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#Pokernet The pokernet game requires python and node.js function. The server end uses the django framework for the general application and a node.js instance running to handle games and logic. Several dependencies are also required on the server, including django for python and several libraries for node.js



Python can be downloaded and installed to your system from


Django may be installed on the server by using

git clone git:// django-trunk

and then

sudo pip install -e django-trunk/

Django Application Dependencies

We require the Pillow module, to install:

pip install Pillow


Node.js can be downloaded and installed to your system from

Node.js Applications

Pokernet uses several node.js applications including express, handranker, and to instal them, use npm:

npm -g install express handranker

then cd to the /sockets/ directory and run

npm link express handranker

liteSQL Database

pokernet currently utilizes the liteSQL database, to create, navigate to the application directory and run:

python syncdb


To run both server and client locally during development, a script is provided that will run both the node.js and django dev server. To use, simply cd into the project directory and run:



Various deployment strategies exist, however, note that the current version should not be used on a production server as many security features have not been implemented.

Port and Address Configuration

There are several steps required to ensure that the server/client will communicate.

On line 4 of /sockets/server.js, edit:

, server = app.listen(8081)

On line 23 of /static/js/game.js

var socket = io.connect('');

and on line 157 of /tables/templates/game.html:

<script src=""></script>

Localhost should be replaced with the server address. Any open port can be utilized

Django with WSGI

Information on deploying the Django application on your server with WSGI can be found at

You may need to setup your apache Virtual Host file similarly:

DocumentRoot /var/www/

ServerName Poker

WSGIScriptAlias / /var/djangoProjects/pokernet/pokernet/

Alias /static /var/djangoProjects/pokernet/static/

<Directory "/var/www/">

allow from all

Options +Indexes

Order deny,allow

Allow from all


Not much has to be done to deploy the node.js server. You may simply run:

forever node sockets/server.js