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Code for the Bd->Ktaumu analysis (backup from

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What is this repository

This is a repository containing code for the analyis of the LFV B2KTauMu decay.


How to setup the repository

Clone the repository.

git clone --recursive ssh://

If you want to run interactively in testing mode (normal way to run).


Or if you want to run pipelines using Snakemake:

source snake

N.B.: To work properly in "snake" mode you have to setup some dependencies (Snakemake) the first time you use it. Please read README_SNAKEMAKE.


  • The B2KTAUMUROOT variable is now avilable pointing to the top folder of the repo.
  • ROOT, matplotlib, sklearn, etc are setup.
  • Now code into the python folder should be automatically picked up if you try to import it.
  • At the beginning of each python file you should add import B2KTauMu as an (see later)

Repository Structure

  • The analysis code should be contained into the scripts and python folders.

N.B.: If you make subfolders of python put an empty file inside each one.

  • Ganga contains Ganga options. In parituclar where a function CreateDVJob() is defied.

Running ganga with runganga all functions defined in will be available.

  • Options contains DaVinci options to create the tuples.
  • Data contains files with lists of LFNs used to make tuples.
  • LHCb contains generic LHCb stuff like the LHCb style file and the particle propeties.
  • tables is where you should put the output tables (see B2KTauMuEnv).

It also contains the templates folder which should contain latex templates to be filled automatically.

  • plots is where you should put output splots (see B2KTauMuEnv).


All cuts should go into .py files in the folder python/B2KTauMu/cuts/. Mainly into These can be then used as e.g. :


See also python environment paragraph.

### Access data

Raw data (the output of the stripping) can be accessed using a provided function:

```import B2KTauMu as an
files = an.utils.remote_ls_fromids(an.dataids['{some data label e.g. CL11}'])```

To see the available datasets: 

```import B2KTauMu as an
print an.dataids.keys()
['CL16', 'CL15', 'CL12', 'CL11']```

## B2KTauMu python environment (important!!)

This module loads the python environment: `import B2KTauMuEnv as an`.

What will this do for you:

* Checking that you sourced the file.

* Loading the LHCb style for plots.

* Make available any variable defined into B2KTauMu/ (e.g. se next point: loc)

* Make the locations easily available to your pathon scripts though the `loc` object. Sone already defined locations are the following (feel free to define more as you need them):

    - loc.ROOT   = $LB2LEMUANAROOT
    - loc.PYTHON = $LB2LEMUANAROOT/python/
    - loc.LHCB   = $LB2LEMUANAROOT/LHCb/
    - loc.PLOTS  = $LB2LEMUANAROOT/plots/
    - loc.TABS   = $LB2LEMUANAROOT/tables/
    - loc.TMPS   = $LB2LEMUANAROOT/tables/templates/
    - loc.TUPLE  = /eos/lhcb/user/p/pluca/Analysis/B2KTauMu/Tuple/

* Provide a common database saved on disk to presist results, e.g.:.

import B2KTauMuEnv as an print an.db {'Test':True, ...} an.db['myeff'] = 0.99 dumpDB() ## Saves it to disk

* Provide easy handling of output files

```from Lb2LemuEnv import *
outfiles.create("yields") ## Will create (only first time) the $LB2LEMUROOT/tables/yields.txt file and remember that it exists 
outfile.writeline("yields","N_B0 = 4000")```

Or even better you can do the same using templates!!! Crate a file in the templates folder. You can write whatever you want into it just put the values to substitute into {}
E.g.: `seleff = ${sel_eff} \pm {sel_eff_err}$`
And then use the `db` object to fill it!!

```from Lb2LemuEnv import *
This will look for the keys into the db, fill them into your template and same everything to $REPO/tables/efficiency.txt

* Make available to every script any other variable you wish to define into it. 

## Snakemake

You can run the offline anaylsis (or parts of it) simply typing `snakemake`.
The steps are defined into `Snakefile` in the top folder. See README_SNAKEMAKE for more details.

To run snakemake from a clean shell:

source snake snakemake

## Docker

Docker support is available for this repository to allow running the analysis on any machine anywhere in the world (with internet). Please have a look at the readme inside the Docker folder.

## Common utilities

The `pyutils` folder contains utilities which you may find useful. See pyutils/


Code for the Bd->Ktaumu analysis (backup from






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