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opiates package: automated QA for an LC/MS opaites assay

This project provides a program with a command-line interface for processing XML-formatted output from a Waters LC/MS instrument. Configuration of the Waters instrument is documented elsewhere.

Our manuscript published in Clinica Chemica Acta describes the motivation for and implementation of this software in the clinical laboratory:

Dickerson JA, Schmeling M, Hoofnagle AN, and Hoffman NG. Design and implementation of software for automated quality control and data analysis for a complex LC/MS/MS assay for urine opiates and metabolites. Clin Chim Acta. 2012 Nov 15. PubMed: 23159299 (doi).

Access to the article requires a personal or institutional subscription to the journal. Sorry about that. If you don't have access and would like a copy of the paper, please contact me and I'll be glad to send you one.

  • Python 2.7.x
  • A UNIX-like operating system (Linux, OS X). Not tested on Windows.

Clone the project from the git repository:

cd ~/src
git clone git@url-to-repo/opiates.git
cd opiates

Now installation can be performed using the familiar mechanism provided by distutils (which has no dependencies outside the Python standard library):

sudo python install

or using pip (which must be installed separately):

sudo pip install .

Subsequent (re)installation with pip should be performed using the -U option:

sudo pip install -U .

This project contains the following subdirectories:

opiates % tree -d
|-- dev
|-- doc
|-- opiate
|   |-- data
|   |-- scripts
|   `-- subcommands
|-- testfiles
`-- tests

with contents as follows:

  • dev - development tools not essential for the primary
    functionality of the softwarwe.
  • doc - files related to project documentation.
  • opiate - the Python package implementing most of the project
    functionality. This subdirectory is installed to the system.
  • testfiles - files and data used for testing.
  • tests - subpackage implementing unit tests.

We use abbrevited git sha hashes to identify the software version:

% ./smack --version

The version information is saved in opiate/data when is run (on installation, or even by executing python -h). By default the version number appears in the name of the output file.

The smack script provides the user interface, and uses standard UNIX command line syntax. Note that for development, it is convenient to run smack from within the project directory by specifying the relative path to the script:

% ./smack

Commands are constructed as follows. Every command starts with the name of the script, followed by an "action" followed by a series of required or optional "arguments". The name of the script, the action, and options and their arguments are entered on the command line separated by spaces. Help text is available for both the smack script and individual actions using the -h or --help options:

% smack -h
usage: smack [-h] [-V] [-v] [-q]
             {info,help,results,qa,export,ion_ratios,config} ...

Command line tool for opaites analysis.

positional arguments:
    help                Detailed help for actions using `help <action>`
    config              Show predefined QA values and other configuration
    export              Extract contents of an XML file into another format.
    info                Describe an XML file.
    ion_ratios          Calculate average Ion Ratios for each compound.
    qa                  Perform QA calculations.
    results             Show concentration of each compound.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -V, --version         Print the version number and exit
  -v, --verbose         Increase verbosity of screen output (eg, -v is
                        verbose, -vv more so)
  -q, --quiet           Suppress output

Help text for an individual action is available by including the name of the action:

% smack results -h
usage: smack results [-h] [-o FILE] [-d DIRECTORY] [-n] [-s {word,firstsix}]

Show concentration of each compound.

positional arguments:
  infile                Input xml or json file containing experimental data.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o FILE, --outfile FILE
                        Output file in csv format. If this argument is not
                        provided, the output file name will be generated from
                        the input file name plus the version number. Use '-o
                        -' or '--outfile=-' to print to the screen.
                        Optional output directory. Writes to same directory as
                        infile by default.
  -n, --no-calculate-ion-ratio-avg
                        By default, ion ratio averages are calculated from the
                        standards; providing this option causes QA to be
                        performed using 'ion_ratio_avg' from the qa
                        configuration file.
  -s {word,firstsix}, --split-desc {word,firstsix}
                        Method used to process the specimen description: word,
                        use the first whitespace-delimited word; firstsix, use
                        first six characters [default "word"].

Here is an example of using the results subcommand combined with csvlook (available as part of the csvkit package:

% ./smack results testfiles/oct24.json -o- | csvlook
% ls
% csvlook oct24.0128.9790c13.results.csv
|  label         | 1-UMORPH  | 2-UOXYM   | 3-UHMOR   | 4-UCOD    | 5-UOXCD   | 6-UHCOD   | 7-UMOR6   |
|  Accession02 c | 161.26    |           | 3.76      |           |           | 0.64      |           |
|  Accession03 c | 586.25    |           | 65.63     | 2.47      |           | 1684.36   |           |
|  Accession04 c | 402.22    | 11.35     | 5.10      | 15.45     | 896.07    |           |           |
|  Accession05 c |           |           | 10.34     |           |           | 445.90    |           |
|  Accession06 c |           |           | 13.76     | 0.60      |           | 110.65    |           |
|  Accession07 c |           |           | 16.98     | 1.88      |           | 1008.58   |           |
|  label         | 8-UFENTM  | 9-UMPERM  | 10-UMPER  | 11-UFENT  | 12-UBUPR  | 13-UPPOX  | 14-UMETH  |
|  Accession02 c |           |           |           |           |           | 0.08      | 0.89      |
|  Accession03 c |           |           |           |           |           | 0.05      | 1.08      |
|  Accession04 c |           |           |           |           |           | 0.05      | 0.35      |
|  Accession05 c |           |           |           |           |           | 1.60      | 8786.45   |
|  Accession06 c |           |           |           |           |           |           | 17.88     |
|  Accession07 c |           |           |           |           |           |           | 6.73      |
|  label         | 15-UMOR3G | 16-UMOR6G | 17-UHMORG | 18-UOXYMG | 19-UCOD6G | 20-UNBUPG  |
|  Accession02 c | POS       | POS       | POS       |           |           |            |
|  Accession03 c | POS       | POS       | POS       | POS       | FAIL      |            |
|  Accession04 c | POS       | POS       | POS       | POS       |           |            |
|  Accession05 c |           |           | POS       |           | FAIL      |            |
|  Accession06 c |           |           | POS       |           | FAIL      |            |
|  Accession07 c |           |           | POS       |           | FAIL      |            |

Unit tests are implemented using the unittest module in the Python standard library. The tests subdirectory is itself a Python package that imports the local version (ie, the version in the project directory, not the version installed to the system) of the opiate package. All unit tests can be run like this:

opiates % ./testall
Ran 51 tests in 4.224s


A single unit test can be run by referring to a specific module, class, or method within the tests package using dot notation:

opiates % ./testone tests.test_calculations.TestMeanIonRatios
Ran 1 test in 0.004s


Configuration files are located in opiate/data, and as package data, are installed to the system along with the rest of the package. The program reads data from the .csv files, but the corresponding .xlsx files are expected to contain the same data. The latter files provide a mechanism for updating the former. To make a change to the configuration files, edit the Excel version, then save to csv. Copies of both versions should then be committed to version control, and the change should be described in the commit comment. In this way, changes in configuration state result in a version change.

  • qa.csv - defines compound-specific parameters (for example, the analytic measurement range [AMR]) for performing QA calculations.
  • matrix.csv - specifies the calculations that will be performed on each control or sample prep for each compound. Each cell should contain a listing of control specimens (integers corresponding to opiate.CONTROL_NAMES) or sample preparations (letters a-d corresponding to opiate.SAMPLE_PREP_LABELS).

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

The GLPv3 license is reproduced in LICENSE.txt

Copyright (C) 2012 Noah. G Hoffman


Automated QA for a clinical LC/MS urine opaites assay







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