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Amazon Fabric Package Introduction

AFP is a fabric package to install, deploy and manage django applications on amazon cloud


Clone the repository, Rename afp folder to fabfile and Install project requirements :

1-git clone
2-mv afp fabfile
3-pip install -r requirements.txt


1-Put your AWS Secret Access and Key in
2-Put your amazon ssh private key, github private and public keys inside settings/ssh folder
3-Edit conf/conf.ini with your credentials

Note that your remote git repository must contain 3 branches, development, staging and production

Available commands type fab --list to show available fabric commands

production                      Set production environment
staging                         Set staging environment
ec2                             list all instances running on amazon cloud
ec2.create                      This creates a new instance in amazon cloud
ec2.deploy                      merge and deploy new changes from production
ec2.destroy                     distory an instance running on cloud
ec2.get_instance                list all instances running on amazon cloud
lb                              list load balancers
lb.deregister_instance_from_lb  delete instance from load balancer
lb.list                         list load balancers
lb.register_instance_in_lb      set load balancer, assigns an instance to a given load balancer
rds                             List All Relational Data Service
s3                              List All Buckets
s3.create_bucket                Create a bucket
s3.delete_bucket                Delete a bucket
s3.get_bucket                   Get bucket details
s3.list_buckets                 List All Buckets
service.log                     Show logs of nginx/celery/celerybeat/gunicorn
service.restart                 This restarts services on instance (nginx/gunicorn/celery)


* Mo Mughrabi - Lead developer
* Ahmed Elhamidi - Django Developer