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This repository has been archived by the owner on Apr 11, 2019. It is now read-only.


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⚠ This repository is archived 🗄 is now served as a static website. Look for it in the repo for PyCon CZ 2019 (or further years).

PyConCZ 2016

PyCon CZ is coming back to Brno for it's second edition on 28-30th October 2016.


PyCon CZ website is using Python 3.5/Django for the backend, NodeJS/webpack for bundling frontend assets and Postgresql as a database.

Setup dev environment


Inside pyconcz_2016 directory, run following commands to setup project for local development:

  1. Prepare postgresql database: user pyconcz, password empty, database pyconcz

    E.g. on Mac:

    $ createuser --pwprompt pyconcz
    $ createdb -Opyconcz -Eutf8 pyconcz
  2. python3 -m venv env

  3. pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

  4. ./ migrate

  5. ./ runserver

  6. Open http://localhost:8000

If and only if you also want to work with styles and javascript, you need to have node.js. Inside root directory (the same directory where is) run following commands:

  1. Add following line to your /etc/hosts file:
  2. npm install
  3. npm start

Now open and you should have development version of website with webpack hot reloading enabled.


You only need this when you changed styles. Webpack creates static files with unique filenames (appending file hash). After each production build, you have to commit new files. Don't care about the old ones at the moment.

  1. npm run build (or docker-compose run webpack npm run build when using docker)
  2. git add pyconcz_2016/static_build


This work is licensed under a MIT