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Rainy Cloud

Rainy Cloud is a worker node for Acquamaps on the cloud.

Currently it implements only the implementation of the distributed HSPEC calculation.


In order to build the project you need Simply-Build-Tool (SBT):

Here is a quick guide to install the sbt launcher.

$ cd ~/bin
$ wget
$ wget
$ echo 'java -Xmx512M -jar `dirname $0`/sbt-launch.jar "$@"' >sbt
$ chmod u+x sbt

Then in order to build it, simply run:

$ sbt update   # updates jar dependencies 
$ sbt assembly # builds and creates the jar and self-contained uberjar


You can run it quickly locally:

sbt run

Or you can run the self-contained jar:

java -jar ./target/scala_2.8.1/rainycloud_2.8.1-assembly-1.0.jar


There is a configuration file in rainycloud.conf, it contains paths to the partitions, list of modules to be activated etc.

Run jar with --help to get info about command line switches.

For example you can enable the COMPSs module manually either by adding COMPSs do the modules in the config file or via commandline:

java -jar ./target/scala_2.8.1/rainycloud_2.8.1-assembly-1.0.jar -m COMPSs


You can find docs generated with docco here


  • It takes too long, how can I reduce the input data so that I can test it faster ?

The data is in data/hcaf.csv.gz and data/hspen.csv.gz. You can consider to create a hcaf.csv.gz files containing only a few hundred lines. But if you do it manually you should also update the partition map file in octo/client/ranges.

So you can use the provided data/hcaf-small.csv.gz (copy it over the hcaf.csv.gz file)

The other way is to reduce the number of partitions:

java -jar ./target/scala_2.8.1/rainycloud_2.8.1-assembly-1.0.jar -r octo/client/rangesSmall
  • how can I run one instance of the "worker", computing only one partition

    java -jar ./target/scala_2.8.1/rainycloud_2.8.1-assembly-1.0.jar -e "100 1000" --hcaf data/hcaf.csv.gz --hspen data/hspen.csv.gz --hspec /tmp/out.gz