Justin']

Word tokenizing treats punctuation as important because it is relevant to the meaning of the text.

Sentence Tokenizing

from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize

txt = "I am an example sentence.  Sometimes I have many sentences.  Look it's Mr. Justin"


['I am an example sentence.', 'Sometimes I have many sentences.', "Look it's Mr. Justin"]

One of the main benefits of NLTK is that the contributors have taken care of the frustrating edge cases that we may not consider. For example "Mr. Justin" is not considered two separate sentences.

Stop Words

from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
from nltk.corpus import stopwords

txt = "I am an example sentence.  Sometimes I have many sentences.  Look it's Mr. Justin"
words_txt = word_tokenize(txt)
stop_words = set(stopwords.words('english'))
filtered_words = []

for w in words:
	if w not in stop_words:


['I', 'example', 'sentence', '.', 'Sometimes', 'I', 'many', 'sentences', '.', 'Look', "'s", 'Mr.', 'Justin']

Stop words are words that are so common that they generally don't change the meaning of a sentence. Words like "the", "a", "and" do not have much impact on how a sentence is interpreted.


Copora is a group of texts that have something similar. Medical journals, State of the Union addresses, and Tweets would all be examples of Corporas.


This is meaning of words within a context. For example, bull would have two meanings if you asked an investor and a rancher.

Tagging Parts of Speech

In NLTK it is incredibly simple to tag parts of speech using nltk.pos_tag(word).

Here is an example where we iterate over a txt and print out the part of speech.

import nltk
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize

txt = "I am an example sentence.  Sometimes I have many sentences.  Look it's Mr. Justin"
words_txt = word_tokenize(txt)
tagged = nltk.pos_tag(words_text)


[('I', 'PRP'), ('am', 'VBP'), ('an', 'DT'), ('example', 'NN'), ('sentence', 'NN'), ('.', '.'), ('Sometimes', 'RB'), ('I', 'PRP'), ('have', 'VBP'), ('many', 'JJ'), ('sentences', 'NNS'), ('.', '.'), ('Look', 'VB'), ('it', 'PRP'), ("'s", 'VBZ'), ('Mr.', 'NNP'), ('Justin', 'NNP')]

Part of Speech Tags

POS Tag Description Example
CC coordinating conjunction and
CD cardinal number 1, third
DT determiner the
EX existential there there is
FW foreign word d’hoevre
IN preposition/subordinating conjunction in, of, like
JJ adjective big
JJR adjective, comparative bigger
JJS adjective, superlative biggest
LS list marker 1)
MD modal could, will
NN noun, singular or mass door
NNS noun plural doors
NNP proper noun, singular John
NNPS proper noun, plural Vikings
PDT predeterminer both the boys
POS possessive ending friend‘s
PRP personal pronoun I, he, it
PRP$ possessive pronoun my, his
RB adverb however, usually, naturally, here, good
RBR adverb, comparative better
RBS adverb, superlative best
RP particle give up
TO to to go, to him
UH interjection uhhuhhuhh
VB verb, base form take
VBD verb, past tense took
VBG verb, gerund/present participle taking
VBN verb, past participle taken
VBP verb, sing. present, non-3d take
VBZ verb, 3rd person sing. present takes
WDT wh-determiner which
WP wh-pronoun who, what
WP$ possessive wh-pronoun whose
WRB wh-abverb where, when


Chunking is recovering phrase groups based on parts of speech tags. We can parse out verb groups, the predicate, or noun phrases, the subject. we can break apart sentences into its chunks.

Named Entities

Named entities are a more specific way of identifying parts of text. While they are much more readable than.

import nltk
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize

txt = "I am an example sentence.  Sometimes I have many sentences.  Look it's Mr. Justin"
words_txt = word_tokenize(txt)
tagged = nltk.pos_tag(words_text)


Tree('S', [('I', 'PRP'), ('am', 'VBP'), ('an', 'DT'), Tree('GPE', [('American', 'JJ')]), ('Dollar', 'NN'), ('from', 'IN'), ('June', 'NNP'), ('of', 'IN'), Tree('ORGANIZATION', [('WHO', 'NNP'), ('Obama', 'NNP')])])

As we can see ne_chunk is not super accurate but could potentially provide insights. For example we see that American is tagged as "JJ" rather than GPE.

NE Type Examples
ORGANIZATION Georgia-Pacific Corp., WHO
PERSON Eddy Bonte, President Obama
LOCATION Murray River, Mount Everest
DATE June, 2008-06-29
TIME two fifty a m, 1:30 p.m.
MONEY 175 million Canadian Dollars, GBP 10.40
PERCENT twenty pct, 18.75 %
FACILITY Washington Monument, Stonehenge
GPE South East Asia, Midlothian








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