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This is a snapshot with all needed files for electrophysiology examples, as of 2018/11/19

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This is a snapshot of opendihu from 2018/11/19 with all input files included that are not in the original repo ( (It is derived from branch parallel_fiber_estimation)

To get started, read and run the commands in

Default Readme follows


The working title of this software framework is "opendihu", from the project name "Digital Human". It serves as a code base to solve static and dynamic problems, where the Finite Element Method is used for spatial discretization. Due to its modular nature it is supposed to be adaptible for future problems.


Using docker

There is a docker container that contains a full installation of opendihu. Using the image you can use the framework directly without having to build and install dependencies. If you have docker installed, you can start a shell in the container with

docker run -it maierbn/opendihu_system_testing:latest bash

Then run git pull and make to get and compile the latest code.

Native installation

In order to use the code for development it is necessary to clone this repo locally and build and install the framework with all dependencies. If you're impatient, type make in the top level directory and see what happens. If there are error messages, look into the log file config.log.

Please read the following instructions first.

On a blank machine with ubuntu (tested on 16.04 and 18.04) you need to install the following packages.

  # Install prerequisites
  sudo apt-get update && \
  sudo apt-get install -y libopenmpi-dev libx11-* python2.7 git apt-utils make software-properties-common zlib1g-dev cmake libssl-dev bison flex

GCC version 5 or higher is required including the gfortran compiler. Ubuntu 16.04 has GCC 4 as standard compiler chain so you need to update to GCC 5 as follows:

  # Install GCC5 toolchain
  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test && \
  sudo apt-get update && \
  sudo apt-get install -y gcc-5 g++-5 gfortran-5 && \
  sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-5 60 --slave /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-5 --slave /usr/bin/gfortran gfortran /usr/bin/gfortran-5

On Ubuntu 18.04 there is GCC 7 available, just install gfortran if don't have it already:

  sudo apt-get install gfortran

The scons build system needs python2.7. Make sure that the command python2.7 starts a python shell. If not, create the following symlink:

  # link python executable
  ln -s python2.7 /usr/bin/python

All other needed dependencies are handled by the scons build system. For each dependency you can either specify the path of its installation or do nothing and let the build system download, build and install it for you. Note that python3 with numpy, scipy and matplotlib is such a dependency. Opendihu will download and install python3 on its own.

It is recommended to not let the build system download and build MPI, instead specify the location of your local MPI installation.

  • On Ubuntu you don't have to do anything, the system MPI directory should be found automatically. Run make and see if MPI is being found.
  • If the MPI location is not detected automatically, you have to specifiy the path. Find out in which path on your system MPI is installed. We need the directory that contains a lib and an include subdirectory. It may be named like /usr/lib/openmpi, /usr/lib/mpich or /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi or similar.
  • Set this path in as value of the variable MPI_DIR.
  • In this file you can also set paths for other packages, if they are already installed. This would reduce build time, it is, however, not required.
  • Type make debug or make release to build the debug or release target. If you run make without targets, it will build the debug target followed by the release target. At first it will download and install the needed dependencies. It takes several hours. If some components fail to install you can inspect the log file config.log. There are required and optional dependencies. If only optional component fail to install, installation of opendihu still works. The required dependencies are:
  MPI         (OpenMPI will be installed by default)
  LAPACK/BLAS (OpenBLAS will be installed by default)
  Python 3

There are optional dependencies that allow compilation of opendihu. But they may be needed for unit tests. The following are the optional dependencies:

  (+ various python packages)
  • To get started you find some examples in the examples directory. Also the system tests under testing/system_testing/tests might be useful.
  • To build an example, ct into an subdirectory under examples, e.g. examples/laplace2d. In this directory run scons. For this to work you either need to install scons on your system (e.g. sudo apt install scons on ubuntu). Or you use the given scons in the dependencies directory:
  python2.7 ../../dependencies/scons/ 

You can set an alias in .bashrc like alias scons="python2.7 <your path>/opendihu/dependencies/scons/".

  • To build release target, use scons or scons BUILD_TYPE=release, to build the debug target, use scons BUILD_TYPE=debug

  • There will be an executable created in the build_debug or build_release subdirectory. Change into that directory and run it with a settings file as only argument: ./laplace_regular ../

  • Output files in this example will be created under the out subdirectory. If you look into out you'll find two files: and p.vtr.

    The .vtr file can be visualized using Paraview. The *.py files can be visualized using the plot script in opendihu/scripts. It is useful to add the scripts directory to the PATH environment variable, e.g. by adding the line export PATH=$PATH:<your-path>/opendihu/scripts to your .bashrc file. Then you can run <*.py-output files> anywhere to visualize the output. Usually the shortcut plot instead of should also work. (Unless you have installed something different with the name plot). An often used command is therefore plot out/*. If arguments are ommited, i.e. plot, this is the same as plot *.py. In our example the command could be out/


Some theory documentation can be found in the doc/derivations/doc.pdf document. Documentation concerning the code is not yet complete and can be found in doc/documentation.rst. The best way to learn how the framework is used is by asking someone who knows and studying the examples in the example directory and the system tests in the testing/system_testing/tests directory. The following functionality is currently implemented:


Supported equation types are currently

  • Laplace and Poisson
  • Diffusion, istropoic and anisotropic
  • Reaction-diffusion by the CellML adapter
  • The nonlinear solid/structural mechanics equations are not fully functional at the moment. They work for some test scenarios but not for others. Also there is no dynamic elasticity yet.

Discretization and Mesh types

  • The finite element is the only available spatial discretization method.
  • For the time domain, there are explicit Euler and Heun implemented, as well as a Godunov and Strang splitting scheme. The focus is currently not on numerical investigations. It should not be too hard to implement further schemes, like Crank-Nicholson.
  • Ansatz functions are linear and quadratic Lagrange and cubic Hermite. The scenarios are essentially testing with all three types. Further ansatz function types should be easily extendable (like cubic Lagrange or different Hermite), but they're probably not really needed.
  • There are three implemented mesh types which each have variants for 1D, 2D and 3D.
    • StructuredRegularFixedOfDimension<D>: This is a rectilinear grid with fixed mesh width in all dimensions. To store a mesh only the number of elements in the D dimensions and the mesh width is needed. This is computationally fast and memory efficient. The stiffness matrix for the laplace operator is assembled by precomputed stencils. This mesh type is mainly used for validation of the other mesh types and for some easy examples that have an analytical solution.
    • StructuredDeformableOfDimension<D>: This structured mesh can have arbitrary node positions, but there is a fixed number of elements in each dimension. Internally there is no need to store extra adjacency information, only the node positions and number of elements in the dimensions is stored. This is also quite fast. This mesh can deform over time, therefore it is suitable for structured mechanics computations.
    • UnstructuredDeformableOfDimension<D>: This is the most general mesh type. The elements can arbitrarily share nodes. Supported are also versions like in OpenCMISS where there can be multiple degrees of freedom at a node, to model incontinuities. These meshes can be natively constructed from exfiles.


  • The framework has a Python3 interpreter included and defines its own config format by a python dictionary. Input files of meshes can be either given by python lists of node positions, element-node mappings, number of elements etc. (depending on the mesh type). By this is it possible to parse further data sources in the input config file which will be parsed by the Python interpreter at the beginning of the program.
  • Also exnode and exelem files can be parsed to construct a mesh of type UnstructuredDeformableOfDimension<D>.
  • There are 4 output formats supported:
    • Python file: a data representation is exported as a python dictionary to a file. This can be configured to be human readable (ascii), or binary (using the python pickle package). This is the most memory efficient and easy to handle output format. There exists also a plot script that can plot 1D and 2D results (also over time) directly from these files.
    • Python callback: You can provide a callback function in the input config file that will be called regularly with the previously described python dict.
    • Exfiles: Every mesh type (not just UnstructuredDeformableOfDimension<D>) can be exported to exelem, exnode files. Also a com script is created that loads all generated exfiles (with correct offsets) and can be directly visualized using cmgui. However some manual tweaking with the com file is sometimes required.
    • VTK/Paraview: Files with extensions *.vtr, *.vts and *.vtu can be generated for the three mesh types, respectively. These are the preferable output method for 3D results. Paraview provides extensive tools for manipulation of the visualisation and postprocessing of the results. Only a recent version of Paraview can directly show 1D meshes.


  • Distributed memory parallelism using MPI is implemented for structured meshes (StructuredRegularFixedOfDimension<D> and StructuredDeformableOfDimension<D>).
  • The python output files as well as VTK output files are parallel, the Exfiles output is only serial. The python plotting utility can handle the parallel output files.
  • MPI I/O is used to write combined VTK output files, i.e. a single file per time step. This is needed on supercomputers when running with a high number of cores.
  • The monodomain example has been successfully executed on 10.000 cores on Hazel Hen.


  • There are unit tests that run after each compile (you can abort the compilation process after the library was created to skip the unit tests). There are also system tests that run real scenarios for multiple settings and for some compare to analytical solutions. The list of system tests is to be extended, currenty it only includes Laplace and Diffusion examples (but for all combinations of ansatz functions and mesh types). The system tests compile latex slides and a pdf document containing test results and also images and movies of the test runs. It runs nighly on a local jenkins installation.


This is a snapshot with all needed files for electrophysiology examples, as of 2018/11/19






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Contributors 4
