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h5pp is a C++17 wrapper for HDF5 with focus on simplicity.

In just a few lines of code, h5pp lets users read and write to HDF5 files, a portable binary format. h5pp supports common data types and common containers, such as std::vector. In particular, h5pp makes it easy to read and write Eigen matrices and tensors.

Latest release

Table of Contents


  • Header-only C++17 template library
  • Support for common data types:
    • int,long, long long float, double (and unsigned versions)
      • any of the above in C-style arrays
      • any of the above in std::complex<> form
      • any of the above in POD-structs with x,y or x,y,z data members. In h5pp these go by the name Scalar2 and Scalar3. These work well together with types such as double2 or float3 found in CUDA
    • std::string and char arrays
    • Contiguous containers of types above, such as std::vector, with .data() methods
    • Eigen types such as Matrix, Array and Tensor, with automatic conversion to/from row major storage layout
    • Any multi-dimensional container with access to a C-style contiguous buffer (without conversion to/from row major)
  • Modern CMake build, install and linking using targets
  • (Opt-in) Automatically find or download dependencies using either conan package manager or native "CMake-only" methods


Using h5pp is intended to be simple. After initializing a file, most of the work can be achieved using just two member functions .writeDataset(...) and .readDataset(...). To understand the basic usage, let's go through some examples.

Example 1: Writing std::vector

To write data to file simply pass any supported object and a dataset name to writeDataset. This example shows how to do this with a vector of doubles.

    #include <h5pp/h5pp.h>
    int main() {
        // Initialize a file
        h5pp::File file("myDir/someFile.h5");
        // Initialize a vector with 10 doubles
        std::vector<double> v (10, 3.14);
        // Write the vector to file.
        // Inside the file, the data will be stored in a dataset named "myStdVector"
        file.writeDataset(v, "myStdVector");
        return 0;

Example 2: Reading std::vector

Reading from file works similarly with readDataset, with the only exception that you need to provide a container of the correct type.

    #include <h5pp/h5pp.h>
    int main() {
        // Initialize a file
        h5pp::File file("myDir/someFile.h5", h5pp::AccessMode::READONLY, h5pp::CreateMode::OPEN );
        // Initialize an empty a vector of doubles
        std::vector<double> v;
        // Read data. The vector is resized automatically by h5pp.
        file.readDataset(v, "myStdVector");
        return 0;


  • this time we make use of file permissions in the constructor of h5pp::File, read more under File permissions.
  • h5pp resizes std containers automatically. Resizing of C-style arrays is left to the user.
  • It is possible to query a dataset's size in advance, but there is no support (yet?) for querying its type.

Example 3: Write and read an Eigen::Matrix

    #include <h5pp/h5pp.h>
    int main() {
        // Initialize a file
        h5pp::File file("myDir/someFile.h5", h5pp::AccessMode::READWRITE, h5pp::CreateMode::TRUNCATE);
        // Initialize a 10x10 Eigen matrix with random complex entries
        Eigen::MatrixXcd m1 = Eigen::MatrixXcd::Random(10, 10);
        // Write the matrix 
        // Inside the file, the data will be stored in a dataset named "myEigenMatrix" under the group "myMatrixCollection"
        file.writeDataset(m1, "myMatrixCollection/myEigenMatrix");
        // Read it back in one line. Note that we pass the type as a template parameter
        auto m2 = file.readDataset<Eigen::MatrixXcd> ("myMatrixCollection/myEigenMatrix");
        return 0;


  • Once again we make use of file permissions in the constructor of h5pp::File, read more under File permissions.
  • h5pp resizes Eigen containers automatically. Resizing of C-style arrays is left to the user.
  • This time we put the dataset myEigenMatrix inside of the HDF5 group myMatrixCollection, which is automatically created by h5pp.
  • We can use an alternative syntax to read datasets by assignment in one line.

Example 4: Metadata in attributes

Metadata for a datasets or groups is stored in so-called "attributes". An attribute can be of any type, just like a dataset. In fact, an attribute is very similar to a dataset, with the main difference being that it is supposed to be small and stored in the metadata headers of groups or datasets. Writing attributes works similarly with the function writeAttribute(someObject,attributeName,targetLink).

    #include <h5pp/h5pp.h>
    #include <iostream>
    int main() {
        // Initialize a file
        h5pp::File file("myDir/someFile.h5", h5pp::AccessMode::READWRITE, h5pp::CreateMode::OPEN);
        // Write an integer to file
        file.writeDataset(42, "intGroup/myInt");
        // We can now write metadata, or "attributes" to the int.
        file.writeAttribute("this is some info about my int", "myInt_stringAttribute", "intGroup/myInt");
        file.writeAttribute(3.14, "myInt_doubleAttribute", "intGroup/myInt");
        // List all attributes associated with our int.
        // The following will print:
        //      myInt_stringAttribute
        //      myInt_doubleAttribute
        auto allAttributes = file.getAttributeNames("intGroup/myInt");
        for(auto & attr : allAttributes)std::cout << attr << std::endl; 
        // Read the attribute data back
        auto stringAttribute = file.readAttribute<std::string> ("myInt_stringAttribute", "intGroup/myInt");
        auto doubleAttribute = file.readAttribute<double>      ("myInt_doubleAttribute", "intGroup/myInt");
        return 0;


  • Attributes can be written to groups or datasets.
  • A single dataset or group can have multiple attributes of different types.

Debug and logging

Spdlog is used to emit debugging information. The amount of console output (verbosity) can be set to any level between 0 and 5:

  • 0: trace (highest verbosity)
  • 1: debug
  • 2: info (default)
  • 3: warn
  • 4: error
  • 5: critical (lowest verbosity)

Set the level when constructing a h5pp::File or by calling the function .setLogLevel(int):

    int logLevel = 0; // Highest verbosity
    // This way...
    h5pp::File file("myDir/someFile.h5", h5pp::AccessMode::READWRITE, h5pp::CreateMode::OPEN, logLevel); 
    // or this way

File permissions

To define permissions use the settings AccessMode::<mode> and/or CreateMode::<mode> as arguments when initializing the file. The possible modes are

  • AccessMode::
    • READONLY Read permission to the file.
    • READWRITE (default) Read and write permission to the file.
  • CreateMode::
    • OPEN Open the file with the given name. Throws an error when file does not exist.
    • RENAME (default) File is created with an available file name. If myFile.h5 already exists, myFile-1.h5 is created instead. The appended integer is increased until an available name is found
    • TRUNCATE File is created with the given name and erases any pre-existing file.

The defaults are chosen to avoid loss of data. To give a concrete example, the syntax works as follows

    h5pp::File file("myDir/someFile.h5", h5pp::AccessMode::READWRITE, h5pp::CreateMode::TRUNCATE);

Extendable and non-extendable datasets

By default, datasets in h5pp are created as non-extendable. This means that a dataset has a fixed size and can only be overwritten if the new data has the same size and shape. In contrast, extendable datasets have dynamic size and can be overwritten by a larger dataset. Keep in mind that overwriting with a smaller dataset does not shrink the file size.

To swap the default behavior, use one of the methods below


You can also optionally pass a true/false argument when writing a new dataset to explicitly create it as extendable or non-extendable

    file.writeDataset(testvector, "testvector", true);      // Creates an extendable dataset
    file.writeDataset(testvector, "testvector", false);     // Creates a non-extendable dataset    

Technical details:

  • Extendability only applies for datasets with one or more dimensions. Zero-dimensional or "scalar" datasets are always as non-extendable (as H5S_SCALAR).
  • Extendable datasets are "chunked" (as in H5D_CHUNKED), which means they can be read into memory in smaller chunks. This makes sense for large enough datasets.
  • A dataset with one or more dimensions is non-extendable by default, unless it is very large.
  • A non-extendable dataset smaller than 32 KB will be created as H5D_COMPACT, meaning it can fit in the metadata header.
  • A non-extendable dataset between 32 KB and 512 KB will be created as H5D_CONTIGUOUS, meaning it is not "chunked" and can be read entirely at once.
  • A non-extendable dataset larger than 512 KB will be made into an extendable dataset unless explicitly specified, because it makes sense to read large datasets in chunks.


Extendable (or chunked) datasets can also be compressed if HDF5 was built with zlib support. Use these functions to set or check the compression level:

    file.setDefaultCompressionLevel(9);            // 0 to 9: 0 to disable compression, 9 for maximum compression.
    file.getValidCompressionLevel();             // Gets the current compression level
    h5pp::checkIfCompressionIsAvailable();  // True if your installation of HDF5 has zlib support 

Load data into Python

HDF5 data is easy to load into Python. Loading integer and floating point data is straightforward. compound data is almost as simple. HDF5 does not support complex types specifically, but h5ppenables this through compound HDF5 types. Here is a python example which uses h5py to load 1D arrays from an HDF5 file generated with h5pp:

    import h5py
    import numpy as np
    file  = h5py.File('myFile.h5', 'r')
    # Originally written as std::vector<double> in h5pp
    myDoubleArray = np.asarray(file['double-array-dataset'])                                     
    # Originally written as std::vector<std::complex<double>> in h5pp
    myComplexArray = np.asarray(file['complex-double-array-dataset']).view(dtype=np.complex128) 

Notice the cast to dtype=np.complex128 which interprets each element of the array as two doubles, i.e. the real and imaginary parts are 2 * 64 = 128 bits.


There are currently 4 ways to obtain h5pp:

  • git clone and install (see below)
  • From conda: conda install -c davidace h5pp
  • From conan bintray repo
  • (Debian only) Download the latest release and install with apt: sudo apt install ./h5pp_<version>_amd64.deb


  • C++17 capable compiler (tested with GCC version >= 7 and Clang version >= 7.0)
  • CMake (tested with version >= 3.10)
  • Dependencies:
    • HDF5 (tested with version >= 1.8).
    • Eigen (tested with version >= 3.3.4).
    • spdlog (tested with version >= 1.3.1)

Build and install

Option 1: Copy the headers

Copy the files under h5pp/source/include and add #include<h5pp/h5pp.h>. Make sure to compile with -std=c++17 -lstdc++fs and link the dependencies hdf5, Eigen3 and spdlog. The actual linking is a non-trivial step, see linking below.

Option 2: Build and install with CMake

Build the library just as any CMake project. For instance, from the project's root in command-line:

    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<install-dir> ../
    make install

Headers will be installed under <install-dir>/include and config files under <install-dir>/share/h5pp/cmake. These config files allow you to usefind_package(h5pp) in your own projects, which in turn defines the target h5pp::h5pp with everything you need to link h5pp correctly (including dependencies, if you so choose). If not set, CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX defaults to ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/install, where ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} is the directory you are building from.

Opt-in automatic dependency installation

The CMake flag DOWNLOAD_METHOD controls the automated behavior for finding or installing dependencies. It can take one of three valid strings:

  • none (default) all handling of dependencies is disabled and linking is left to the user.
  • find-only only attempt to find dependencies already installed (no downloads).
  • conan to install dependencies using the conan package manager. This method is guided by conanfile.txt found in this project's root directory. This method requires conan to be installed prior (for instance through pip, conda, apt, etc). To let CMake find conan you have three options:
    • Add conan install (or bin) directory to the environment variable PATH.
    • Export conan install (or bin) directory in the environment variable CONAN_PREFIX, i.e. from command line: export CONAN_PREFIX=<path-to-conan>
    • Give the variable CONAN_PREFIX directly to CMake, i.e. from command line: cmake -DCONAN_PREFIX:PATH=<path-to-conan> ...
  • native to find dependencies pre-installed somewhere on your system using find_package. If finding fails, dependencies are downloaded and built from source during CMake configure, and installed under CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX. There are several variables you can pass to CMake to guide find_package calls, see build options. By default it searches standard system install directories as well as typical anaconda3 or miniconda directories.

CMake build options

The cmake step above takes several options, cmake [-DOPTIONS=var] ../ :

  • -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=<install-dir> to specify install directory (default: ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/install).
  • -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS:BOOL=<ON/OFF> to link dependencies with static or shared libraries (default: OFF)
  • -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release/Debug to specify build type of tests and examples (default: Release)
  • -DENABLE_TESTS:BOOL=<ON/OFF> to run ctests after build (recommended!) (default: OFF).
  • -DBUILD_EXAMPLES:BOOL=<ON/OFF> to build example programs (default: OFF)
  • -DDOWNLOAD_METHOD=<none/conan/native> to select download method. (default: none).
  • -DH5PP_PRINT_INFO:BOOL=<ON/OFF> to print extra CMake info about the host and generated targets during configure (default: OFF).
  • -DAPPEND_LIBSUFFIX:BOOL=<ON/OFF> Append a directory with the library name to install directory, i.e. CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX/<libname>/. This is useful when you want to install h5pp, hdf5, Eigen3 and spdlog in separate folders (default: OFF).
  • -DPREFER_CONDA_LIBS:BOOL=<ON/OFF> to prioritize finding dependencies hdf5, Eigen3 and spdlog installed through conda (default: OFF). Note that this has no effect when DOWNLOAD_METHOD=conan.

The following variables can be set to help guide CMake's find_package to your pre-installed software (no defaults):

  • -DEigen3_DIR:PATH=<path to Eigen3Config.cmake>
  • -DEigen3_ROOT_DIR:PATH=<path to Eigen3 install-dir>
  • -DEIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR:PATH=<path to Eigen3 include-dir>
  • -Dspdlog_DIR:PATH=<path to spdlogConfig.cmake>
  • -DHDF5_DIR:PATH=<path to HDF5Config.cmake>
  • -DHDF5_ROOT:PATH=<path to HDF5 install-dir>


Link using CMake targets (easy)

h5pp is easily imported into your project using CMake's find_package. Just point it to the h5pp install directory. When found, targets are made available to compile and link to dependencies correctly. A minimal CMakeLists.txt to use h5pp would look like:

    cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)
    add_executable(myExecutable main.cpp)
    find_package(h5pp PATHS <path-to-h5pp-install-dir> REQUIRED) # If h5pp is installed through conda the path may be $ENV{CONDA_PREFIX}
    target_link_libraries(myExecutable PRIVATE h5pp::h5pp)

Targets explained

  • h5pp::h5pp is the main target including "everything" and should normally be the only target that you need -- headers,flags and (if enabled) the found/downloaded dependencies.
  • h5pp::headers links the h5pp headers only.
  • h5pp::deps has targets to link all the dependencies that were found/downloaded when h5pp was built. If you used DOWNLOAD_METHOD=native these targets are Eigen3::Eigen, spdlog::spdlog and hdf5::hdf5, which can of course be used independently. If you used DOWNLOAD_METHOD=conan these targets are CONAN_PKG::Eigen3, CONAN_PKG::spdlog and CONAN_PKG::HDF5. If you used DOWNLOAD_METHOD=none this target is empty.
  • h5pp::flags sets compile and linker flags to enable C++17 and std::filesystem library, i.e. -std=c++17 and -lstdc++fs.

Link manually (not as easy)

From the command-line you can of course link using linker flags such as -std=c++17 -lstdc++fs -leigen3 -lspdlog -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5 provided these flags make sense on your system. You could also use CMake's find_package(...) mechanism. A minimal CMakeLists.txt could be:

    cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)
    add_executable(myExecutable main.cpp)
    target_include_directories(myExecutable PRIVATE <path-to-h5pp-headers>)
    # Setup h5pp
    target_compile_options(myExecutable PRIVATE cxx_std_17 )
    target_link_libraries(myExecutable PRIVATE  stdc++fs)
    # Possibly use find_package() here

    # Link dependencies (this is the tricky part)
    target_include_directories(myExecutable PRIVATE <path-to-Eigen3-include-dir>) 
    target_include_directories(myExecutable PRIVATE <path-to-spdlog-include-dir>) 
    target_include_directories(myExecutable PRIVATE <path-to-hdf5-include-dir>) 
    # Link dependencies (this is the difficult part). Note that you only need the C libs for HDF5.
    target_link_libraries(myExecutable PRIVATE hdf5_hl hdf5 rt dl m z pthread) # Possibly more libs, such as aec.

The difficult part is linking to HDF5 libraries and its dependencies. When installing h5pp this is handled with a helper function defined in cmake/FindPackageHDF5.cmake which finds HDF5 installed somewhere on your system (e.g. installed via conda,apt, Easybuild,etc) and defines a CMake target hdf5::hdf5 with everything you need to link correctly. You can use it too! If you copy cmake/FindPackageHDF5.cmake to your project, find HDF5 by including it and use the function:

    if(TARGET hdf5::hdf5)
            target_link_libraries(myExecutable PRIVATE hdf5::hdf5)


A C++17 wrapper for HDF5







No packages published


  • C++ 66.1%
  • CMake 33.3%
  • Other 0.6%