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LineClock - desktop clock shaped in the form of line
 LineClock uses representation of time as a straight line.
 Sometimes it's handy to see what event would take place in
 half an hour as a point on time line. And here it is.
 Events may be set by clicking on time line or by editing them
 in a dialog.

  Python 2.5+ (
  PyGTK 2.12+ (
  pynotify    (

Also some console audio player is needed to play alarm sound.
aplay or mplayer should be good

run (as root)
python install

LineClock can be run without installation, just run

User config is placed in

Config has 4 sections

===[widget] Section===
type - either H or V. Defines orientation of time line: horizontal or
timerange - length of time line, in seconds
nowrel - number from 0.0 to 1.0. Position of Now on time line
tickgap - distance between labeled ticks, in seconds
ntick - number of ticks between labeled ones
ltr - if 1, time raises left-to-right/up-to-down. If -1 otherwise.
	Other values are not allowed
main_w - width of time line. from 0 pixels to infinity =)
now_w - width of Now line
long_w - width of labeled ticks
short_w - width of simple ticks
marker_w - width of markers that mean events on time line
now_h - 2 numbers in brackets, delimited by comma. numbers mean
	start and end of Now line, measured downwards/leftwards
	from time line. Negative number means upper than time line.
	Order is not important. Pixels
long_h - the same for labeled ticks
short_h - for simple ticks
marker_h - for markers
label_fmt - format of labels, that is used in time.strftime
label_x - horizontal distance from label center to time line
label_y - vertical distance from label center to time line
pos_tolerance - number of pixels that defines if position on time
	line is considered as marker
gtkrc - name of rc file, see below

===[window] Section===
decorated - if True, window has frame
keep_below - self explaining
opacity - from 0.0 to 1.0
x - position of window
y - position of window
length - if type=H it's window width, if type=V it's height

===[alarm] Section===
player - command used as audio player. aplay or mplayer should be good
file - sound file to play

===[misc] Section===
tooltip_fmt - time format used in tooltips

The look of LineClock is modified via gtkrc file. Path to this file is
defined in section [widget] of config file. gtkrc file looks like

pixmap_path "."
style "lineclock" {
  xthickness = 1
  ythickness = 1
  font_name = "11"

  fg[NORMAL] = "#02158f"	# main line and ticks
  fg[ACTIVE] = "#91bef2"	# now line
  #fg[PRELIGHT] = "green"	# not used
  fg[SELECTED] = "#bababa"	# markers
  fg[INSENSITIVE] = "#4e8eda"	# labels new

  bg[NORMAL] = "#150926"	# background
  #bg_pixmap[NORMAL] = "background.png"
widget "*lineclock-widget" style "lineclock"

Colors of various lines, labels and background are defined here.
You may specify background image instead of plain color. font_name
parameter affects labels. xtickness and ythickness define margins
around time line.


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